
New Calendar Code, Updates

Posted November 4, 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Development.

The legacy calendar code we had was a little messy so over the past day or so I recoded it from scratch, making it easier to understand and cleaner. The XHTML of the calendar itself is semantically richer table markup, inspired in part by Dunstan Orchard and with some guidance from Joe Clark. You now also call the calendar as a template tag an not an include. The CSS for the calendar has been revamped as well in the default template, which you can see in action on the test blog.

In other news the new permalink structure is being implemented throughout the code, which is actually cleaning up a lot of things by moving redundant code into the new functions. There have also been several bugfixes related to that code. Discussion has renewed on implementing Smarty templates, and the best way to go about that. Finally we’ve gotten some great usability input from Matthew Thomas which will most certainly make its way into the next release’s administration interface.

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  1. Good Job Guys!

    Comment from GaMerZ on November 4, 2003

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