Open AI Championship




Round 1

Round 2


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You can either download rules in PDF format , or read it here, or check it on GitHub repository. There you can find the format of the championship, the description of the game world and technical characteristics of the objects.

Current version:

  • December 9: 1.2.0.

You can also check game mechanics by playing the game right now

About CodeCraft 2020

General concepts and the rules of the tournament

This competition gives you an opportunity to test your programming skills, by creating an artificial intelligence (strategy) playing a game in a special world (you can learn about details of the CodeCraft 2020 world in later sections). In each game you are to compete against other players’ strategies. Your team’s goal is to gain more score than your opponents.

The tournament is held in several stages (**Round 1**, Round 2 and Finals) preceded by a qualification in the Sandbox. Sandbox is a competition that takes place throughout the championship. Each participant has a certain rating value — an indicator of how successful their strategy is involved in games within each stage.

The initial value of the rating in the Sandbox is 1200. At the end of the game this value can both be increased and decreased. At the same time victory over a weak (with a low rating) opponent gives a small increase, also the defeat from a strong opponent slightly decreases your rating. Over time the rating in the Sandbox becomes more and more inert, which makes it possible to decrease the impact of random long series of victories or defeats on the participant’s place, but at the same time makes it difficult to change their position with a significant improvement in strategy. To cancel such effect the participant can reset the variability of the rating to the initial state when sending a new strategy, including the corresponding option. If the new strategy is adopted, the rating system of the participant will fall dramatically after the next game in the Sandbox, however, further participation in games will quickly recover and even become higher if your strategy has really become more effective. It is not recommended to use this option with minor, incremental improvements to your strategy, as well as in cases where a new strategy insufficiently tested and the effect of changes in it is not known reliably.

The initial value of the rating at each main stage of the tournament is 0. For each game the participant receives a certain number of rating points depending on the occupied place (a system similar to that used in the championship “Formula-1”). If two or more participants share some place, then the total number of rating points for this place and for the following number_of_such_members - 1 of places is shared equally among these participants. For example, if two participants share the first place, then each of them will receive half of the rating points number for the first and second places. When sharing rounding always takes place in a smaller direction. More detailed information about the stages of the tournament will be provided in the announcements on the project website.

First all participants can participate only in the games that take place in the Sandbox. Players can send their strategies to the Sandbox, and the last one taken from them is taken by the system for participation in qualifying games. Each player participates in approximately one qualifying game for an hour. The jury reserves the right to change this interval based on the throughput of the testing system, but for the majority of participants it remains constant. There are a number of criteria by which the interval of participation in qualifying games can be increased for a specific player. For every N-th full week that has elapsed since the player sent the last strategy, the interval of participation for this player is increased by N basic test intervals. Only the strategies adopted by the system are taken into account. An additional penalty which is equal to 20% from the basic testing interval is charged in the Sandbox for each strategy “crash” in 10 last games. The player’s participation interval in the Sandbox can not become bigger than a day.

Games in the Sandbox are held according to a set of rules corresponding to the rules of a random stage among the passed ones and the next (current) one. At the same time, the closer the rating value of the two players rating within the Sandbox, the more likely that they will be in one game. The Sandbox starts before the start of the first stage of the tournament and ends after some time after the final stage (see the schedule of stages to clarify the details). In addition, the Sandbox is frozen during the stages of the tournament. Following the results of the games in the Sandbox there is a selection for participation in Round 1, which will involve no more than 1080 participants (if there is less participants, maximal number divisible by 4) with the highest rating at the beginning of this stage of the tournament (if the rating is equal, priority is given to the player who previously sent the latest version of their strategy), as well as an additional selection to the next stages of the tournament, including the Finals.

Round 1, as all further stages, consists of two parts, between which there will be a short break (with the renewal of the Sandbox work), which allows to improve its strategy. The last strategy sent by the player before the beginning of this part is selected for the games in each part. Games are conducted in waves. In each wave, each player participates exactly in one game. The number of waves in each part is determined by the capabilities of the testing system. 300 highest rated participants will proceed to Round 2. Also in Round 2 there will be an additional selection of 60 participants with the highest rating in the Sandbox (at the moment of Round 2 beginning) among those who did not passed according to the results of Round 1.

According to the results of Round 2 the 50 best strategies will reach the Finals. Also in the Finals there will be an additional selection of 10 participants with the highest rating in the Sandbox (at the beginning of the Finals) from those who did not go through the main tournament.

The system of holding the Finals has its own peculiarities. The stage is still divided into two parts, but they will no longer consist of waves. In each part of the stage, games will be played between all pairs of Finals participants. If the time and capabilities of the testing system permit, the operation will be repeated.

All finalists are ranked according to the non-increase in the rating after the end of the Finals. If the ratings are equal, a higher place is taken by that finalist, whose strategy, which was part of the Final, was sent out earlier. Prizes for the Final are distributed based on the occupied place after this ordering.

After the completion of the Sandbox, all its participants, except for the Finals winners, are ranked according to the non-increase in the rating. If the ratings are equal a higher place is taken by the participant who sent the latest version of their strategy earlier. Prizes for the Sandbox are distributed on the basis of occupied place after this ordering.

About testing and strategy limits

Time in the game is discrete and is measured in “ticks”. At the beginning of each tick, the game simulator transmits the world state data to the participants’ strategies, then receives actions from them and updates the state of the world in accordance with these actions and the rules of the game. Then the process is repeated again for next tick with the updated state. There is a maximum duration of the game, but it can also be terminated prematurely if all strategies have “crashed”.

The “crashed” strategy can no longer control player’s behavior. The strategy is considered “crashed” in the following cases:

  • The process in which the strategy is started has unexpectedly terminated, or an error has occurred in the protocol of interaction between the strategy and game server.

