easy pdf restaurant menu upload


You can upload two different menus as pdf: one for the general menu and one for the lunch menu.
The links to the menu files can be easily embedded with shortcodes, see installation area.

You can upload you menus under Settings > Easy PDF Menu.

Imagens de tela

  • The admin area


Just install this plugin and go to Settings > Easy PDF Menu to upload the menu files.


You can refer to this menus everywhere in wordpress with the following shortcodes:
For Lunch: [nsc_eprm_menu_link restaurant_menu_type=”lunch” linktext=”Lunch menu”]
For general menu: [nsc_eprm_menu_link restaurant_menu_type=”general” linktext=”General Menu”]

Both will return a hmtl link ready for usage.

New user role

This Plugin also adds a new role: Manage Restaurant Menu. User with this role can only upload files in the mediathek and upload the restaurant menu.

Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“easy pdf restaurant menu upload” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.

Registro de alterações


  • shows the uploaded filename of the current menu which is live.
  • clean up of settings area
  • bug fix


  • xss fixes


  • minor bug fixes


  • made shortcodes more clear in admin.


  • first Version