
2020, 1917 style

If you haven’t seen 1917 yet you should go see it before watching this parody set in 2020. It’s so good, but only makes sense if you saw the original movie.

“Donald Trump got impeached?”



“And everyone forgot already?”


RIP Niall Tóibín

Another giant of Irish entertainment and theatre has passed away. Niall Tóibín died today at the age of 89, only a week shy of his 90th birthday party.

Thanks Damien for the longer video and for linking to this article on the Examiner website.

Humour Youtube

Did Somebody Mention Cork?

Regional accent discrimination? Foil Arms & Hog show are spot on with their accents!



Yes, yes, another C64 demo. This is Scrollwars, released in 2013. How, just how?


An Intro to 6502 Assembler

In the bad old days of the 80s and 90s computers weren’t as fast as they are now. You had to fill ’em up with leaded fuel and they were noisy and hot and you had to keep the windows open to let the fumes out.

Well, maybe not. They weren’t as fast as the handheld machines in our pockets now but I’ll bet that a larger percentage of users back then at least tried to code something. People had to because it wasn’t always easy to get games. You had to go down the shops and get out of the house to buy any new software! You had to open the manual to find out how to load anything!

So it was that I figured out that I’d rather be coding than playing games, and with the purchase of a book on assembly (that has sadly gone missing in the last year) I got busy and created a bunch of demos on the C64.

I wish I’d had this video to watch when I was starting out! If you’ve done any sort of assembly programming it won’t be anything new but it’s presented in an easy to understand manner and is worth watching if you’re at all curious about how computers work because a lot of the terminology is going to apply to other systems too.

I’m really looking forward to seeing the rest of this series. I want to get back to doing some assembly programming. There’s plenty of documentation out there but it’s a matter of finding the time and energy to do it.


Prodigy in Wonderland XIII

The death yesterday of Keith Flint left many shocked and reaching for their CD collections but I remembered that one of their songs was featured in a Commodore 64 demo.

Censor Design sampled Prodigy’s “Smack my Bitch Up” and used it as the sound track to the final part of their excellent demo Wonderland XIII. Click play on the video above to see it in action. It’s really amazing!

It’s worth watching the whole video but if the embedded version above doesn’t load at 7:33 then load it from here instead or here’s another video of the music played back by two SID chips which IMO sounds even better!

For those at the back who don’t know, the C64 was released in the early 80s but developers made it work magic and do things thought impossible, such as in this case playing sampled sound!

Edit (2019-03-22): Here’s a version of Voodoo People from Bad Boy by Samar Productions. Amazing what the SID can do!


Bo-Meme-Ean Rhapsody (Queen Fan Video)

OK, this is just wonderful. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen in memes. Article 13 would have a field day. I don’t expect this video to stay up for very long so watch it as soon as you can!


Magic for animal shelter dogs

To help dogs find their forever home an animal shelter performed magic, literally!

I love how the dogs react. 🙂


Bohemian Rhapsody on FLOPPOTRON

Is this a hard drive?
Is this just floppy disk?
Caught in a page fault
No ESC from reality
Open your files
Look up to the skies and C:\……..

Sometimes it’s worth reading the comments on YouTube. This one from Yuan Edo.


People really love the new MacGyver

Check out the reviews on!

Well, ok. They don’t, but never mind that. Watch a few clips from the original MacGyver series! There are plenty on Youtube.

The real MacGyver