The Plugin Directory offers free hosting to anyone who wishes to develop a plugin. All plugins hosted here have access to:

  • Monitor statistics (see also the Plugin API)
  • Receive feedback and reviews from users
  • Provide support via a free forum
Tip: Make sure you review the Developer FAQ!

If you require assistance with your hosting on, you can contact the plugin team via Slack in #pluginreview.

Requirements Requirements

A brief overview:

  • Plugins must be compatible with the GNU General Public License v2 or later. If a license is not specified, code will be considered “GPLv2 or later.”
  • The provided Subversion repository must be used for functional WordPress plugins only.
  • Links such as a “powered by” link, or advertising, or external service calls are prohibited unless it is clearly documented and explicit user permission is granted.
  • The plugin and developer must not do anything illegal, dishonest, or morally offensive. This includes spamming or harassment.

Alert: All plugins and developers must comply with our Detailed Plugin Guidelines.

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How to … How to …

If you’re just getting started, it helps to know how to submit your plugin, use SVN, and so on.