WordPress 4.3, PHP 5.6 and MySQL 5.6..Oh My

For many years Semiologic themes and plugins have continued to operate just fine over each WordPress upgrade and changes to PHP and MySQL versions.   With PHP 5.4 there were a few minor coding tweaks made to suppress any E_STRICT warnings messages being output during debug mode.        With WordPress 4.3 on the horizon and the need to retag plugins and themes to mark them as 4.3 compatible (more a change to the readme file than any real coding effort), these new releases will also make any changes needed for PHP 5.6.   We’ve yet to find any but compatibility and tested against will be official.    You’ll see a bunch of upgrades on your site’s backend as these become available.

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State of the Semio

We may have been a little amiss in not keeping the blog posts up-to-date.  Rest assure things continue to move along with Semiologic efforts.

  • The Semiologic Pinnacle theme was official released so that updates could be provided to via the Version Checker/Auto-Update mechanism.  to that end version 2.1 of Pinnacle was just pushed out that tweaks a few things as well as adds support for child themes in addition to the primary mechanism of panels and widgets.

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External Links 6.0 Released

Version 6.0 of the External Links WordPress plugin has been released.   The biggest reason to upgrade is performance.    The version 5.x releases had a lot to be desired and added a drain to site loaded.   I’m embarrassed about it.  Thanks to David and Alex for pointing this out on the External Links wordpress.org plugin area.   Good news is that things are much, much quicker now.   (Note that the Auto-Thickbox plugin used the link parsing logic and suffered poorer performance than necessary.  It has been upgraded as well).

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