Support » Plugin: BuddyMedia » Unabke to add media to Gallery created from the Dashboard

  • Resolved Venutius


    Hi there,

    I’ve been playing with BuddyMedia and one issue I found is that a gallary created via the Dashboard>>User Media>>Add New does not allow you to add media to it from the backend and because it has no media (presumably) it does not turn up in the front end Media page. I’m therefore at a loss as to how to add media to those types of galleries.

    Also, a Gallery created from the backend like this does not have the option to add a description at the time of creation.

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  • Plugin Author modemlooper


    Thanks for using BuddyMedia, these 2 issues will be fixed soon in future updates.

    Plugin Author modemlooper


    These two enhancements are now in version 1.0.1

    Thread Starter Venutius


    That crashed my site:

    Warning: require(/wp-content/plugins/buddymedia/includes/bp-media-options.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /plugins/buddymedia/bp-media.php on line 112

    Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ‘/wp-content/plugins/buddymedia/includes/bp-media-options.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php7.0′) in /wp-content/plugins/buddymedia/bp-media.php on line 112

    Plugin Author modemlooper


    sorry, svn didn’t upload that file. Delete plugin and reinstall from .org and you should be good

    Thread Starter Venutius


    Thanks, all working great now.

    Plugin Author Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Thanks for sticking with us Venutius. Have a good holiday weekend.

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