Best Image Gallery & Responsive Photo Gallery – FooGallery


WordPress Gallery Plugin

Make gallery management in WordPress great again! With FooGallery you can easily add a stunning photo gallery to your website in minutes.

FooGallery is an easy-to-use image gallery plugin, with stunning gallery layouts and a focus on speed. It is also responsive, retina-ready and supports lazy loading for lightning fast photo galleries.

Live previews are available while creating an image gallery, and also within the Gutenberg block editor with our FooGallery Block.

FooGallery was built to be highly configurable and extendable for developers or freelancers.

That is why we think FooGallery is the best gallery plugin. After using it, we hope you will agree.

Visit the FooGallery WordPress Gallery Plugin Homepage

Major Updates for Google’s Core Web Vitals

A faster gallery now means a more favourable ranking in Google!
FooGallery has been specifically optimized to score better for Google’s Core Web Vitals update in May 2021.
We have focused on the speed of our javascript code, and also improved the visual stability of all gallery layouts.
This has led to dramatically better scores for the 3 key factors including:

  • Largest Contentful Paint – galleries load and appear quicker for your visitors
  • First Input Delay – you can interact with the gallery sooner
  • Cumulative Layout Shift – gallery images shift around a lot less than before!

WordPress Gallery Plugin Features

The following free features make FooGallery the best gallery plugin on the market!

  • 6 Beautiful Image Gallery templates
    • Responsive Image Gallery – demo
    • Image Viewer Gallery – demo
    • Masonry Gallery – demo
    • Simple Portfolio – demo
    • Justified Gallery – demo
    • Single Thumbnail Gallery – demo
  • Easy to customize!
    • Thumbnail size, spacing & alignment
    • Borders : size, rounded corners, drop shadows, inner shadows
    • Loading icons
    • Hover effects : colors, scaling, icons, captions
  • Albums built-in! (just activate the albums extension)
    • Responsive album layout – demo
    • All-in-one Stack album – demo
  • Gutenberg ready (Gallery previews inside the new editor!)
  • Lazy loading
  • Simple dots pagination demo
  • Live previews in admin
  • Retina thumbnail support
  • Gallery Widget
  • Use built-in media library to manage images
  • Drag n Drop reordering of images and galleries
  • Custom CSS for both galleries and albums
  • Copy to clipboard shortcodes
  • Visual shortcodes in rich text editor
  • Gallery picker to insert shortcodes
  • Page usage metabox with one-click gallery page creation
  • NextGen importer tool (albums and galleries and shortcodes)
  • Multisite Support

PRO Gallery Features

  • 3 more beautiful PRO responsive gallery templates:
    • Polaroid gallery template – demo
    • Grid gallery template – demo
    • Slider gallery template – demo
  • Video Support – demo
    • Import video from Youtube, Vimeo and others
    • Self-hosted videos
  • Filtered image gallery using Media Tags or Categories – demo
  • Multi-level filtering for galleries
  • Media tags and media category management for attachments
  • PRO image and media lightbox built in! demo
  • Dynamic Galleries (load images from other sources):
    • Load from a folder on the server
    • Load from a collection from Adobe Lightroom (using WP/LR Sync)
    • Load all attachments with Media Tags
    • Load all attachments with Media Categories
    • Load from a folder in Real Media Library
    • Load images from Instagram
    • Load featured images from a post/page/custom post type
  • 11 beautiful hover effect presets – demo
  • 12 CSS thumbnail filters (Instagram) – demo
  • Numbered pagination – demo
  • “Load More” pagination – demo
  • Infinite scroll image gallery – demo
  • Animated Loaded Effects – demo
  • Bulk Copy Gallery Settings – more info
  • Deeplinking support for pages and filters
  • More on the way!

See More Demos

Test Drive

Take FooGallery for a test drive! Spin up your very own WP instance with FooGallery pre-installed:

Start FooGallery Test Drive!



FooGallery includes a really simple-to-use Gutenberg block to add your existing FooGallery image galleries in seconds. And it includes live previews of the image gallery too!