  • The strategy exceeded one of the time constraints assigned to it. There is a time limit for strategy to reply with an action for each tick - 1 second of real time, as well as a time limit for the whole game - 40 seconds of cpu time.

  • The strategy exceeded the memory limit - 256 MB.

Game overview

The game of CodeCraft 2020 is a strategy where you will have to control a number of units, gather resources, build your settlement and attack your enemies.

Your goal is to gain more score than your opponents. The game ends either when the max tick count has been reached or when there is only one (or zero) players left. When playing 1v1 (Finals), when only one player is left, he gets additional score enough to win the game.

The game is played on a rectangular grid, divided into tiles. All game entities have square shape and are located at some integer coordinates. When calculating distance, we count the number of tiles that need to be traversed to reach destination, going to a neighboring tile at one time (Manhattan distance).

Entities’ behavior is defined by their properties.

One of the most important properties defines the size of an entity. All entities in the game have square shape, with a side length equal to the defined value.

Some entities can move (these entities are called units). Moving entities always have a size of 1. They can move to a neighboring tile in one tick, if that tile is not occupied by some other entity.

Some entities can attack, and all entities have health and can be destroyed. If entity’s health gets below or equal to zero, it is removed from the game. Attacking entities have a limited attacking range, which is a maximum distance to the target for performing the attack. Each tick an entity is attacking, it subtracts a certain amount of health points from the target.

Also, some entities can repair other entities. Only adjacent entities can be repaired. Repairing is restoring a specified amount of health points in on tick. When repairing, target’s health can not go above its maximum health, specified in its properties. Only alive entities (with positive health) can be repaired.

Some of the attacking entities can also collect resources from the target. For each health point of damage, a fixed amount of resource (specified in target entity’s properties) is added to the attacker’s owning player.

Gathered resources can be used to build new entities. Some entity types can do that. New entity’s type is limited by capabilities of the builder, listed in its properties. To build a new entity, you have to spend a specified amount of resources. For units (movable entities), the exact amount of resources is equal to the value specified in properties of this unit’s type, plus current amount of player’s units of this type. For other entities, the cost is equal to the initial cost. You should also select a location not occupied by other entities, and located adjacent to the builder. Newly built entities have initial health equal either to entity’s maximum health, or to a specific value, as specified in builder entity’s properties.

When an entity is just built, it is inactive at first, meaning it can not perform any actions. To activate an entity, it has to reach its maximum health first. So, if an entity was built not with full health, it needs to be repaired first.

Also, there is one more restriction to building new entities. Besides resources, there is another parameter called “population”. Some entities provide population, while others use it. In order to build a new entity, the sum of population provided by all current player’s active entities should be greater than or equal to the sum of population used by all current player’s entities, including newly built one.

The last property of an entity is its sight range. If fog of war is enabled, your strategy can only see those entities that are located no further than distance specified from some entity that is controlled by you.

List of entity types

There is a fixed number of entity types in the game, and entities of same type have same properties. Here is a full list of entity types:

  • Resource. This is the only entity type that is not controlled by any player. It has a size of 1 and should be attacked by builder units in order to be gathered.

  • Builder unit. Its primary purpose is to gather resources and construct buildings.

  • Melee unit. Basic damage dealing unit with an attack range of 1.

  • Ranged unit. Deals less damage than melee unit, but has bigger attack range.

  • Builder/Melee/Ranged bases. These are buildings used to buy new units of corresponding type. Can be built by a builder unit.

  • Wall. A small building that can be used to block path for enemy.

  • House. A building that provides population.

  • Turret. A building that can attack enemies. Since it can not move, its best for defence.

Control interface

Each tick your strategy is going to be asked for actions of your entities. If you do not specify action for an entity, it continues to perform previously set action.

Entity’s action consists of attack, build, repair and move actions, which are prioritized in this order. So, if you specify multiple actions, then only the first one that is possible to do this current tick is actually performed.

Attack action can specify a specific entity to attack, or perform an auto attack. When using auto attack, you can also specify a distance where your unit should try to pathfind to try and find an enemy to attack.

Repair action can only specify an entity to repair.

For build action you would need to specify a type of entity you want to build as well as position. Position of an entity is it’s corner with minimal coordinates.

For move action target position needs to be specified. A unit will try to pathfind to this position. You can further control pathfinding by specifying whether to find closest position. In case you do not want this, unit will not move if the path is not found. You may also specify whether to try to find such a route which involves breaking through other entities, attacking and destroying them on the way. Such algorithm will only consider to attack entities not controlled by you.

When pathfinding is needed to be performed by the game server, a simple A* algorithm is used, with limited number of nodes to be visited.

Each game tick, first pathfinding is being performed for moving entities to determine their potential next position. If entity’s move action target is adjacent to the entity, no pathfinding is performed, and instead this position is being remembered. Next, all attack actions are performed for active entities in random order. If no valid target is found, but the position found in previous step contains an enemy, this enemy is being attacked. If target’s health was positive and becomes zero, target is considered destroyed and score is added to the attacker (but target is not removed from the game just yet). Next, build actions are performed (if an entity has performed an attack action this tick, build action will not be performed). Then repair actions are performed in same way. Only entities with positive health are being repaired. And last, movement is being performed. Movement is performed in steps. In each step, entities are trying to move to their next position as determined in the pathfinding stage. If several entities are trying to move to the same location, a random one is chosen. If no entities can be moved, movement phase is finished.

In the end, entities with zero health are removed from the game, and entities with full health become active.

Round specific rules

In Round 1 you are to learn the rules of the game. To simplify things, there will be no fog of war in this stage. Also, you will be given a base for each unit type in the beginning of the game, so you can start gathering resources and attacking your opponent right away. You can still experiment with buildings to prepare for next stages.

