
Happy Holidays

Posted December 25, 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under General.

I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season, and merry Christmas to those who are celebrating it today. I would love to write more about all the bugs that have been fixed, and the features added in the last couple of days, but I just got back from a family Christmas eve party and I’m pooped. There are still a few outstanding items I’d like to get to before releasing 1.0 on the 1st of 2004 and I’m very much looking forward to working on those in the next few days.

Thank you to all the developers, everyone who is helpful on the forums, the new people working on the documentation, everyone in the IRC channel, those who evangilize and promote WordPress, and finally my family and friends for putting up with me while I spend so much time on this. 🙂

Thank you all.

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