When you install FooGallery for the first time, the plugin asks you (the website admin) to opt-in so that we can track your usage of the plugin and provide a better service (send you update emails for new version releases and security updates etc). This is optional and not required in order to use the plugin.

From your website point of view, FooGallery never collects or stores any visitor information at all, when someone visits your website.

PHP 8 Compatible

FooGallery has been tried and tested on servers running up to PHP 8

Retina Support

FooGallery is a responsive gallery with built-in support for higher quality thumbnails on retina-enabled displays. No more blurry thumbnails, just crisp thumbnails so that your image galleries look amazing on all devices.

Video Gallery

FooGallery PRO allows you to create a video gallery in seconds! Import from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, TED and Dailymotion, or import a self-hosted video from any online source (eg. S3 bucket).
You can also easily create mixed galleries with both images and videos!

Albums Built In

Albums are built in as an extension. Simply head over to the extensions page and activate the albums extension. A new menu item will appear that allows you to add albums just as easily as galleries.

Built For Developers

FooGallery was designed to be the most developer-friendly image gallery plugin available for WordPress. It was also built on top of a solid extension framework, which means different functionality is separated out into different areas in the codebase. It also means the core plugin is lightweight, but still allowing for the most flexibility.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Fortinet FortiGuard Labs for the security testing conducted on the plugin. FooGallery is a safer plugin thanks to them.

Best WordPress Gallery Plugin

We did the research. FooGallery has the best performance and has the most features out of any free WordPress gallery plugin. Read our blog post about it:

What is the Best WordPress Gallery Plugin?

لقطات الشاشة

  • Gallery Edit Page
  • Visual Shortcodes
  • Gallery Picker
  • Frontend example with default template
  • Album Edit Page


تقدّم هذه الإضافة مكوّن واحد (1).

  • Best Image Gallery & Responsive Photo Gallery - FooGallery


  1. Upload foogallery folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. You will be redirected to the FooGallery Help page to get started with the best gallery plugin

الأسئلة المتكررّة

My galleries are not working. Thumbnails are greyed out and not loading when I scroll down the page.

Lazy loading is not working on your gallery. This could be due to a conflict between our plugin and your theme.
You can test this theory by testing a different theme (if possible).
We can help you get it working, by contacting our support.

I have created a gallery in the backend, but when I look at it on the frontend, it does not show correctly.

Sometimes, there are issues when the theme does not follow WordPress best practices.
In order for FooGallery to function properly, the theme needs to have:
* A call to wp_head(); in the header.php file.
* A call to wp_footer(); in the footer.php file.

One way to check if the theme is the problem, is by switching to one of the built-in WordPress themes, and then see if the gallery loads.

After updating, my galleries no longer work! What should I do?

Do you have any WordPress caching or optimization plugins? If so, then clear/purge your caches.
Do you have any caching setup at your website host? If so, clear/purge those caches.

After installing the plugin, my site is broken! Help!

First thing to do is restore your site to it’s previous working state.
1. Get access to your site via FTP, or SFTP.
2. Navigate to the wp-content/plugins folder.
3. Rename the foogallery folder to foogallery1 in order to deactivate the plugin.
4. At this point, your site should be working again.
5. Please contact our support and provide the following info:
* What version of WordPress you are running.
* What version of PHP you are using.
* What version of FooGallery you installed.
* What error was shown when your site was broken?
* What plugins and theme are you using?

I purchased a PRO license, but the Free version is still running.

Make sure you are running the PRO version. You can check this by visiting the FooGallery -> Account page within the WordPress admin.
If you do not have the PRO version, you can download it by visiting your account page at
If you have the PRO version, then clear any caches on your site or for your host. Also clear CSS Optimiztion Cache from FooGallery Settings.
If it still does not work, then please contact our support to help further.

Why are my thumbnails so blurry?

Have you enabled retina support for your galleries? To enable retina support, edit the gallery and locate the Retina Support metabox.