In Round 2 you have to learn building. In the beginning you will only have builders. You will need to build bases for other types of units. Also, fog of war will now be enabled so you will have to do some exploration before confronting the enemy. The task is further complicated that after summarizing the Round 1, the part of the weak strategies will be eliminated and you will have to confront stronger opponents.

Finals is the most important stage. After the selection, held following the results of the first two stages, the strongest participants will be remained. The games in the finals are going to be 1v1. Besides that, if there is only one player left in the game, they are given enough score points to win the game.

Using the app

You have an option to run simple test games locally on your computer. To do so, download the app. Use of the app will allow you to test your strategy in an environment similar to the environment of a testing game on the site, but without any restrictions on the number of games created.

When you start the app, you will see a config screen. You can select strategies participating in the game and configure some game settings. If you want to test your strategy, select TCP player, and then start your strategy. By default port 31001 is used. After successful connection, you will be able to start the game.

If you want to change the port, for example to connect multiple strategies, run your language package specifying host and port. For example, ./aicup2020 localhost 31002.

After all players have connected, instead of starting new game, you may also start the game using saved game state, or repeat previously saved game. While repeating a game, your strategy will receive data from the server but all the actions will be ignored.

Controls in the app:

  • RMB / Shift-LMB - move camera
  • MMB / Ctrl-LMB - rotate camera
  • V - change visualization mode.
  • Ctrl-S - save current game to a file (you can use replay feature)
  • Ctrl-E - save current game state (you can load game state and start game from it)
  • P - pause/play
  • Left/Right - move time tick by tick (when paused)

You can save the config to a file, and then run the app with --config <file> option, bypassing this config screen. Other available options are listed when using --help option.## Entity properties values

Here you can see the value of entity properties:

    House: (
        size: 3,
        build_score: 50,
        destroy_score: 500,
        can_move: false,
        population_provide: 5,
        population_use: 0,
        max_health: 50,
        initial_cost: 50,
        sight_range: 5,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: None,
        attack: None,
        repair: None,
    RangedUnit: (
        size: 1,
        build_score: 30,
        destroy_score: 300,
        can_move: true,
        population_provide: 0,
        population_use: 1,
        max_health: 10,
        initial_cost: 30,
        sight_range: 10,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: None,
        attack: Some((
            range: 5,
            damage: 5,
            collect_resource: false,
        repair: None,
    BuilderUnit: (
        size: 1,
        build_score: 10,
        destroy_score: 100,
        can_move: true,
        population_provide: 0,
        population_use: 1,
        max_health: 10,
        initial_cost: 10,
        sight_range: 10,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: Some((
            options: [
            init_health: Some(5),
        attack: Some((
            range: 1,
            damage: 1,
            collect_resource: true,
        repair: Some((
            valid_targets: [
            power: 1,
    MeleeUnit: (
        size: 1,
        build_score: 20,
        destroy_score: 200,
        can_move: true,
        population_provide: 0,
        population_use: 1,
        max_health: 50,
        initial_cost: 20,
        sight_range: 10,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: None,
        attack: Some((
            range: 1,
            damage: 5,
            collect_resource: false,
        repair: None,
    Wall: (
        size: 1,
        build_score: 10,
        destroy_score: 10,
        can_move: false,
        population_provide: 0,
        population_use: 0,
        max_health: 50,
        initial_cost: 10,
        sight_range: 2,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: None,
        attack: None,
        repair: None,
    Resource: (
        size: 1,
        build_score: 0,
        destroy_score: 0,
        can_move: false,
        population_provide: 0,
        population_use: 0,
        max_health: 30,
        initial_cost: 0,
        sight_range: 0,
        resource_per_health: 1,
        build: None,
        attack: None,
        repair: None,
    Turret: (
        size: 2,
        build_score: 50,
        destroy_score: 500,
        can_move: false,
        population_provide: 0,
        population_use: 0,
        max_health: 100,
        initial_cost: 50,
        sight_range: 10,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: None,
        attack: Some((
            range: 5,
            damage: 5,
            collect_resource: false,
        repair: None,
    BuilderBase: (
        size: 5,
        build_score: 500,
        destroy_score: 5000,
        can_move: false,
        population_provide: 5,
        population_use: 0,
        max_health: 300,
        initial_cost: 500,
        sight_range: 5,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: Some((
            options: [
            init_health: None,
        attack: None,
        repair: None,
    RangedBase: (
        size: 5,
        build_score: 500,
        destroy_score: 5000,
        can_move: false,
        population_provide: 5,
        population_use: 0,
        max_health: 300,
        initial_cost: 500,
        sight_range: 5,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: Some((
            options: [
            init_health: None,
        attack: None,
        repair: None,
    MeleeBase: (
        size: 5,
        build_score: 500,
        destroy_score: 5000,
        can_move: false,
        population_provide: 5,
        population_use: 0,
        max_health: 300,
        initial_cost: 500,
        sight_range: 5,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: Some((
            options: [
            init_health: None,
        attack: None,
        repair: None,

API description

In language pack for your programming language you can find file named MyStrategy.<ext>/my_strategy.<ext>. This file contains class MyStrategy with get_action method, where your strategy’s logic should be implemented.

This method will be called each tick.

The method takes following arguments:

  • Player view — all the information you have about current game’s state,
  • Debug interface — this object allows you to do send debug commands to the app and receive debug state from inside your strategy code. Note that this is unavailable when testing your strategy on the server, or using the app in batch mode. This is for local debugging only.

The method should return the action you desire to perform this tick.

For debugging purposes, there is also another method — debug_update, that has same parameters, and is called continiously while the app is running (not in batch mode), if the client is waiting for the next tick. There will always be at least one debug update between ticks.

Objects description

In this section, some fields may be absent (denoted as Option<type>). The way this is implemented depends on the language used. If possible, a dedicated optional (nullable) type would be used, otherwise other methods may be used (like a nullable pointer type).

