i18n Filters Edit

The i18n functions (__(), _x(), _n() and _nx()) provide translations of strings for use in your code. The values returned by these functions are filterable if you need to override them, using the following filters:

  • i18n.gettext
  • i18n.gettext_with_context
  • i18n.ngettext
  • i18n.ngettext_with_context

Filter Arguments Filter Arguments

The filters are passed the following arguments, in line with their PHP equivalents.

i18n.gettext i18n.gettext

function i18nGettextCallback( translation, text, domain ) {
    return translation;

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i18n.gettext_with_context i18n.gettext_with_context

function i18nGettextWithContextCallback( translation, text, context, domain ) {
    return translation;

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i18n.ngettext i18n.ngettext

function i18nNgettextCallback( translation, single, plural, number, domain ) {
    return translation;

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i18n.ngettext_with_context i18n.ngettext_with_context

function i18nNgettextWithContextCallback(
) {
    return translation;

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Basic Example Basic Example

Here is a simple example, using the i18n.gettext filter to override a specific translation.

// Define our filter callback.
function myPluginGettextFilter( translation, text, domain ) {
    if ( text === 'Add to Reusable blocks' ) {
        return 'Save to MyOrg block library';
    return translation;

// Adding the filter

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Using ‘text domain’-specific filters Using ‘text domain’-specific filters

Filters that are specific to the text domain you’re operating on are generally preferred for performance reasons (since your callback will only be run for strings in the relevant text domain).

To attach to a text domain-specific filter append an underscore and the text-domain to the standard filter name. For example, if filtering a string where the text domain is “woocommerce”, you would use one of the following filters:

  • i18n.gettext_woocommerce
  • i18n.gettext_with_context_woocommerce
  • i18n.ngettext_woocommerce
  • i18n.ngettext_with_context_woocommerce

For example:

// Define our filter callback.
function myPluginGettextFilter( translation, text, domain ) {
    if ( text === 'You’ve fulfilled all your orders' ) {
        return 'All packed up and ready to go. Good job!';
    return translation;

// Adding the filter

Note: To apply a filter where the text-domain is undefined (for example WordPress core strings), then use the name “default” to construct the filter name.

  • i18n.gettext_default
  • i18n.gettext_with_context_default
  • i18n.ngettext_default
  • i18n.ngettext_with_context_default