Yoast SEO


Yoast SEO: the #1 WordPress SEO plugin

Desde 2008, Yoast SEO ha ayudado a millones de webs de todo el mundo a posicionarse más alto en los motores de búsqueda.

Yoast’s mission is SEO for Everyone. Our plugin’s users range from the bakery around the corner to some of the most popular sites on the planet.

Yoast SEO Free contiene todo lo que necesitas para gestionar tu SEO, y el plugin Yoast SEO Premium y sus extensiones desbloquean incluso más herramientas y funcionalidad.


Para estar arriba en el posicionamiento de los motores de búsqueda, tienes que ganar a la competencia. Necesitas tener una web mejor, más rápida y más sólida que las de las personas que venden o hacen el mismo tipo de cosas que tú.

Yoast SEO es el plugin SEO para WordPress más utilizado y ha ayudado a millones de personas como tú a avanzar y a estar en cabeza.


Yoast SEO está repleto de características, diseñadas para ayudar a los visitantes y motores de búsqueda para conseguir la mejor de tu web. Algunas de nuestras favoritas son:

  • Mejoras técnicas de SEO automáticas, como las URLs canónicas y meta tags.
  • Mapas del sitio XML avanzados; que hacen más fácil que Google comprenda la estructura de tu sitio.
  • Title and meta description templating, for better branding and consistent snippets in the search results.
  • Una integración en profundidad con Schema.org que aumentará tus oportunidades de conseguir resultados enriquecidos ayudando a los motores de búsqueda a comprender tu contenido.
  • Control total sobre las migas de pan del sitio, para que los usuarios y los motores de búsqueda siempre sepan dónde están.
  • Tiempos de carga más rápidos para toda tu web, debido a un modo innovador de gestionar datos en WordPress.
  • [Premium] E-mail support for our Yoast SEO Premium users.
  • [Premium] The possibility to expand Yoast SEO with the News SEO, Video SEO, Local SEO and WooCommerce SEO extensions.


Sabemos que el contenido es el rey, es por eso que Yoast SEO es famoso por su análisis de legibilidad y su análisis SEO de primera calidad. Yoast SEO te da:

  • Análisis SEO: una herramienta de incalculable valor mientras escribes contenido para SEO con las frases clave correctas (objetivo) en mente.
  • Análisis de legibilidad: asegura que humanos y motores de búsqueda puedan leer y comprender tu contenido.
  • Full language support for: English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic, Swedish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Turkish, Czech, Norwegian and Slovak.
  • Una vista previa en Google, que muestra cómo se verán tus contenidos en los resultados de búsqueda. ¡Incluso en dispositivos móviles!
  • Innovadores bloques de Schema para el editor de bloques de WordPress, para que tu contenido de FAQ y guías prácticas pueda ser mostrado directamente en los resultados de búsqueda. Además de un bloque de migas de pan para guiar a tus usuarios.
  • [Premium] Bloques de enlazado interno para mejorar fácilmente la estructura de tu contenido. Añade fácilmente un bloque de tabla de contenidos, un bloque de enlaces relacionados, un bloque de subpáginas o ¡el bloque de hermanos! Además, seguiremos añadiendo estos bloques fáciles de añadir para mejorar la estructura de tu sitio.
  • [Premium] Social previews to show you how your content will be shown on Twitter and Facebook. Plus: Social Appearance Templates to guarantee a consistent look.
  • [Premium] The Insights tool that shows you what your text focuses on. This way you can keep your article in line with your keyphrases.
  • [Premium] Optimiza tu contenido para sinónimos y frases clave relacionadas.
  • [Premium] Optimiza tu artículo para diferentes formas de palabras a partir de tus frases clave, como por ejemplo entre singular y plural. Pero también diferentes formas verbables, sinónimos y frases claves relacionadas. ¡Esto ayuda a tener contenido más natural!
  • [Premium] Automatic internal linking suggestions: write your article and get automatic suggested posts to link to!
  • [Premium] Un filtro de contenido huérfano para ¡detectar entradas que no tengan enlaces que apuntan hacia ellas.
  • [Premium] SEO workouts to make working on your site as easy as ABC. These SEO workflows will get your site into shape in no time!


Ya seas un emprendedor online, bloguero o creador de contenidos, un desarrollador, un experto en SEO (WordPress) o propietario de un negocio, Yoast SEO te ayuda a mantener tu web en perfecta forma:

  • Tuning the engine of your website, so you can work on creating great content!
  • Te ofrece las características de contenido esencial y enlazado interno para ayudarte a optimizar la estructura de tu sitio fácilmente.
  • Translating your content to structured data where possible, to help search engines understand your website.
  • Te ayuda a gestionar tu equipo: con nuestros perfiles SEO puedes dar a los colegas acceso a secciones específicas del plugin Yoast SEO.
  • [Premium] Creación automática de redirecciones cuando cambian las URLs o cuando se borran páginas, y que ofrece herramientas para gestionar o crear redirecciones.
  • [Premium] Showing you social previews to manage the way your page is shared on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.


