Support » Plugin: Invite Anyone » Plugin No Longer Works

  • The plugin no longer sends emails out. I have tested on 3 different servers and it seems to not function with the newest release of BuddyPress. Using an email log tracking plugin no emails are ever sent by this plugin. So no invitations ever go out.

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  • Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    @dcavins Apologies for the ping, but is there any reason you can think of why the latest BP release would affect IA emails?

    Hi Boone,

    I tested the new BP update with Invite Anyone before BP’s v8 release and it seemed to be fine. I’ve just tested it again with BP 8, IA 1.4.2, WP 5.7.2 using the theme TwentyNineteen v2, and IA was able to send invitation emails with BP’s invitations option enabled or disabled. When BP’s option is enabled, the new “Invitations” profile tab appears next to the “Send Invites” tab provided by IA, but they both work fine (at least on my test instance). 🙂

    If I caused a problem for IA and am not seeing it in my tests, please let me know, though. Thanks!

    Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    Thanks for confirming, David!

    I’ve tested myself and I don’t see any problems with the latest BuddyPress. @stevenmayjr Are you having issues with other emails? Specifically, is BuddyPress itself able to send emails (say, for group membership requests)?

    Check at Dashboard > Emails and see if the Invite Anyone email template appears. It should have a title like [<code></code>] <code>ia.subject</code>

    Thread Starter stevenmayjr


    I have this plugin installed on several sites. On two sites, I have updated Buddy Press to the latest version no email ever gets sent out. On sites where I have not updated to the newest version of Buddy Press the emails still go out. Almost all other plugins on each of these sites are consistent.

    I tested a number of times, deactivating almost all plugins and try to send new notifications and the emails never go out. All other emails from WordPress do go out. I have an Email Log plugin also running on the test site as a 3rd way of verifying emails being sent out and it shows WordPress, Gravity Forms, and BuddyPress emails going out perfectly fine. The only emails that don’t seem to get sent out are emails from this plugin.

    Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    Hm, very strange. I’ve run another set of tests and things seem to be working in various configurations.

    Are all of your sites located on the same server? I wonder if there’s some weirdness being triggered by the last version of BuddyPress and something with your server configuration. For example, what version of PHP are you running with all of your sites? Do you have access to the PHP/server error log where you might be able to see any relevant errors, especially fatal errors?

    Thread Starter stevenmayjr


    Both sites including the ones it still works in are on the same server.

