A Buddhist Guide to Life (and WordPress) – My first dharma talk

Here’s an updated YouTube version of  A Buddhist Guide to WordPress Development! Including a new introduction that explains why I hope this talk will be useful to anyone, not just those interested in WordPress.

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Video: GARBAGE BAG BUDDHA: A Birthday Message

It’s my birthday and I’ll make saccharine Buddhist videos if I want to 👌🏻

May contain: My thoughts on the year that passed and what I’ve learned, unsubtle metaphors, Michoacano handicrafts, accepting and letting go, mind-bending earnestness.

Find more Buddhist and Refuge Recovery videos on my YouTube channel, like the Guided Breathing Meditation, and Oral History of the Refuge Recovery Book.
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Refuge Recovery Breathing Meditation (guided meditation video)

This is a 20 minute, guided mindfulness of breathing meditation. By watching our breath, we can cultivate concentration and a sense of peace that will help us get through the hard moments in life. The script for this meditation comes from the Refuge Recovery program.

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Refuge Recovery Lovingkindness Meditation (guided meditation video)

This is a 23 minute, guided “metta” (lovingkindness) meditation. In lovingkindness practice we cultivate a sense of friendliness, compassion and acceptance by mindfully wishing ourselves and others well. The script for this meditation comes from the Refuge Recovery program.

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Refuge Recovery Forgiveness Meditation (guided meditation video)

This is a 23 minute, guided meditation that encourages you to ask for forgiveness, forgive others and finally to forgive yourself, with a brief introduction. The meditation is derived from the Refuge Recovery tradition with modifications.

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Refuge Recovery: An oral history of the book with Gary Sanders

Gary Sanders, one of the original founders of the Refuge Recovery program, sits down with me to discuss how the Refuge Recovery book was written collectively based on the meetings that were already happening in LA.

We discuss the program itself, the early days when the program was being developed by a group at Against the Stream LA, the process of collectively assembling the book and much more!

TL:DR; The book was not written by just one person, it was assembled by a group based on the the group experience of running years worth of Buddhist Recovery meetings. Whether we consider Noah our teacher or not, the RR book is a necessary and invaluable resource for our meetings and our lives.

Read on below to find links to everything mentioned in the video and a full transcription with timecodes!

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b57-ea07b - photo by jeremy clarke

For christmas last year Mira was nice enough to adopt a chimp for me, sponsoring the Fauna Sanctuary in Chambly Quebec, where a ton of chimps, other primates and various other animals are taken care of after their utility in science or as pets ends. We went to visit the sanctuary and were lucky enough to meet some of the rescued monkeys up close. The tests that were performed on the animals leave them pretty shaken up pretty much all the time, I feel like this image captures that a bit. I also put up a video of the same monkey on YouTube.

Popping Hummer Cherry

I just couldn’t help myself after finding IHumpedYourHummer.com on BoingBoing yesterday. Losers driving tanks on cramped city streets be warned! Your honor is mine!

(Really though, Hummers make my brain hurt. There shouldn’t even be cars in the city, let alone military vehicles who’s only purpose is to cart around assholes.)

I made a movie about christmas

It’s very short, maybe you feel like watching it.

a movie I made about christmas

Click the image above to download/watch a .mov (requires some new version of Quicktime). To watch the QuickTime file inside the page click “(more…)” below. You can also download a DivX .avi here.(It might need some DivX sofware, though you should probably just download VLC and use it all the time anyway, it works with everything)

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