Some objects may take one of several forms. The way it is implemented depends on the language. If possible, a dedicated sum (algebraic) data type is used, otherwise other methods may be used (like variants being classes inherited from abstract base class).


2 dimensional vector.


  • x: float32 - x coordinate of the vector
  • y: float32 - y coordinate of the vector


RGBA Color


  • r: float32 - Red component
  • g: float32 - Green component
  • b: float32 - Blue component
  • a: float32 - Alpha (opacity) component


Vertex for debug rendering


  • world_pos: Option<Vec2Float32> - Position in world coordinates (if none, screen position (0, 0) is used)
  • screen_offset: Vec2Float32 - Additional offset in screen coordinates
  • color: Color - Color to use


Primitive type for debug rendering


  • Lines - Lines, number of vertices should be divisible by 2
  • Triangles - Triangles, number of vertices should be divisible by 3


Debug data can be drawn in the app

One of:

  • Log - Log some text


    • text: string - Text to show
  • Primitives - Draw primitives


    • vertices: [ColoredVertex] - Vertices
    • primitive_type: PrimitiveType - Primitive type
  • PlacedText - Draw text


    • vertex: ColoredVertex - Vertex to determine text position and color
    • text: string - Text
    • alignment: float32 - Text alignment (0 means left, 0.5 means center, 1 means right)
    • size: float32 - Font size in pixels


Debug commands that can be sent while debugging with the app

One of:

  • Add - Add debug data to current tick


    • data: DebugData - Data to add
  • Clear - Clear current tick’s debug data

    No fields

  • SetAutoFlush - Enable/disable auto performing of commands


    • enable: boolean - Enable/disable autoflush
  • Flush - Perform all previously sent commands

    No fields


2 dimensional vector.


  • x: int32 - x coordinate of the vector
  • y: int32 - y coordinate of the vector


Move action


  • target: Vec2Int32 - Target position
  • find_closest_position: boolean - Whether to try find closest position, if path to target is not found
  • break_through: boolean - Whether to destroy other entities on the way


Entity type


  • Wall - Wall, can be used to prevent enemy from moving through
  • House - House, used to increase population
  • BuilderBase - Base for recruiting new builder units
  • BuilderUnit - Builder unit can build buildings
  • MeleeBase - Base for recruiting new melee units
  • MeleeUnit - Melee unit
  • RangedBase - Base for recruiting new ranged units
  • RangedUnit - Ranged unit
  • Resource - Resource can be harvested
  • Turret - Ranged attacking building


Build action


  • entity_type: EntityType - Type of an entity to build
  • position: Vec2Int32 - Desired position of new entity


Auto attack options


  • pathfind_range: int32 - Maximum distance to pathfind
  • valid_targets: [EntityType] - List of target entity types to try to attack. If empty, all types but resource are considered


Attack action


  • target: Option<int32> - If specified, target entity’s ID
  • auto_attack: Option<AutoAttack> - If specified, configures auto attacking


Repair action


  • target: int32 - Target entity’s ID


Entity’s action


  • move_action: Option<MoveAction> - Move action
  • build_action: Option<BuildAction> - Build action
  • attack_action: Option<AttackAction> - Attack action
  • repair_action: Option<RepairAction> - Repair action


Player’s action


  • entity_actions: Map<int32 -> EntityAction> - New actions for entities. If entity does not get new action, if will continue to perform previously set one


Message sent from client

One of:

  • DebugMessage - Ask app to perform new debug command


    • command: DebugCommand - Command to perform
  • ActionMessage - Reply for ServerMessage::GetAction


    • action: Action - Player’s action
  • DebugUpdateDone - Signifies finish of the debug update

    No fields

  • RequestDebugState - Request debug state from the app

    No fields


Entity’s build properties


  • options: [EntityType] - Valid new entity types
  • init_health: Option<int32> - Initial health of new entity. If absent, it will have full health


Entity’s attack properties


  • attack_range: int32 - Maximum attack range
  • damage: int32 - Damage dealt in one tick
  • collect_resource: boolean - If true, dealing damage will collect resource from target


Entity’s repair properties


  • valid_targets: [EntityType] - Valid target entity types
  • power: int32 - Health restored in one tick


Entity properties


  • size: int32 - Size. Entity has a form of a square with side of this length
  • build_score: int32 - Score for building this entity
  • destroy_score: int32 - Score for destroying this entity
  • can_move: boolean - Whether this entity can move
  • population_provide: int32 - Number of population points this entity provides, if active
  • population_use: int32 - Number of population points this entity uses
  • max_health: int32 - Maximum health points
  • initial_cost: int32 - Cost to build this first entity of this type. If this is a unit (entity can move), the cost is increased by 1 for each existing unit of this type
  • sight_range: int32 - If fog of war is enabled, maximum distance at which other entities are considered visible
  • resource_per_health: int32 - Amount of resource added to enemy able to collect resource on dealing damage for 1 health point
  • build: Option<BuildProperties> - Build properties, if entity can build
  • attack: Option<AttackProperties> - Attack properties, if entity can attack
  • repair: Option<RepairProperties> - Repair properties, if entity can repair


Player (strategy, client)


  • id: int32 - Player’s ID
  • score: int32 - Current score
  • resource: int32 - Current amount of resource


Game entity


  • id: int32 - Entity’s ID. Unique for each entity
  • player_id: Option<int32> - Entity’s owner player ID, if owned by a player
  • entity_type: EntityType - Entity’s type
  • position: Vec2Int32 - Entity’s position (corner with minimal coordinates)
  • health: int32 - Current health
  • active: boolean - If entity is active, it can perform actions


