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Master Frontend Development 💻 By Cloning These Websites 💯

Master Frontend Development 💻 By Cloning These Websites 💯

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6 min read
Build your CSS loader with only one div — The Dots

Build your CSS loader with only one div — The Dots

Reactions 57 Comments 6
8 min read
How to Reduce React App Loading Time By 70%

How to Reduce React App Loading Time By 70%

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4 min read
Build Pixel Perfect Skeleton Loader Using CSS 🚀

Build Pixel Perfect Skeleton Loader Using CSS 🚀

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5 min read
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DEV Community is a community of 694,226 amazing developers

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Listen to S6E6 of DevDiscuss: "VS Code and the Extended VS Code Universe" with Jonathan Carter & Cassidy Williams

Listen to S6E6 of DevDiscuss: "VS Code and the Extended VS Code Universe" with Jonathan Carter & Cassidy Williams

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2 min read
Introduction to WebGL and shaders

Introduction to WebGL and shaders

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13 min read
How to mint an NFT with JavaScript

How to mint an NFT with JavaScript

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3 min read
Welcome Thread - v142

Welcome Thread - v142

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1 min read
Introduction to cloud computing

Introduction to cloud computing

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9 min read
Unlimited JavaScript (or where can I use JavaScript)

Unlimited JavaScript (or where can I use JavaScript)

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5 min read
The Complete Guide to Full Stack Solana Development with React, Anchor, Rust, and Phantom

The Complete Guide to Full Stack Solana Development with React, Anchor, Rust, and Phantom

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18 min read
Making random and unique ID with Javascript

Making random and unique ID with Javascript

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1 min read
Creando un ID random y unico en JAVASCRIPT

Creando un ID random y unico en JAVASCRIPT

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1 min read
10+ Github Repositories You Should Know as a Developer

10+ Github Repositories You Should Know as a Developer

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4 min read
Todos: The Hard Parts

Todos: The Hard Parts

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10 min read
Building a twitter bot with Python to search, retweet, like and reply tweets

Building a twitter bot with Python to search, retweet, like and reply tweets

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8 min read
Python: The Beginner's Guide

Python: The Beginner's Guide

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4 min read
How to install Figma on Linux

How to install Figma on Linux

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2 min read
Gitlab CI/CD for multiple environment

Gitlab CI/CD for multiple environment

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1 min read
How to create an GitHub Special Repository for Organisation

How to create an GitHub Special Repository for Organisation

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2 min read
DEVCommunity, if you want to stay accountable, learn alongside, hit me up. Let's learn, grow and create projects together😊💪

DEVCommunity, if you want to stay accountable, learn alongside, hit me up. Let's learn, grow and create projects together😊💪

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1 min read
Released an app to train facial expressions: Multilingual in Next.js, dynamic OGP, facial expression recognition in face-api.js

Released an app to train facial expressions: Multilingual in Next.js, dynamic OGP, facial expression recognition in face-api.js

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3 min read
Pull Requests Like a PRO: Tips to Make High-Quality Pull Requests

Pull Requests Like a PRO: Tips to Make High-Quality Pull Requests

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4 min read
TricetAtOps: the new DevOps frontier

TricetAtOps: the new DevOps frontier

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1 min read
Svelte: derived stores based on an arbitrary array of stores

Svelte: derived stores based on an arbitrary array of stores

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1 min read
Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol - HTTP 101

Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol - HTTP 101

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3 min read
Django & Docker - Open-source Projects

Django & Docker - Open-source Projects

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5 min read
Doctave CLI 0.2.0: A Benchmarking Story

Doctave CLI 0.2.0: A Benchmarking Story

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4 min read
Announcing Create Medusa App: One command for a full-stack headless e-commerce setup

Announcing Create Medusa App: One command for a full-stack headless e-commerce setup

Reactions 12 Comments 2
3 min read
19 Essential Front-End Interview Questions

19 Essential Front-End Interview Questions

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6 min read
Project Management with GitLab

Project Management with GitLab

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7 min read
Laravel 8 REST API Authentication using Sanctum

Laravel 8 REST API Authentication using Sanctum

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3 min read


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1 min read
Code stability and interdependencies

Code stability and interdependencies

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4 min read
VSCode extensions that you need [Webdevs]🚀🔧

VSCode extensions that you need [Webdevs]🚀🔧

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7 min read
#help Should I use Golang or Node.js for E-commerce

#help Should I use Golang or Node.js for E-commerce

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1 min read
Why we use doctrine package in Laravel

Why we use doctrine package in Laravel

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1 min read
REST APIs and Architecture - 101

REST APIs and Architecture - 101

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3 min read
How to Deploy a Spring Boot App on AWS ECS Cluster

How to Deploy a Spring Boot App on AWS ECS Cluster

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10 min read
O que aprendi ministrando meu primeiro workshop

O que aprendi ministrando meu primeiro workshop

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3 min read
Create a PDF document from an Azure DevOps Wiki

Create a PDF document from an Azure DevOps Wiki

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4 min read
Node.js static site generator (Release 0.1.0)

Node.js static site generator (Release 0.1.0)

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2 min read
We are testing software wrongly. And it costs a lot of money

We are testing software wrongly. And it costs a lot of money

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2 min read
Mastering Flutter: Animations Part 2

Mastering Flutter: Animations Part 2

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3 min read
React Native Android Currency Formatter

React Native Android Currency Formatter

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1 min read
Creating blog post images automatically for Gridsome

Creating blog post images automatically for Gridsome

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3 min read
You're doing great, and you need to hear that :)

You're doing great, and you need to hear that :)

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3 min read
Rust + Google Sheets API Quickstart

Rust + Google Sheets API Quickstart

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2 min read
Using dd (dump and die) function in PHP

Using dd (dump and die) function in PHP

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2 min read
Docker in development (with Node.js)

Docker in development (with Node.js)

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6 min read