Can I add videos to my galleries?

Yes, video is supported in FooGallery PRO!

Do I need to install a separate plugin to show a lightbox?

For the Free version of FooGallery – Yes, you will need to install FooBox Image Lightbox.
For the PRO version of FooGallery – No, we have built in a uniquely beautiful lightbox!

How do I get albums working?

Simply go to the FooGallery extensions page and activate the Albums extension. If you do not see a button to activate the albums extension, reload the extensions list by clicking the reload button.

How do I turn off all the PRO Promotions in the admin?

Goto FooGallery Settings -> Advanced Tab and check “Disable PRO Promotions” and then save your settings.

How can you claim that FooGallery is the best WordPress gallery plugin?

We did the research and comparison. See our findings : What is the Best WordPress Gallery Plugin?


1 أبريل، 2021
Forget Envira Forget Nextgen, and I don't say that lightly over the last couple of weeks I've tried alsorts of galleries and plugins I've even been down the php route to find an external gallery. FooGallery is by far the best Google best WordPress gallery and you'll come across countless reviews of the above galleries, that's because those reviews are paid for via affiliate links and so obviously the so called reviewers push those as the best galleries, if you're here you're more than likely reading these reviews from internal WordPress links install the gallery and you'll want to come back and leave a good review, support answered queries quickly and even extended my trial for me. This plugin is a little gem.
27 مارس، 2021
I needed a gallery that I could add one photo from each project to and when each photo was clicked on it would open directly to an additional gallery that included only photos from that project. FooGallery allowed me to do exactly that with little fuss. Easy to use. Powerful even in the free version. Love it.
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سجل التغييرات


  • Date Updated : 2021-18-04
  • Update : FooGallery client side 2.0.11
  • Fix : Fixed compatibility with WPRocket and rendering inline script of gallery items json


  • Date Updated : 2021-11-04
  • New : Major performance improvements for all gallery templates (improving scores for Core Web Vitals)
  • New : Added “Mobile Columns” gallery setting for Responsive Galleries
  • New : Added 6 Columns option for Masonry gallery layout
  • New : Added “Horizontal Layout” gallery setting for Masonry galleries, to try maintain left-to-right order of images
  • New : Made all image loaded effects in PRO now available in free!!
  • New : Added first-class support for ShortPixel Adaptive Images as a thumbnail engine. (can be changed from settings)
  • New : Added “Alignment” gallery setting under “Captions” tab for changing horizontal alignment of thumbnail captions
  • New : Added “Image Title Attribute” gallery setting under “Advanced” tab for disabling the title attribute added to thumbnail img tags
  • New : Added gallery settings to change the lightbox captions when FooBox is the selected lightbox
  • New : Added ability to refresh gallery preview when editing by clicking preview button again
  • New : Added lazyload support to stack album, giving a major performance boost to very large albums!
  • New : Overhauled Help page when plugin is activated, including the ability create demo gallery content and view inline demos
  • New : Added ability to override captions for FooBox
  • Update : FooGallery client side 2.0.9
  • Update : Simplified extensions admin page and removed all build-your-own logic
  • Update : Updated the Justified gallery template. Removed “Max Row Height” and “Last Row” settings.
  • Update : Updated the Thumbnail gallery template. Removed “Thumbnail Crop” setting.
  • Fix : Updated styling for FooGallery Block to look correct in latest version of Gutenberg
  • Fix : JSON objects get built using all attributes needed
  • Fix : Could not add images to the gallery for some installs, due to no thumbnail sizes being returned. Made the logic more resilient.
  • Fix : Compatible with WP Rocket Lazy loading
  • Fix : Javascript error with Masonry related to script dependencies when using script minifiers


  • Date Updated : 2021-02-03
  • Fix : fix for fatal error running pre WP5 : Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function FooGallery_Thumb_Engine_Default::delete_cache_folder_for_attachment()