Information available to the player


  • my_id: int32 - Your player’s ID
  • map_size: int32 - Size of the map
  • fog_of_war: boolean - Whether fog of war is enabled
  • entity_properties: Map<EntityType -> EntityProperties> - Entity properties for each entity type
  • max_tick_count: int32 - Max tick count for the game
  • max_pathfind_nodes: int32 - Max pathfind nodes when performing pathfinding in the game simulator
  • current_tick: int32 - Current tick
  • players: [Player] - List of players
  • entities: [Entity] - List of entities


Message sent from server

One of:

  • GetAction - Get action for next tick


    • player_view: PlayerView - Player’s view
    • debug_available: boolean - Whether app is running with debug interface available
  • Finish - Signifies end of the game

    No fields

  • DebugUpdate - Debug update


    • player_view: PlayerView - Player’s view


Camera used for rendering


  • center: Vec2Float32 - Center point at which camera is looking
  • rotation: float32 - Rotation angle
  • attack: float32 - Attack angle
  • distance: float32 - Distance to center
  • perspective: boolean - Whether perspective is applied


Debug state to be received from the app


  • window_size: Vec2Int32 - Size of the drawing canvas
  • mouse_pos_window: Vec2Float32 - Mouse position in window coordinates
  • mouse_pos_world: Vec2Float32 - Mouse position in world coordinates
  • pressed_keys: [string] - Currently pressed keys
  • camera: Camera - Current camera used for rendering
  • player_index: int32 - Your player’s index




Slightly pozalusta. * At division dividing rounding is always done in the smaller side. * Also, some entities can repair other the essence essence. * Some of the attacking entity also also can collect resources from targets. * Some entities have the ability ability to build * Type a new entity is restricted by the Builder, these listed in its properties. * You also need to choose position vacant a position that is not occupied by other entities * For the action action attacks can indicate the specific purpose * The operation of buildings need to specify the type of the entity, and also also position. * You can control the search way the way * Also will be included tum mist war * If absent, the new entity will have must have full health * The amount of resource is added to the attacker, is able to collect rusursy resources * Essence have have the form of a square with sides of given length

Nov 28, 2020 2:24:27 AM






Slightly pozalusta. * At division dividing rounding is always done in the smaller side. * Also, some entities can repair other the essence essence . * Some of the attacking entity also also can collect resources from targets. * Some entities have the ability ability to build * Type a new entity is restricted by the Builder, these …

BLT And where’s the Markdown?

Nov 28, 2020 2:25:15 AM



“For the build action, you need to specify the type of entity, as well as the position. The position of the entity is a cell with minimal coordinates. entity_actions: Map EntityAction> - New actions for entities. If the entity has not received a new action, it will continue to perform the previous one. The action consists of the attack, build, repair, and move actions that take priority in this order. That is, if you specify several actions, only the first of the possible ones will be performed.” How do I stop the problem with the infinite construction of units or have I scored? Judging from the description, in each tick, the previous available action is taken and executed until another one is passed. For unit buildings, the only action is building.

Nov 28, 2020 8:39:08 AM






“For the build action, you need to specify the type of entity, as well as the position. The position of the entity is a cell with minimal coordinates. entity_actions: Map EntityAction> - New actions for entities. If the entity has not received a new action, it will continue to perform the previous one. The action consists of the attack, build, repair, and move actions that take priority in this order. That is, if you specify several actions, only the first of the possible ones will be performed.” How do I stop the problem with the infinite construction of units or have I scored? Judging from the description, in each tick, the previous available action is taken and executed until another one is passed. For unit buildings, the only action is building.

You need to pass an empty action to the entity)

Nov 28, 2020 9:35:10 AM



>>> There is a limit on the response time (action selection) for each tick, as well as a total time limit for the entire game. What are the limits in milliseconds? Is it considered CPU or real time?

Nov 28, 2020 5:09:44 PM






На всю стратеги: ~40 секунд процессорного времени + 256МБ оперативки Используй как хочешь, только не превышай 1сек на 1 тик.

Nov 28, 2020 9:04:44 PM


Saint Petersburg

Кто нибудь пробовал использовать DebugCommand? Можно пример? Что вот тут не так? DebugCommand debugCommand = new Add(new PlacedText(new ColoredVertex(new Vec2Float(), new Vec2Float(10, 10), new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)), “Hello!”, 0, 20)); debugInterface.send(debugCommand);

Nov 28, 2020 11:05:53 PM


Saint Petersburg



Saint Petersburg

Кто нибудь пробовал использовать DebugCommand? Можно пример? Что вот тут не так? DebugCommand debugCommand = new Add(new PlacedText(new ColoredVertex(new Vec2Float(), new Vec2Float(10, 10), new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)), “Hello!”, 0, 20)); debugInterface.send(debugCommand);

Вопрос снят

Nov 29, 2020 12:38:52 AM

Будут ли меняться значения параметров в следующих раундах? При текущих значениях параметров игры с одним строителем выглядят слишком медленными - из 1000 тиков на игру минимум 500 тиков надо на постройку первой базы, не говоря уже о том, что почти любую игру можно будет свести к ничьей путем атаки вражеского строителя (от чего можно спастись только застройкой стенами, что тоже не выглядит как хорошая стратегия). В общем, с текущими параметрами стратегия вряд ли получится - время до первой постройки должно быть сопоставимо со временем пересечения карты, или же база строителей должна даваться изначально.

Nov 29, 2020 1:22:18 AM



Два вопроса на засыпку: 1) Где правила начисления очков? 2) Где статы юнитов?

Nov 29, 2020 1:31:38 AM






Два вопроса на засыпку: 1) Где правила начисления очков? 2) Где статы юнитов?

Статы юнитов передают в программу в поле EntityProperties.

Nov 29, 2020 2:02:52 AM


РА "Очень Хорошо"

Наверно, чтобы устранить дисбаланс - “бесполезность” мечника, урон от лучника нужно уменьшить с 5 до 1.

Nov 29, 2020 7:30:32 AM



“ Эти здания позполят купить новых юнитов соответствующего типа. ” Исправьте ошибку.

