

  • Member Since: October 29th, 2014
  • Location: Spain
  • Website: javierrguez.com
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Error in weekly and annual statistics graphs, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    The weekly and monthly statistics graph does not displ…

    7 months ago

  • Posted a reply to Muy bueno, pero no me funciona con WordPress 5.2.1, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I will wait for the new version. The plugin does not show me any apparent…

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, Muy bueno, pero no me funciona con WordPress 5.2.1, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Es mi plugin favorito para comprobar la compatibilidad…

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, Update please!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Please, an update so that it does not become obsolete …

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Exlude Post = Empty Page, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I've tried it with a clean wordpress installation and I keep getting the blank page.

    3 years ago

  • Created a topic, Remove the ad at the bottom of the projects pages, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    How can I hide ads on project pages? Thank you.

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Exlude Post = Empty Page, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    In the creation of the ticket ask for the license, and I am using the…

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Exlude Post = Empty Page, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I have the same problem too. Why is the ticket resolved if the solution is…

    3 years ago

  • Created a topic, Muy simple de utilizar ;), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Es un plugin de lo más sencillo de utilizar. Se insta…

    3 years ago

  • Created a topic, No cambia la etiqueta en los post, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    El plugin funciona muy bien pero para imágenes que no…

    3 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Timeout error posting to Facebook, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    It happens to me too

    4 years ago

  • Created a topic, No work at wordpress 4.8, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    The plugin does not work and it does not seem that it …

    4 years ago

  • Created a topic, Casi perfecto por…, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Es casi perfecto por falta de poder almacenar también…

    4 years ago

  • Created a topic, Works con WordPress 4.7.3, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    A mi de momento me sigue funcionando con la última ve…

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Error WC_Cart->tax, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I got it fixed. I have documented it in my blog. http://www.javierrguez.com/wc-cart-tax-obsoleto-use-wc-tax-directly/

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Error WC_Cart->tax, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    If I disable the plugin it works everything correctly.

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, Error WC_Cart->tax, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Get the following error. Apparently because a function…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to No import products, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Thank you very much for the clarification. A greeting.

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to No import products, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi. Is that button do not delete anything from the rest of the web? I…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Import from 4 prestashop sites to 1 worpdpress site, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi. Is that button do not delete anything from the rest of the web? I…

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, No import products, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi. A couple of updates or three ago I worked properl…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Sitemaps empty, on the site Support:
    Okay. Thank you very much for everything. I already no…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Sitemaps empty, on the site Support:
    When I visit a post in another language itself is adde…

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, Sitemaps empty, on the site Support:
    Good morning. I wanted to ask about sitemaps. I see on…

    5 years ago