  • Date Updated : 2021-20-02
  • Fix : fixed a fatal PHP error on some installs


  • Date Updated : 2021-18-02
  • Fix : fixed a fatal PHP error with PHP 5.6


  • Date Updated : 2021-18-02
  • Update : Removed WPThumb library completely
  • Update : Updated to Freemius SDK 2.4.2
  • Fix : updated FooGallery block category to ‘media’


  • Date Updated : 2021-23-01
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.26


  • Date Updated : 2021-22-01


  • Date Updated : 2021-21-01

  • Fix : fixed incorrect settings showing for certain gallery templates


  • Date Updated : 2021-13-01
  • Fix : Advanced settings for a gallery to properly override settings rather than merge


  • Date Updated : 2021-11-01
  • New : Added global Custom JS & CSS settings which are included for all galleries
  • New : Added global language settings which apply to all galleries
  • Update : Updated All-in-one SEO support to work with AIOSEO v4
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.25
  • Update : updated WPML compatibility to account for new language settings
  • Fix : image URL’s with spaces – always ensure image URL’s are escaped
  • Fix : fixed PHP warning on activation
  • Test : tested PHP8 support!


  • Date Updated : 2020-16-10


  • Date Updated : 2020-15-10


  • Date Updated : 2020-15-10
  • Fix : Updated albums to use FooGallery stylesheet enqueue function


  • Date Updated : 2020-12-06
  • New : Allow thumb width and height to be overridden with shortcode arguments override_width and override_height
  • Fix : fixed caption bugs where FooBox was not picking up custom/override captions
  • Fix : removed use of deprecated functions in jQuery for WP 5.6
  • Fix : removed localStorage checks, so that browser does not say that cookies are in use
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.24
  • Update : Frontend gallery initialization now uses custom ready event by default, to avoid jQuery errors


  • Date Updated : 2020-11-29
  • Fix : rewrite of All-in-one Stack album fixing many bugs
  • Fix : fixed some styling issues with album edit page and gallery select modal
  • New : Added setting ‘Force Hide Trial Notice’ to never show the trail upsell message again
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.22


  • Date Updated : 2020-11-24
  • Fix : Allow gallery thumb order to be overridden when using foogallery_attachment_get_posts_args filter


  • Date Updated : 2020-11-02
  • Fix : Fixed PHP warning within thumbnail generation code when deleting attachments
  • New : Added function to render an album : foogallery_render_album


  • Date Updated : 2020-10-29
  • Update : Ensure Gallery Items and Settings metaboxes are always visible when editing a gallery


  • Date Updated : 2020-10-27
  • Update : Freemius SDK 2.4.1


  • Date Updated : 2020-10-12
  • Fix : Fix for thumbnail generation not working when upload folder is not HTTPS


  • Date Updated : 2020-08-30
  • Fix : Fix for incorrect captions in some scenarios
  • Fix : Compatibility with Owl Carousel Extension and others
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.18


  • Date Updated : 2020-08-07
  • Fix : IMPORTANT fix for WP 5.5 compatibility when editing galleries (gallery preview button was not showing)


  • Date Updated : 2020-08-03
  • Fix : IMPORTANT fix for WP 5.5 compatibility when editing galleries (gallery template selector was not showing)
  • New : Support for All in One SEO Pack sitemaps
  • Update : improved lightbox messages when no lightboxes are installed
  • Update : Freemius SDK


  • Date Updated : 2020-07-18
  • Fix : Fix for some installs showing thumbnail generation error
  • Update : better mobile support for admin settings tabs
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.16


  • Date Updated : 2020-06-29
  • Fix : Fix for All-In-One album hidden items still clickable
  • Fix : Fix for fatal error on some versions of PHP
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.15


  • Date Updated : 2020-06-04
  • Fix : Fixed bug to prevent infinite loop with ResizeObserver in some themes
  • Fix : Fixed possible text-domain issue
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.13


  • Date Updated : 2020-05-04
  • Fix : Fixed bug where thumbs were not loading on mobile in Justified and Portfolio galleries
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.12