Nov 29, 2020 9:46:17 AM



aicup2020$ go run main.go
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:37:16: undefined: NewMyStrategy
./main.go:38:20: undefined: DebugInterface


Nov 29, 2020 10:15:40 AM






aicup2020$ go run main.go


./main.go:37:16: undefined: NewMyStrategy ./main.go:38:20: undefined: DebugInterface Приплыли.

Уважаемые гошники! Сборка у вас работать не будет, только если вы не будете делать просто:

go build

Тогда, что-то можно сообразить.

Nov 29, 2020 11:06:03 AM

Считаю, что на питоне пакет написан плохо. В документации сказано, что есть опциональные аргументы. Это значит, что если я не хочу их передавать, то я и не должен. Вместо этого опциональные аргументы приходится закидывать None, иначе ничего работать не будет. По-хорошему опциональным аргументам надо выставить значение по умолчанию None, и тогда все будет согласно документации

Nov 29, 2020 4:12:22 PM



Считаю, что на питоне пакет написан плохо. В документации сказано, что есть опциональные аргументы. Это значит, что если я не хочу их передавать, то я и не должен. Вместо этого опциональные аргументы приходится закидывать None, иначе ничего работать не будет. По-хорошему опциональным аргументам надо выставить значение по умолчанию None, и тогда все будет согласно документации

Поверь, плохо написаны практически все языковые пакеты. Это же традиция раика первым делом полностью переписать пакет под себя :)

В С++ вон даже память под созданные объекты не удаляется :)

Nov 29, 2020 6:23:32 PM






Поверь, плохо написаны практически все языковые пакеты. Это же традиция раика первым делом полностью переписать пакет под себя :) В С++ вон даже память под созданные объекты не удаляется :)

Хотя сейчас повнимательнее посмотрел, shared_ptr правильно захватывает удаляторы во всех случаях. Но это чистое везение и виртуальные деструкторы все равно следует добавить.

Nov 29, 2020 6:46:17 PM


Saint Petersburg

При постройке зданий не увеличивается количество еды. Хотя на клиент приходит новое значение, в игре отображается 15, хоть ты тресни. В старой версии приложения отображалось правильное число, но больше 15 юнитов построить не удается. При этом с клавы все норм. Что не так с едой и домами?

Nov 29, 2020 6:58:32 PM



Возможно я что-то не понимаю, но у меня у одного автоатака работает не более чем на примерно 1/4 часть поля, независимо от переданного в аргумент числа pathfind_range ?

Nov 29, 2020 7:06:05 PM





Saint Petersburg

При постройке зданий не увеличивается количество еды. Хотя на клиент приходит новое значение, в игре отображается 15, хоть ты тресни. В старой версии приложения отображалось правильное число, но больше 15 юнитов построить не удается. При этом с клавы все норм. Что не так с едой и домами?

Дом после постройки надо “починить” до полного здоровья.

Nov 29, 2020 7:06:35 PM





Saint Petersburg

При постройке зданий не увеличивается количество еды. Хотя на клиент приходит новое значение, в игре отображается 15, хоть ты тресни. В старой версии приложения отображалось правильное число, но больше 15 юнитов построить не удается. При этом с клавы все норм. Что не так с едой и домами?

там после постройки дома у него 5хп из 20, проверь, его сразу надо починить и все будет круто

Nov 29, 2020 7:06:48 PM


Saint Petersburg




Дом после постройки надо “починить” до полного здоровья.


Nov 29, 2020 7:08:23 PM


Saint Petersburg




там после постройки дома у него 5хп из 20, проверь, его сразу надо починить и все будет круто


Nov 29, 2020 7:08:32 PM


РА "Очень Хорошо"

Наверно, чтобы устранить дисбаланс - “бесполезность” мечника, урон от лучника нужно уменьшить с 5 до 1.


Nov 29, 2020 11:11:23 PM

Существует ли возможность сохранять информацию между “тиками” ? С целью как оптимизации работы, так и “наследуемости” действий юнитов

Nov 30, 2020 6:44:18 AM





РА "Очень Хорошо"

Наверно, чтобы устранить дисбаланс - “бесполезность” мечника, урон от лучника нужно уменьшить с 5 до 1.

Тогда появится ещё больше дисбаланса, турели придётся тоже уменьшать дамаг, и вообще её нереально будет убить как и любое здание, если её чинит в этот момент работник. Мечника надо править, а не всё остальное, если цель именно его сбалансить.

Nov 30, 2020 6:46:15 AM



Существует ли возможность сохранять информацию между “тиками” ? С целью как оптимизации работы, так и “наследуемости” действий юнитов

Да, класс MyStrategy создается один раз, в нем можно хранить необходимую информацию

Nov 30, 2020 7:50:33 AM



Почему имена игроков в просмотре игры и в локальном приложении не подсвечены цветом своих юнитов, а просто белые, это же очевидно? Фиг поймешь, где кто.

Nov 30, 2020 8:47:27 AM


РА "Очень Хорошо"




Тогда появится ещё больше дисбаланса, турели придётся тоже уменьшать дамаг, и вообще её нереально будет убить как и любое здание, если её чинит в этот момент работник. Мечника надо править, а не всё остальное, если цель именно его сбалансить.

Наоборот, еще один дисбаланс выравнивается. А то единственное укрепленное здание берется штурмом силами 3-х лучников.

Nov 30, 2020 12:34:29 PM





РА "Очень Хорошо"

Наоборот, еще один дисбаланс выравнивается. А то единственное укрепленное здание берется штурмом силами 3-х лучников.

Ну где же он выравнивается, если у турели будет 5 дамаг а у лучников и мили по 1?

Nov 30, 2020 1:07:30 PM






Ну где же он выравнивается, если у турели будет 5 дамаг а у лучников и мили по 1?

