Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, Gutenberg

  • Auto-updated to version 5.8 of WordPress and Gutenberg killed my site.

    An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 12 of the file /home/xxxxx/ Error message: Cannot declare class WP_Block_Template, because the name is already in use.

    Not a fan of this happening. Not a big fan of Gutenberg anyway, it’s a little too fascistic for my tastes. Now I’ve removed the plug-in from the file system to bring my site back online. Doubt I’ll reinstall it. Massive FAIL.

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  • Plugin Author Matias Ventura


    Sorry about that. The plugin is there to beta test upcoming new features, and if you are running the latest there should be no conflict with WP core.

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