@wordpress/stylelint-config Edit

stylelint configuration rules to ensure your CSS is compliant with the WordPress CSS Coding Standards.

Installation Installation

$ npm install @wordpress/stylelint-config --save-dev

Note: This package requires Node.js 12.0.0 or later. It is not compatible with older versions.

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Usage Usage

If you’ve installed @wordpress/stylelint-config locally within your project, just set your stylelint config to:

    "extends": "@wordpress/stylelint-config"

If you’ve globally installed @wordpress/stylelint-config using the -g flag, then you’ll need to use the absolute path to @wordpress/stylelint-config in your config:

    "extends": "/absolute/path/to/@wordpress/stylelint-config"

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Presets Presets

In addition to the default preset, there is also a SCSS preset. This preset extends both @wordpress/stylelint-config and stylelint-config-recommended-scss.


    "extends": [ "@wordpress/stylelint-config/scss" ]

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Extending the config Extending the config

Simply add a "rules" key to your config and add your overrides there.

For example, to change the indentation to four spaces and turn off the number-leading-zero rule:

    "extends": "@wordpress/stylelint-config",
    "rules": {
        "indentation": 4,
        "number-leading-zero": null

Code is Poetry.