И починка как бы 5хп, пара турелей+ремонтники за ними, и хоть тонну лучников подавай, ничего они не сделают с 1дамагом.

Nov 30, 2020 1:09:26 PM



Карта ресурсов рандомно генерируется?)

Nov 30, 2020 2:40:24 PM





Saint Petersburg

Вопрос снят

Как у тебя получилось? Как надо правильно писать, чтобы текст выводило?

Nov 30, 2020 5:09:30 PM

Тут много обсуждения по поводу фикса дальников, мое мнение, что стоит повысить им потребляемую еду до 2. Тогда тактика “закидать противника мясом из милишников” тоже будет рабочая

Nov 30, 2020 7:26:49 PM


Saint Petersburg




Как у тебя получилось? Как надо правильно писать, чтобы текст выводило?

Там в debugUpdate по дефолту отправляется Clear. У меня он все подтирал. Поэтому ни чего не выводилось.

Nov 30, 2020 8:18:37 PM





Saint Petersburg

Там в debugUpdate по дефолту отправляется Clear. У меня он все подтирал. Поэтому ни чего не выводилось.

я закомментил сразу эту штуку. Все равно не выводит

Dec 1, 2020 3:51:54 AM


Saint Petersburg




я закомментил сразу эту штуку. Все равно не выводит

И нужно быть игроком 1, как я понял

Dec 1, 2020 4:06:03 AM



А турельке случайно, позже сплеш не добавят?

Dec 1, 2020 10:23:30 PM



Как называется формат значений свойств сущностей? Ну этот странный JSON, никогда раньше такого не видел

Dec 4, 2020 12:05:09 AM



а за победу над всеми противниками очки давать будут ? а то как и в прошлые годы можно всех победить, но проиrрать по очкам …

Dec 4, 2020 12:16:55 AM



Та же беда: Придется оставлять последний вражий House…

Dec 4, 2020 1:05:11 AM


game garden

А в финале (1 на 1) игроки будут всегда располагаться по диагонали карты? Или расположение игроков будет определяться случайно, и могут попасться любые углы карты?

Dec 5, 2020 11:41:52 PM



Каков размер карты? Что будет если попытаться выйти за границу?

Dec 9, 2020 2:16:22 AM






Каков размер карты? Что будет если попытаться выйти за границу?

нашел первое: map_size

Dec 9, 2020 2:17:32 AM






Каков размер карты? Что будет если попытаться выйти за границу?

PlayerView.map_size, ничего хорошего.

Dec 9, 2020 2:18:19 AM



как узнать, что юнит выполнил задание, к примеру построил дом? у меня сейчас только одна идея, отслеживать появление новых зданий.

Dec 10, 2020 2:19:59 AM






как узнать, что юнит выполнил задание, к примеру построил дом? у меня сейчас только одна идея, отслеживать появление новых зданий.

Хорошая идея.

Dec 10, 2020 3:33:15 AM






Хорошая идея.

Простые рабочие тоже могут атаковать или я ошибаюсь?

Dec 10, 2020 11:30:22 AM






Простые рабочие тоже могут атаковать или я ошибаюсь?

Могут, в частности они атакуют ресурсы.

range: 1, damage: 1,

Dec 10, 2020 8:15:17 PM

I haven’t been able to test my strategies locally using the app. I’m getting an error when I try to run the main.cpp file while trying to connect to the app locally.

TcpStream.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__connect@12 referenced in function "public: __thiscall TcpStream::TcpStream(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &,int)" (??0TcpStream@@QAE@ABV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@H@Z)

I’m using Visual Studio 2019 on Windows x64. Has anyone else tried with VS19? If not, can you recommend a method to run strategies locally on the app?

Dec 10, 2020 8:57:14 PM



I haven’t been able to test my strategies locally using the app. I’m getting an error when I try to run the main.cpp file while trying to connect to the app locally. TcpStream.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__connect@12 referenced in function "public: __thiscall TcpStream::TcpStream(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits,class std::allocator > const &,int)" (??0TcpStream@@QAE@ABV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@H@Z) …

If you import the cmake project included (CMakeLists.txt), everything should work fine.

Dec 10, 2020 10:16:22 PM



If you import the cmake project included ( CMakeLists.txt ), everything should work fine.

Thanks! That helped me figure it out.

Dec 10, 2020 10:52:19 PM






Возможно я что-то не понимаю, но у меня у одного автоатака работает не более чем на примерно 1/4 часть поля, независимо от переданного в аргумент числа pathfind_range ?

Как я понял дальность ограничена вот этим max_pathfind_nodes =1000. Это грубо говоря квадрат из 1000 ячеек где ты в центре. Получается что то типа 15 клеток в каждую сторону максимум

Dec 11, 2020 9:20:14 AM



У меня вопрос. Допустим мой лучник стоит в координатах (0,0). Я иногда замечаю, что он зависает как будто что то делает, но ничего не делает. А он пытается атаковать цель в координатах (4, 3) или (3, 4). По сути до неё же дальность ровно 5 и всё хорошо, но не стреляет. Это мне так кажется или реально так есть?

Dec 11, 2020 11:10:27 AM






У меня вопрос. Допустим мой лучник стоит в координатах (0,0). Я иногда замечаю, что он зависает как будто что то делает, но ничего не делает. А он пытается атаковать цель в координатах (4, 3) или (3, 4). По сути до неё же дальность ровно 5 и всё хорошо, но не стреляет. Это мне так кажется или реально так есть?

дальность по манхеттеновскому расстоянию. в данном случае оно 7

Dec 11, 2020 11:11:58 AM

У меня вопрос. Допустим мой лучник стоит в координатах (0,0). Я иногда замечаю, что он зависает как будто что то делает, но ничего не делает. А он пытается атаковать цель в координатах (4, 3) или (3, 4). По сути до неё же дальность ровно 5 и всё хорошо, но не стреляет. Это мне так кажется или реально так есть?