  • Date Updated : 2020-05-02
  • New : Reworked hover effect settings to allow none
  • New : Added new zoomed hover effect
  • New : Added new transparent theme hover effect
  • New : Added new advanced setting to add custom class to the gallery container
  • New : Added global settings for upscaling small images when using larger thumbnail dimensions
  • New : Added Pro feature promotions in gallery settings
  • New : Added setting to force GD Image editor as the default
  • New : Added info for active image editor to Settings -> Images tab
  • New : Improved caption sanitization
  • Fix : Fixed bug with Safari when editing a gallery, not loading thumbs
  • Fix : Fixed gallery previews in certain situations
  • Update : Freemius SDK 2.3.2
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.11


  • Date Updated : 2020-03-29
  • Fix : Fix for Simple Portfolio template not saving “None” for captions.
  • Fix : Fixed albums when adding incorrect markup target=”default”
  • Fix : Updated thumbnail generation test logic to be more resilient, and improved admin message.
  • Fix : Updated RankMath compatibility to work with pre PHP 5.4
  • New : Added filter “foogallery_build_dynamic_gallery” for dynamic gallery creation
  • New : Added WPML config file for better translations. (Also improves Polylang compatibility.)

  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.6 (including multiple bug fixes)


  • Date Updated : 2020-03-08
  • New : Added RankMath compatibility – sitemap image indexing.
  • New : Added new setting under Hover Effects : Invert Color. Invert the caption icon colors from dark to light.
  • New : All hover and loading icons converted to SVG format.
  • New : Lazy load gallery images when editing a gallery (improved performance for large galleries in the admin).

  • Fix : Previews not updating in some cases.

  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.4.0 (MAJOR UPDATE).


  • Date Updated : 2019-11-22
  • Fix : Fix for Masonry template layout issue in Firefox

  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.3.6


  • Date Updated : 2019-10-23
  • New : Elementor compatibility – gallery previews in Elementor editor work, and added a FooGallery widget to the Elementor editor

  • Fix : Images in Yoast SEO sitemaps pull correctly for all types of gallery embedding

  • Fix : Lazy-load issues on certain browsers (reverted back to old logic)
  • Fix : Updated WPThumb so that images with querystrings in the URL will work
  • Fix : Minor security issue fixed on the FooGallery settings page (only exploitable by administrators)


  • New : Added setting to move “Add Media” button to front of attachment listing (Advanced tab in FooGallery Settings)

  • Fix : Lazy-load issues with Gutenberg Editor

  • Fix : Simple portfolio layout issue with certain themes
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.3.4


  • Fix : Previews not working on new galleries


  • New : Added advanced gallery settings for custom settings and custom attributes
  • Fix : Rewrite of Simple Portfolio to incorrect thumb heights
  • Fix : Lazy-load issues for certain themes
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.3.3


  • New : Implemented the Datasource architecture within the plugin
  • Fix : PHP Warnings when previewing galleries
  • Fix : Simple Portfolio thumbnails cut off in certain scenarios
  • Fix : Updated Gutenberg block to work in latest Gutengerg release
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.2.10


  • New : Added filter to override content when creating a gallery page ‘foogallery_create_gallery_page_content’
  • Fix : Fixed bug for Justified gallery, when last row was set to hidden
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.2.8
  • Update : Freemius SDK 2.3.0


  • New : Added slider navigation buttons in Slider PRO template
  • Fix : Fixed gallery usage with custom post types
  • Fix : Captions being cut off in portfolio template
  • Fix : Multiple small bugs and tweaks
  • Update : Updated to handle Chrome’s new allow attribute in videos
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.2.7


  • Fix : Fixed issues with paging introduced in 1.7.4
  • Fix : Fixed conflicts with other lazy loading plugins
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.2.3


  • New : Major performance enhancements for all galleries
  • New : Performance enhancements with FooBox
  • New : Force HTTPS setting for migrated sites
  • New : FooGallery Gutenberg block gallery search
  • Fix : fixed scroll blocking violation warnings in dev tools
  • Fix : fixed Wistia video import issues
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.2.2