    System Report

    ### Gravity Forms ###
    Version: 2.5.6 ✔
    Upload folder: /var/www/vhosts/
    Upload folder permissions: Writable  ✔
    Output CSS: Yes
    Output HTML5: No
    No-Conflict Mode: Yes
    Currency: USD
    Background updates: Yes
    REST API v2: No
    Registration: Site registered ( d4bd722d-d212-4bb2-81d0-a1961c8ceda9 )  ✔
    ### Database ###
    Database Version: 2.5.6  ✔ Your database is up-to-date.
    7UX9kg1_gf_form_view:   ✔
    7UX9kg1_gf_form_meta:   ✔
    7UX9kg1_gf_form:   ✔
    7UX9kg1_gf_form_revisions:   ✔
    7UX9kg1_gf_entry:   ✔
    7UX9kg1_gf_entry_meta:   ✔
    7UX9kg1_gf_entry_notes:   ✔
    7UX9kg1_gf_draft_submissions:   ✔
    ### Translations ###
    Site Locale: en_US
    User (ID: 1) Locale: en_US
    Gravity Forms: 
    ### WordPress ###
    Home URL:
    Site URL:
    REST API Base URL:
    WordPress Version: 5.7.2 ✔
    WordPress Multisite: No
    WordPress Memory Limit: 512M
    WordPress Debug Mode: No
    WordPress Debug Log: No
    WordPress Script Debug Mode: No
    WordPress Cron: Yes
    WordPress Alternate Cron: No
    Background tasks: Yes  ✔
    ### Active Theme ###
    Divi Child: by Elegant Themes ( - 1.0.0  ✔
    Divi (Parent): by Elegant Themes ( - 4.9.7  ✔
    ### Active Plugins ###
    Add From Server: by Dion Hulse - 3.4.5  ✔
    Ask the Egghead Custom Plugin: by Ask the Egghead Inc. - 1.0  ✔
    bbPress: by The bbPress Contributors - 2.6.6  ✔
    Beehive Pro: by WPMU DEV - 3.3.10  ✔
    BP Group Documents: by lenasterg - 1.12.3  ✔
    BP Registration Options: by Pluginize - 4.3.9  ✔
    BuddyPress: by The BuddyPress Community - 8.0.0  ✔
    BuddyPress Auto Join Groups: by BuddyDev - 1.0.3  ✔
    BuddyPress Automatic Friends: by Steven Word - 2.0.7  ✔
    BuddyPress Follow: by Andy Peatling, r-a-y - 1.3-alpha  ✔
    BuddyPress Global Search: by BuddyBoss - 1.2.1  ✔
    BuddyPress Member Types Pro: by BuddyDev - 1.4.1  ✔
    BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types: by BuddyDev - 1.1.9  ✔
    Comet Cache: by WP Sharks - 170220  ✔
    Defender Pro: by WPMU DEV - 2.5.4  ✔
    Directories: by SabaiApps - 1.3.75  ✔
    Directories Pro: by SabaiApps - 1.3.75  ✔
    Divi Bars: by Divi Life — Tim Strifler -  ✔
    Divi Booster: by Dan Mossop - 3.5.1  ✔
    Divi Flip Cards: by B3 Multimedia Solutions - 1.1.2  ✔
    Email Log: by Sudar - 2.4.5  ✔
    Enable Media Replace: by ShortPixel - 3.5.0  ✔
    GD bbPress Attachments: by Milan Petrovic - 4.2  ✔
    Gravity Divi - Gravity Forms Styler for Divi: by Divi Codex - 2.1.0  ✔
    If Menu - Visibility control for menu items: by Layered - 0.16.2  ✔
    Image Map Pro: by Webcraft Plugins Ltd. - 4.0.8  ✔
    Our Team Showcase: by Smartcat - 4.4.2  ✔
    Our Team Showcase Pro: by Smartcat - 4.4.2  ✔
    Page Links To: by Mark Jaquith - 3.3.5  ✔
    Popup Maker: by Popup Maker - 1.16.1  ✔
    Redirection: by John Godley - 5.1.1  ✔
    SmartCrawl Pro: by WPMU DEV - 2.11.0  ✔
    TaxoPress: by TaxoPress -  ✔
    W3Speedup: by W3speedup - 6.77  ✔
    WP Mail SMTP: by WPForms - 2.9.0  ✔
    WPMU DEV Dashboard: by WPMU DEV - 4.11.1  ✔
    Youzer: by Youssef Kaine - 2.6.2  ✔
    ### Web Server ###
    Software: Apache
    Port: 443
    Document Root: /var/www/vhosts/
    ### PHP ###
    Version: 7.4.20 ✔
    Memory Limit: 512M
    Maximum Execution Time: 180
    Maximum File Upload Size: 512M
    Maximum File Uploads: 20
    Maximum Post Size: 512M
    Maximum Input Variables: 1000
    cURL Enabled: Yes (version 7.77.0)
    OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.0.2k  26 Jan 2017 (268443839)
    Mcrypt Enabled: No
    Mbstring Enabled: Yes
    Loaded Extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, bz2, calendar, ctype, hash, filter, ftp, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, pcntl, readline, Reflection, session, standard, SimpleXML, sockets, mbstring, tokenizer, xml, cgi-fcgi, mysqlnd, bcmath, curl, dba, dom, enchant, fileinfo, gd, imagick, imap, intl, json, ldap, exif, mysqli, odbc, PDO, pdo_mysql, PDO_ODBC, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, Phar, posix, pspell, redis, soap, sodium, sqlite3, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, ionCube Loader, Zend OPcache
    ### Database Server ###
    Database Management System: MariaDB
    Version: 10.1.48 ✔
    Database Character Set: utf8
    Database Collation: utf8_general_ci
    ### Date and Time ###
    WordPress (Local) Timezone: America/New_York
    MySQL (UTC): 2021-06-29 14:25:18
    MySQL (Local): June 29, 2021 at 10:25 am
    PHP (UTC): 2021-06-29 14:25:18
    PHP (Local): June 29, 2021 at 10:25 am
    Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    Thanks for providing the system report.

    Did you get a chance to check whether you have access to a server error log?

    Also, see my comment above, which could point to a potential point of failure:

    > Check at Dashboard > Emails and see if the Invite Anyone email template appears. It should have a title like ‘[] ia.subject’

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Boone Gorges.
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