Yoast funciona gracias a un equipo de expertos desarrolladores, probadores, arquitectos de software y consultores SEO. Trabajan constantemente para estar a la última en SEO para WordPress, y para mejorar el plugin en cada versión.

Yoast SEO es el único plugin SEO para WordPress creado por expertos SEO conocidos mundialmente.


El equipo de Yoast ofrece soporte normal en los foros de WordPress.org. Pero esperamos que comprendas que priorizamos a los clientes premium. Este soporte por correo electrónico persona a persona está disponible para quienes haya comprado Yoast SEO Premium.

Did you know that Yoast SEO Premium contains a lot of extra features:

  • Un gestor de redirecciones que evita errores de «404: página no encontrada»
  • Optimiza sin preocuparte sobre la sobre optimización con el reconocimiento inteligente de palabras disponible en varios idiomas.
  • Bloques de enlazado interno para estructurar fácilmente tu sitio.
  • Sugerencias de enlazado interno mientras escribes.
  • Previsualiza tu contenido para ver cómo se verá en los resultados de búsqueda y cuando se comparta en los medios sociales usando la vista previa en Google y la vista previa social.
  • Cornerstone content checks that point search engines to your most important pages.
  • Conecta Yoast SEO a Zapier para crear fácilmente zaps que compartan instantáneamente tus entradas publicadas con más de 2.000 destinos como Twitter, Facebook y muchos más.

¡Si eres concienzudo con el SEO de tu WordPress, instala el plugin Yoast SEO Premium! ¡Cuesta muy poco, ahorra un montón de tiempo!


Echa un vistazo a estas extensiones SEO de Yoast:

  • Yoast Local SEO optimiza tu web para una audiencia local.
  • Yoast Video SEO ensures that Google understands what your video is about, increasing the chances of ranking in the video results.
  • Yoast News SEO for news websites that want to improve their visibility and performance in Google News.
  • WooCommerce SEO for all online shops that want to perform better in the search results and social media.

Estas extensiones funcionan genial con la versión gratuita de Yoast SEO. Por supuesto, las extensiones premium también incluyen soporte 24/7.

Oh, don’t forget: our Yoast Academy is for all entrepreneurs, bloggers, and anyone who wants to learn more about optimizing websites, improving your WordPress SEO, and if you want to take your content to the next level!


Yoast SEO se integra fácilmente con montones de temas y plugins. Funcionamos particularmente bien con:


¿Quieres informar de un fallo en Yoast SEO? Mejor hacerlo en el repositorio en GitHub de WordPress SEO. Por favor, tén en cuenta que GitHub no es un foro de soporte y los problemas se cerrarán si no reúnen los requisitos de información de fallos.


¿Quieres más informaicón sobre optimización en motores de búsqueda y Yoast SEO? Echa un vistazo a:


  • The Yoast SEO plugin general meta box. You'll see this on edit post pages, for posts, pages and custom post types.
  • Example of the SEO analysis functionality.
  • Example of the readability analysis functionality.
  • Overview of site-wide SEO problems and possible improvements.
  • Control over which features you want to use.
  • Easily import SEO data from other SEO plugins like All In One SEO pack, HeadSpace2 SEO and wpSEO.de.


Starting with Yoast SEO consists of just two steps: installing and setting up the plugin. Yoast SEO is designed to work with your site’s specific needs, so don’t forget to go through the Yoast SEO configuration wizard as explained in the ‘after activation’ step!


  1. Visit the plugins page within your dashboard and select ‘Add New’;
  2. Search for ‘Yoast SEO’;
  3. Activate Yoast SEO from your Plugins page;
  4. Go to ‘after activation’ below.


  1. Upload the ‘wordpress-seo’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory;
  2. Activate the Yoast SEO plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress;
  3. Go to ‘after activation’ below.


  1. You should see (a notice to start) the Yoast SEO configuration wizard;
  2. Go through the configuration wizard and set up the plugin for your site;
  3. You’re done!


How do the XML Sitemaps in the Yoast SEO plugin work?

Having an XML sitemap can be beneficial for SEO, as Google can retrieve essential pages of a website very fast, even if the internal linking of a site isn’t flawless.
The sitemap index and individual sitemaps are updated automatically as you add or remove content and will include the post types you want search engines to index. Post Types marked as noindex will not appear in the sitemap. Learn more about XML Sitemaps.

How can I add my website to Google Search Console?

It is straightforward to add your website to Google Search Console.
1. Create a Google Search Console account and login into your account.
2. Click ‘Add a property’ under the search drop-down.
3. Enter your website URL in the box and click ‘Continue’.
4. Click the arrow next to ‘HTML tag’ to expand the option.
5. Copy the meta tag.
6. Log in to your WordPress website.
7. Click on ‘SEO’ in the dashboard.
8. Click on ‘General’.
9. Click on the ‘Webmaster Tools’ tab.
10. Paste the code in the Google field and click ‘Save Changes’.
11. Go back to Google Search Console and click ‘Verify’.

If you want more details steps, please visit our article on our help center.