  • IMPORTANT : Please update to address a security vulnerability.
  • Fix : Security vulnerability
  • Fix : Images caching in certain browsers, not loading
  • Update : Freemius SDK 2.2.4
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.1.13


  • Fix : fixed logo path in admin
  • Update : changed the paging default output to HTML


  • New : Added free trial tab to landing page
  • New : Added demo tab to landing page
  • New : Added support tab to landing page
  • New : Added help with FooBox lightbox in gallery templates
  • New : New setting to override thumb generation test URL
  • New : New setting to output gallery JSON to script block
  • New : Added rating admin notice after 5 galleries has been created
  • Fix : Fixed issues with video support in All-In-One stack album
  • Fix : Support for galleries loading in FooBox
  • Update : updated plugin generator
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.1.10
  • Update : Freemius SDK 2.2.3


  • New : Added setting to render JSON data to script block (fix for some caching plugins)
  • Fix : Compatibility with WPML Media


  • Fix : Random thumbnails not loading in FireFox
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.1.8


  • Fix : Safari bug with lazy loading
  • Fix : Thumbs not loading with paging
  • Fix : duplicate caption title in some scenarios
  • Fix : clicking html in caption was not loading lightbox
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.1.7


  • New : added new filter for allowed post types that foogallery can be attached to
  • New : added loop setting for image viewer gallery template
  • New : override sorting in shortcode by providing “sort” attribute
  • Fix : Beaver Builder javascript error while editing a page
  • Fix : album shortcodes not working in some page builders
  • Fix : attach gallery to post when gutenberg block is included
  • Fix : filtering + paging bugs corrected in some scenarios
  • Fix : multiple small bugs and tweaks
  • Fix : Thumbnail generation tries to use first image in media library
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.1.5
  • Update : Freemius SDK 2.2.2


  • New : Gutenberg FooGallery block (including live gallery previews!)
  • Fix : foogallery shortcode not rendering in certain cases
  • Fix : disabling lazy loading via settings was being ignored
  • Update : Freemius SDK 2.1.3 (which fixes fatal Multisite bug)


  • Fix : Theme customizer not loading for some theme/plugin combinations


  • Major version bump to correspond with FooGallery PRO which includes video support
  • New : Upgrade offer to FooGallery PRO for FooVideo customers
  • New : Language setting for load more pagination
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.1.2
  • Update : Freemius SDK 2.1.1
  • Fix : Pagination + Filtering bugs
  • Fix : PHP 7.1 compatibility tests failing for clone
  • Fix : better paging + filtering support
  • Fix : better RTL support in media modal
  • Multiple bug fixes and improvements


  • New : GDPR notice in readme
  • New : Update to Freemius SDK 2.0.1
  • Fix : Default captions bug introduced in 1.4.30


  • Fix : Album 404 issues when used on homepage
  • Fix : Dimension attributes missing for upscaling small images
  • Fix : Issue when galleries cannot be added to an album
  • Fix : Lightbox caption mismatch
  • New : Setting for legacy thumb cropping in Simple Portfolio gallery
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.0.26


  • New : Added an album setting to set the gallery title size (h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)
  • Fix : media modal issues with Elementor
  • Fix : media modal issues with Thrive Architect
  • Fix : caption override fix for single thumbnail galleries
  • Update : media modal improvements


  • Fix : Justified gallery issues in certain browsers / devices
  • Fix : Portfolio gallery issues in certain browsers / devices
  • Fix : Use of correct rel attribute for better lightbox compatibility and W3 validation
  • Fix : Removed local translations that were incomplete and outdated
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.0.24
  • Update : language files


  • Fix : Filtering introduced an array initialization construct not working for older versions of php