Проверил через клавиатуру, и реально он не достает и смещается ближе

Dec 11, 2020 11:13:34 AM






дальность по манхеттеновскому расстоянию. в данном случае оно 7

Таааакккк. Объясни пожалуйста подробнее подробнее

Dec 11, 2020 11:14:51 AM






Таааакккк. Объясни пожалуйста подробнее подробнее


Dec 11, 2020 11:18:39 AM







И тут стул подо мной вспыхнул….

Dec 11, 2020 11:20:55 AM






И тут стул подо мной вспыхнул….

погуглить не помешает

Dec 11, 2020 11:24:22 AM






погуглить не помешает

Я погуглил. Короче спасибо тебе. Как же это всё изменило

Dec 11, 2020 11:30:07 AM


КФУ им. В.И. Вернадского




как узнать, что юнит выполнил задание, к примеру построил дом? у меня сейчас только одна идея, отслеживать появление новых зданий.

Именно так и надо. Заводишь массив, который обновляешь каждый тик, и проверяешь появилось ли там здание, которое ты приказывал юниту построить.

Dec 11, 2020 3:05:11 PM


КФУ им. В.И. Вернадского

BTW, а где я могу получить свой текущий population? Или нужно вручную считать дома?

Dec 11, 2020 3:32:48 PM





КФУ им. В.И. Вернадского

BTW, а где я могу получить свой текущий population? Или нужно вручную считать дома?

Нужно вручную считать все здания.

Dec 11, 2020 5:24:09 PM


Саратовский ГУ

Отсылаю решение на C# в архиве (только .cs файлы и csproj), получаю ошибку компиляции на сервере:


stderr: + ‘[‘ compile ’!=‘ base ’]’ ++ ls -1 /src/ ++ wc -l + 1 -eq 1 + cp -f /src/MyStrategy.cs MyStrategy.cs cp: cannot stat ‘/src/MyStrategy.cs’: No such file or directory

MyStrategy.cs лежит в корне архива

Dec 11, 2020 5:56:21 PM





Саратовский ГУ

Отсылаю решение на C# в архиве (только .cs файлы и csproj), получаю ошибку компиляции на сервере: stdout: stderr: + ‘[‘ compile ’!=‘ base ’]’ ++ ls -1 /src/ ++ wc -l + 1 -eq 1 + cp -f /src/MyStrategy.cs MyStrategy.cs cp: cannot stat ‘/src/MyStrategy.cs’: No such file or directory MyStrategy.cs лежит в корне архива

Попробуй отсылать всё, что было изначально в архиве, со своими изменениями сверху.

Dec 11, 2020 8:41:29 PM

Ranged unit. Deals less damage than melee unit, but has bigger attack range. It says here that the Ranged Unit deals less damage than a Melee Unit.

However, the damage shown here is the same as Melee Unit’s damage. Am I missing something?

RangedUnit: (
        size: 1,
        build_score: 30,
        destroy_score: 300,
        can_move: true,
        population_provide: 0,
        population_use: 1,
        max_health: 10,
        initial_cost: 30,
        sight_range: 10,
        resource_per_health: 0,
        build: None,
        attack: Some((
            range: 5,
            damage: 5,
            collect_resource: false,
        repair: None,

Dec 12, 2020 2:08:32 PM



Всем привет. Использую c#. У меня на локалке всё работает. А когда отсылаю, то много ошибок, таких как

stderr: + cd /output + dotnet ./aicup2020.dll gameserver 31002 6bda24cc2880644de3e65c1c0cb699c6f63b511f_1 Unhandled exception. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Aicup2020.Base.Update(PlayerView playerView, List1& groups, Section[,] sections, List1& log) in /project/Base.Update.cs:line 12 at Aicup2020.MyStrategy.GetAction(PlayerView playerView, DebugInterface debugInterface) in /project/MyStrategy.cs:line 112

Я понимаю, что значит “System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.”, но на понимаю, почему на локалке этого нет.

Dec 16, 2020 10:55:31 AM






Всем привет. Использую c#. У меня на локалке всё работает. А когда отсылаю, то много ошибок, таких как stderr: + cd /output + dotnet ./aicup2020.dll gameserver 31002 6bda24cc2880644de3e65c1c0cb699c6f63b511f_1 Unhandled exception. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Aicup2020.Base.Update(PlayerView playerView, List …

позапускай на локалке игры по правилам всех раундов против себя же

Dec 16, 2020 12:26:28 PM



Почему во втором раунде игры первого раунда?

Dec 19, 2020 9:10:08 AM






Почему во втором раунде игры первого раунда?

Есть примеры? Пока тестируется может писать формат 4х1, но по факту выходит 4х1+. Вы об этом?

Dec 19, 2020 10:15:48 AM






Почему во втором раунде игры первого раунда?

Этот баг отображения непротестированных игр с начала времён.

Dec 19, 2020 10:16:15 AM


“По результатам Раунда 2 50 лучших стратегий пройдут в Финал. Также в Финал проходят дополнительные 10 участников с наибольшим рейтингом в Песочнице (на момент старта Финала), среди тех кто не прошел по результатам Раунда 2.” Кто не участвовал в раунде 2 может попасть в финал через дополнительные 10 мест из песочницы?

Dec 19, 2020 12:53:39 PM




“По результатам Раунда 2 50 лучших стратегий пройдут в Финал. Также в Финал проходят дополнительные 10 участников с наибольшим рейтингом в Песочнице (на момент старта Финала), среди тех кто не прошел по результатам Раунда 2.” Кто не участвовал в раунде 2 может попасть в финал через дополнительные 10 мест из песочницы?

Да, но это сложно.

Dec 19, 2020 1:07:22 PM