@wordpress/block-directory Edit

Package used to extend editor with block directory features to search and install blocks.

This package is meant to be used only with WordPress core. Feel free to use it in your own project but please keep in mind that it might never get fully documented.

Installation Installation

Install the module

npm install @wordpress/block-directory --save

This package assumes that your code will run in an ES2015+ environment. If you’re using an environment that has limited or no support for ES2015+ such as IE browsers then using core-js will add polyfills for these methods.

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Usage Usage

This package builds a standalone JS file. When loaded on a page with the block editor, it extends the block inserter to search for blocks from WordPress.org.

To do this, it uses the __unstableInserterMenuExtension, a slot-fill area hooked into the block types list. When the user runs a search and there are no results currently installed, it fires off a request to WordPress.org for matching blocks. These are listed for the user to install with a one-click process that installs, activates, and injects the block into the post. When the post is saved, if the block was not used, it will be silently uninstalled to avoid clutter.

See also the API endpoints for searching WordPress.org: /wp/v2/block-directory/search, and installing & activating plugins: /wp/v2/plugins/.

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Actions Actions

The following set of dispatching action creators are available on the object returned by wp.data.dispatch( 'core/block-directory' ):

addInstalledBlockType addInstalledBlockType

Returns an action object used to add a block type to the “newly installed”
tracking list.


  • item Object: The block item with the block id and name.


  • Object: Action object.

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clearErrorNotice clearErrorNotice

Sets the error notice to empty for specific block.


  • blockId string: The ID of the block plugin. eg: my-block


  • Object: Action object.

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fetchDownloadableBlocks fetchDownloadableBlocks

Returns an action object used in signalling that the downloadable blocks
have been requested and are loading.


  • filterValue string: Search string.


  • Object: Action object.

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installBlockType installBlockType

Action triggered to install a block plugin.


  • block Object: The block item returned by search.


  • boolean: Whether the block was successfully installed & loaded.

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receiveDownloadableBlocks receiveDownloadableBlocks

Returns an action object used in signalling that the downloadable blocks
have been updated.


  • downloadableBlocks Array: Downloadable blocks.
  • filterValue string: Search string.


  • Object: Action object.

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removeInstalledBlockType removeInstalledBlockType

Returns an action object used to remove a block type from the “newly installed”
tracking list.


  • item string: The block item with the block id and name.


  • Object: Action object.

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setErrorNotice setErrorNotice

Sets an error notice to be displayed to the user for a given block.


  • blockId string: The ID of the block plugin. eg: my-block
  • message string: The message shown in the notice.
  • isFatal boolean: Whether the user can recover from the error.


  • Object: Action object.

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setIsInstalling setIsInstalling

Returns an action object used to indicate install in progress.


  • blockId string:
  • isInstalling boolean:


  • Object: Action object.

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uninstallBlockType uninstallBlockType

Action triggered to uninstall a block plugin.


  • block Object: The blockType object.

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Selectors Selectors

The following selectors are available on the object returned by wp.data.select( 'core/block-directory' ):

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getDownloadableBlocks getDownloadableBlocks

Returns the available uninstalled blocks.


  • state Object: Global application state.
  • filterValue string: Search string.


  • Array: Downloadable blocks.

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getErrorNoticeForBlock getErrorNoticeForBlock

Returns the error notice for a given block.


  • state Object: Global application state.
  • blockId string: The ID of the block plugin. eg: my-block


  • string|boolean: The error text, or false if no error.

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getErrorNotices getErrorNotices

Returns all block error notices.


  • state Object: Global application state.


  • Object: Object with error notices.

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getInstalledBlockTypes getInstalledBlockTypes

Returns the block types that have been installed on the server in this


  • state Object: Global application state.


  • Array: Block type items

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getNewBlockTypes getNewBlockTypes

Returns block types that have been installed on the server and used in the
current post.


  • state Object: Global application state.


  • Array: Block type items.

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getUnusedBlockTypes getUnusedBlockTypes

Returns the block types that have been installed on the server but are not
used in the current post.


  • state Object: Global application state.


  • Array: Block type items.

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isInstalling isInstalling

Returns true if a block plugin install is in progress.


  • state Object: Global application state.
  • blockId string: Id of the block.


  • boolean: Whether this block is currently being installed.

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isRequestingDownloadableBlocks isRequestingDownloadableBlocks

Returns true if application is requesting for downloadable blocks.


  • state Object: Global application state.
  • filterValue string: Search string.


  • boolean: Whether a request is in progress for the blocks list.

Code is Poetry.