  • New : Retina support for albums!
  • New : Default crop position setting for attachments
  • New : Speed up gallery previews in wp-admin
  • New : Caption support for Responsive Lightbox by dFactory
  • Fix : Extension loading issues on certain installs
  • Fix : Shortcode copy-to-clipboard metabox works again
  • Fix : Bugs fixes for paging, filtering, FooBox and more
  • Fix : Ensure jquery-ui-sortable is loaded on edit page for some installs
  • Fix : All-In-One Stack Album layout bugs
  • Fix : Reworked extensions listing page logic
  • Update : FooGallery client side 1.0.23
  • Update : Freemius SDK 1.2.4


  • Fix : All-In-One stack album fatal error when 2 albums on same page


  • Fix : All-In-One stack album now uses the gallery featured image
  • Added more position options for Single Thumbnail Gallery
  • Added paging output setting
  • Update to latest client side JS 1.0.20


  • New : NextGen importer now includes shortcode replacement
  • New : Masonry gallery supports captions below thumbnails
  • New : Performance improvements for very large galleries (1000+ images)
  • Fix : Bugs fixes for paging, FooBox and more
  • Update to latest client side JS 1.0.18


  • New : added custom ready event setting for overcoming 3rd party jQuery exceptions
  • New : added crop thumbnail option to ‘Single Thumbnail’ and ‘Image Viewer’ templates
  • Update to latest client side JS


  • Fix : conflicts with WP Rocket CDN features
  • Fix : conflicts with themes or plugins deferring script loading
  • New : Auto-loading of default templates
  • Update to latest client side JS


  • Fix : conflicts with other scripts or plugins using data-src attributes
  • Fix : script moved back to use jQuery ready event, to avoid some conflicts
  • New : Global setting to disable lazy loading for all galleries
  • New : FooGallery Widget!
  • New : Admin notice for Autoptomize users to delete cache on updates
  • Update to latest client side JS


  • Fix : Lazy loading – scrolling galleries in certain scenarios were not loading thumbs
  • Fix : Galleries that were hidden on page load were not displaying correctly when shown
  • Fix : Default gallery settings were not being applied to new galleries
  • New : shortcode arguments applied to gallery for common fields
  • New : HTML caching is disabled by default now!
  • Updated to latest client side JS and CSS


  • Fix : upgrade was calling underfined function


  • Fix : Justify gallery template issues
  • Fix : Masonry gallery template issues
  • Fix : Caption description not hidden when supposed to
  • Fix : Complete rework of thumbnail dimension logic!
  • Fix : Redirection bug on activation
  • Fix : Added checks for galleries causing PHP warnings
  • Fix : Multisite warnings on activation
  • New : Last Row setting in Justify gallery template
  • New : Alignment setting in Simple Portfolio gallery template
  • New : Added more checks after load to ensure gallery layout is correct
  • New : Added lazy loading advanced setting
  • Updated to Freemius SDK
  • Updated to latest client side JS and CSS


  • Complete rewrite of the built-in gallery templates
  • New : lazy loading
  • New : simple pagination
  • New : Live Previews when editing a gallery
  • 260+ updates, changes and bug fixes


  • New : Built in support for FooBox, fixing a lot of issues where FooBox option is not available
  • Fix : More reliable extension active status on extensions listing
  • Fix : More obvious wording for 3rd party plugins when they are not installed


  • Fix : Activation redirect bug showing “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”


  • New : Freemius integration!
  • New : Added support for the Responsive Lightbox by dFactory
  • New : New custom class field for an attachment
  • New : Added more system info for better debugging when there are server issues
  • Fix : Visual editor FooGallery edit button
  • Fix : Image Viewer hover effect none now works as expected
  • Fix : Disable HTML caching for randomly ordered galleries


  • New : Force Use Original thumb setting on gallery edit page
  • Fix : PHP warning from thumbnail class since 1.2.19


  • New : Gallery output caching! Saves database requests improving load time
  • New : Gallery usage column in admin gallery listing
  • New : Better support for animated gifs
  • New : Hover icons retina support
  • New : Uninstall button on settings
  • New : Save thumb dimensions per attachment. (needed in future versions)
  • Fix : Extensions refactor and many issues resolved
  • Fix : Better retina support for all templates
  • Fix : Colorize / Greyscale CSS filters
  • Fix : Even better wpthumb compatibility


