Deze plugin is niet getest met de laatste 3 grotere versies van WordPress. Mogelijk wordt het niet meer onderhouden of ondersteund. Ook kunnen er compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan wanneer het wordt gebruikt met recentere versies van WordPress.

Voeg toe vanaf de server


This plugin offers limited support. Please do not expect new features or too many bugfixes. Features may be removed at any time.

Add From Server is designed to help ease the pain of bad web hosts, allowing you to upload files via FTP or SSH and later import them into WordPress.

This plugin is NOT designed to..
* Be used as a replacement for the file uploader
* Be used for migration of websites
* Re-import your files after moving webhosting
* Batch import media

This plugins IS designed to..
* Import files which are larger than your hosting allows to be uploaded.
* Import files which are too large for your internet connections upload speed.

WordPress does a better job of file uploads than this plugin, so please consider your needs before you use it.

You may also want to look at using WP-CLI for media import purposes:


How can I import files from other folders?

In 3.4, the plugin changed to limit the directories you can import files from.
If you wish to import files from other folders, you need to add the ADD_FROM_SERVER constant to your wp-config.php file.
For example:
define( ‘ADD_FROM_SERVER’, ‘/www/’ );

Why does the file I want to import have a red background?

WordPress only allows the importing/uploading of certain file types to improve your security.
If you wish to add extra file types, you can use a plugin such as: You can also enable “Unfiltered uploads” globally for WordPress if you’d like to override this security function. Please see the WordPress support forum for details.

Where are the files saved?

If you import a file which is outside your standard upload directory (usually wp-content/uploads/) then it will be copied to your current upload directory setting as normal.
If you however import a file which is already within the uploads directory (for example, wp-content/uploads/2011/02/ then the file will not be copied, and will be used as-is.

Ik heb een bugrapport

You can report bugs on GitHub and get support in the Support Forums.


17 juni 2021
Strangely, the plugin doesn't work on localhost. I cannot load files into the media library that were previously stored in a local folder of the corresponding WP installation...
4 juni 2021
So I had to clone my site. Somehow none of the images stored in /wp-content/uploads/201X/## made it. I had lots of blog entries and pages with linked content. I did have a solid copy of the site on my local computer. I used FileZilla FTP to copy the original content back into /wp-content/uploads/... Everything looked good, but it just didn't work. Links would not work. I picked up this plugin to hopefully put everything back together. Odd thing was, the plugin couldn't see the original stuff either. Of the 40 folders I had within /wp-content/uploads/(year)/(Month) there was only one folder visible in the plugin... and that was the current year/month. With that I realized I may have the wrong file attributes set within the server. The current year month had file attributes "755" everything else had "744". Oops. FTP tool, Change file attributes, Numeric value 755, yes on Recurse into subdirectories, and TaaaaDaaa Success! My naming structure is intact, so I don't have to update any blog entries or page content So apparently I didn't actually need this plugin, but without it I wouldn't have been able to see what was causing the troubles. Many thanks to the support team for this plugin.
27 maart 2021
This great plugin has helped me many times over the years to quickly add missing images to the media library after server migration. Each time I use it, it does a perfect job of restoring missing images! Thank you for this essential plugin!
3 maart 2021
I use this plugin to have a custom location for my digital downloads on my server for WooCommerce. So instead of manually adding the URL location, I just use this to port it into WordPress and then search the media for the digital download to make my product page. Saves time. So I go to my Cpanel, to my custom file location for WooCommerce, upload new digital download, Make or edit product page, click media, use this plugin to find the file and import it to media. Now add it to product data "add File". Super helpful, a better way to keep track of the downloads instead of WordPress date folder structure system 🙂
Lees alle 227 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Voeg toe vanaf de server” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Voeg toe vanaf de server” is vertaald in 18 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

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  • Fix a fatal error when WordPress or PHP requirements are not met.


  • Simplify the date handling


  • Betere afhandeling voor / als het rootpad
  • Betere compatibiliteit met bepaalde WordPress docker-afbeeldingen
  • Betere afhandeling van enkele lege mappen


  • Restore case insensitive alphabetical sorting


  • Plugin vereist nu WordPress 5.4+


  • The plugin now requires WordPress 5.1+ and PHP 7.0+. No reason other than why not.
  • Bumps the version to stop the invalid vulnerability warnings.
  • Schoont code op.
  • Removes the User Access Control. Any user with File Upload ability can now use the plugin.
  • Removes the Root Directory Control. The root directory is now assumed. You can use the ADD_FROM_SERVER constant to change it.
  • Verwijdert de Quick Jump functionaliteit.
  • Verwijdert de mogelijkheid om de datum voor geïmporteerde media te kunnen selecteren. Het is altijd vandaag. Of de eerste van de maand als deze is opgeslagen in een gedateerde map.
  • Media Manager integratie verwijderd, omdat deze niet langer wordt weergegeven met de WordPress blok-editor. De klassieke editor wordt niet ondersteund door deze plugin.