How do I implement Yoast SEO breadcrumbs?

The steps below are a temporary solution as manual edits made to theme files may be overwritten with future theme updates. Please contact the theme developer for a permanent solution. We’ve written an article about the importance of breadcrumbs for SEO.

To implement the breadcrumbs function in Yoast SEO, you will have to edit your theme. We recommend that prior to any editing of the theme files, a backup is taken. Your host provider can help you take a backup.
Copy the following code into your theme where you want the breadcrumbs to be. If you are not sure, you will need to experiment with placement:

if ( function_exists( 'yoast_breadcrumb' ) ) {
    yoast_breadcrumb( '<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>' );

Common places where you could place your breadcrumbs are inside your single.php and/or page.php file just above the page’s title. Another option that makes it really easy in some themes is by just pasting the code in header.php at the very end.

In most non-WooTheme themes, this code snippet should not be added to your functions.php file.
Alternatively, you can manually add the breadcrumb shortcode to individual posts or pages: [wpseo_breadcrumb]

If you need more details or a step by step guide, read our Implementation guide for Yoast SEO breadcrumbs.

How do I noindex URLS?

Yoast SEO provides multiple options for setting a URL or group of URLs to noindex. Read more about how to do this in this guide.

Google shows the wrong description, how do I fix this?

If you’ve crafted nice meta descriptions for your blog posts, nothing is more annoying than Google showing another description for your site completely in the search result snippet.

Possible causes could be:
1. wrong description in code
2. Google cache is outdated
3. Search term manipulation
4. Google ignored the meta description

You can read more here on how to solve the issue with the wrong description.

How often is Yoast SEO updated?

Yoast SEO is updated every two weeks. If you want to know why, please read this post on why we release every two weeks!

How do I get support?

As our free plugin is used by millions of people worldwide, we cannot offer you all one on one support. If you have trouble with the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin, you can get help on the support forums here at wordpress.org or by checking out our help center at yoast.com/help/.

The plugins you buy at Yoast are called ‘premium plugins’ (even if Premium isn’t in its name) and include a complete year of free updates and premium support. This means you can contact our support team if you have any questions about that plugin.

Read more on how to get support

I have a different question than listed here

Your question has most likely been answered on our help center: yoast.com/help/.


18 de septiembre, 2021
Unfortunately, Yoast SEO does not seem to recognise German conjunctions. Thus, it shows a red "smiley" for readability, even if one uses many conjunctions such as "dennoch", "während", "wenn-dann", "und", etc. etc. Furthermore, it seems to recognise the different German articles as one word and says: Do not use the same word three times in a row at the beginning of a sentence even if the articles are different from one another. Please fix that as it is very annoying and upsetting during the process of writing. Moreover, you are simply wrong. My style has not changed at all since you introduced your apparently altered rating system. The results, however, are different. Thank you.
16 de septiembre, 2021
I’be been using it for years. I don’t imagine using wp without yoast!
13 de septiembre, 2021
Overall I love what Yoast does but the support has simply been disappointing. I don't have the premium version and I had incompatibility problems with another plugin. Yoast simply refused to help me unless I purchased the premium version despite the other plugin being willing to send over a copy of the plugin and offer anything that they needed to investigate the issue. It's really a shame, and I lost my respect for the company. Money-centric doesn't look good on you, Yoast.
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Registro de cambios


Release Date: September 7th, 2021

Yoast SEO 17.1 is out today! In this release, you’ll find a couple of small changes that’ll help you write great titles that stand up to Google’s scrutiny. It also includes some behind-the-scenes improvements, including several fixes for our indexables data management. For now, please enjoy Yoast SEO and write the best possible content in the language of your choice! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.1 in our release post!


  • Improves the performance of saving posts by excluding unchanged items, especially noticeable on posts with many links.
  • Stops showing the SEO Optimization notification on non-production sites.
  • Improves the filtering of function words in Dutch, English, Indonesian, Russian, and Spanish by including time-related words like ‘minute’.
  • Updates the styling of our Google preview, to reflect the updated styling of the Google search results.
  • Stops warning users when they have short titles, because concise, specific titles are less likely to be altered by Google.
  • Removes the | and ~ separator options from titles, because Google frequently replaces these in search results.


Release Date: August 24th, 2021

Say hello to Yoast SEO 17.0! This release includes some behind-the-scenes improvements, including several fixes for our indexables data management. For now, please enjoy Yoast SEO and write the best possible content in the language of your choice! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.0 in our release post!


  • Speeds up load times of admin pages by preventing unnecessary counts of unindexed objects.
  • Cleans up items from the database that are not used anymore, thereby reducing the size of many sites’ database.
  • Improves the overall performance and responsiveness in Gutenberg.


  • Fixes a bug where the Save all button in the bulk editor did not work.
  • Fixes a bug where the Existing column in the bulk editor did not update after save.


  • Updates the message that recommends you to install WooCommerce SEO when WooCommerce is installed.

Earlier versions

For the changelog of earlier versions, please refer to the changelog on yoast.com.