  • Fix : Handle no settings in retina metabox


  • New : Retina support – metabox per gallery and default settings
  • New : Attachment datasources – backend changes for how images are used in a gallery. (This will allow for new external sources in the future)
  • New : Caption color settings in Simple portfolio gallery template
  • New : Updated to latest Justified Gallery
  • Fix : Better wpthumb compatibility


  • Fix : Yoast SEO Sitemaps fatal error with deleted galleries
  • Fix : Updating pages with deleted galleries throws php warnings


  • Fix : Album admin CSS issues in WP 4.6
  • Fix : Masonry layout issues in WP 4.6
  • Fix : Media attachment fields not updating
  • Fix : Better support for IE10
  • New : Thumbnail generation test admin notice and settings


  • Fix : Shortcode replacing content in visual editor
  • Fix : Gallery hover effect of None being ignored
  • New : ImageViewer language settings for ‘Prev’, ‘Next’ & ‘of’
  • New : Setting to use original thumbnails if available


  • Fix : Simple Portfolio missing captions fix


  • Fix : Simple Portfolio undefined function fix


  • New : support for multiple admin JS and CSS assets for gallery templates
  • New : Added setting to choose Caption Description source
  • New : Crop position can be chosen for attachments
  • New : Albums gallery details modal for setting a gallery URL
  • New : Better shortcode preview in editor
  • New : Editor button now supported if multiple editors exist
  • Fix : Better No-Link support for gallery templates
  • Fix : Compatible with Unyson plugin
  • Fix : Compatible with Advanced Custom Fields
  • Fix : Simple Portfolio fixes and tweaks
  • Fix : ImageViewer fixes and better browser compatibility
  • Fix : Changed assets enqueue version to rather use extension version
  • Fix : Album URL fix for permalinks with no trailing slashes


  • New : Added Image Viewer gallery template
  • New : Caption support for default template
  • New : Yoast SEO gallery image support!
  • New : Responsive options for Masonry gallery
  • New : change gallery URL slug for albums
  • New : setting to turn off loading animation in default gallery
  • New : French translation
  • Fix : Support for WP 4.4
  • Fix : All templates – moved all jQuery ready events to vanilla JS
  • Fix : Many gallery template tweaks
  • Fix : allow no default to be chosen in settings


  • Works now with Polylang translation plugin
  • CSS Updates & enhancements to all gallery templates
  • Password protected galleries now work as expected
  • Ability to hide WYSIWYG editor button
  • Updated WPThumb
  • Multiple bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes for 1.2.6 release
  • Added 2 new settings to Justified Gallery template (maxRowHeight + Caption Source)


  • CSS load optimizations
  • Updates and tweaks on all built-in gallery templates
  • More robust extension loading
  • More robust upgrades to FooBox PRO
  • Improved copy-to-clipboard
  • Added more hover effects
  • Support for FooVideo


  • Fix for extensions being empty
  • Added support for Multi-site
  • Added esc_url to all places where url is rendered
  • Updated to latest Justified Gallery v3.5.4


  • Many album template updates, enhancements and fixes
  • Many gallery template tweaks and fixes
  • Sort order settings for galleries and albums
  • Added new Single Thumbnail Gallery template


  • Added setting to choose default gallery to copy settings from
  • Fixed bug #45 – gallery fields not showing onload
  • replaced minicolors with spectrum colorpicker
  • Allow gallery fields to have a suffix
  • Added function to render galleries “foogallery_render_gallery( $gallery_id )”


  • Added albums extension
  • Added custom CSS metaboxes
  • Updated Nextgen importer
  • Fixed many bugs

  • Fixed “edit gallery” CSS with WP 4.0

  • Fixed “insert gallery” CSS with WP 4.0


  • Added 2 new gallery templates
  • Added 10+ actions and filters for more customization
  • Countless bug fixes and enhancements


  • first version!