AppPresser – Mobile App Framework


AppPresser helps website builders make iOS/Android mobile apps out of WordPress sites simply and quickly.

AppPresser allows you to use a WordPress site as an app, including access to device features such as the camera, contacts, and more.

This plugin is not an app-creator in itself, it helps connect your app to WordPress. You must create an app with our app builder, then install this plugin on your WordPress site.

What this plugin does:

  • Is the base code for integrating your AppPresser app with your WordPress site
  • Activates AppPresser code and theme when your site is viewed in an app
  • Modifies WP-API requests to add featured image urls, used in the app
  • Adds ajax functionality used in other AppPresser theme and plugins
  • Adds a settings page

How do I use it?

  • Purchase a plan on AppPresser
  • Install and activate this plugin on your WordPress site
  • Follow the instructions in our documentation


  • AppPresser admin options page.


  1. Upload AppPresser to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Navigate to AppPresser settings page to configure


May 5, 2021
Say what you will about Apppresser, but we have made three apps with their platform now and they have always provided great customer service. More often than not, they will do what they can to help out without charging me additional fees, and I appreciate that. Very responsive and helpful.
November 9, 2020
There were some issues with integration and communication, but their customer support team came through. I would recommend their service.
October 30, 2020
For over a decade my company has provided end-to-end website and mobile app solutions to small businesses as well as established organizations like the NFL Alumni and unions of the NYPD. We began evaluating the Agency Plus AppPresser Plan in February 2020 and found the interface extremely user-friendly. Since implementing AppPresser, we have been able to deliver mobile apps in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost all with just a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. Because much of the app content synchronizes with WordPress in real-time and because our app images synchronize over our servers, we are usually able to completely refresh the look and feel of the app with fewer App Store Submissions. Since our initial purchase in February 2020, we have experienced major improvements in the AppPresser support process. As a matter of fact, Damien on the AppPresser support team has exceeded our expectations for support. In summary, with only basic HTML and CSS skills, we are able to deliver apps faster and cheaper in a user-friendly framework while greatly reducing the number of App Store Submissions. AppPresser has been a great investment exceeding our expectations! Lee Reeves, President and CEO Intelligent Design
October 16, 2020
I am not a developer, but have been using WordPress for many years. So I’m pretty familiar with it and since my website for this project is WordPress-based, I was excited to find AppPresser. I didn’t feel like I would have to reinvent the wheel or spend tons of time learning yet another platform that wouldn’t pan out anyway. People seem to be complaining about the price of this plug-in but you have to think about how much it costs to pay a development company or an app building software subscription every month - this is a steal. It just takes a little elbow grease. Do the work and you have a great outcome. It’s up to you. You can do tons with this plugin. You just have to play around with it and get to understand what’s possible. I was able to create a great looking, feature rich app with AppPresser that ties in with my site. I’m very satisfied. I landed with this plugin after spending a year messing with other options. I’ve reached out to AppPresser support about a dozen times so far (during the height of COVID btw) and received help within 24 hrs each time that was professional and resolved my issue. I’ve also witnessed several updates during my time with this plugin so far, so I can say they are continually making improvements. Great job in my experience!
August 25, 2020
Purchased the Agency package for version 3 a couple years ago and used to create some apps for clients but never fully launched. Overall experience with interface, features and plugins was positive and costs were roughly $588 first year with a 50% yearly renewal for up to 25 apps. Seemed like a nice add-on for small business clients without having to kill them price wise. Upon version 4 release they basically left the existing Agency customers in the dark. I received an email months ago that they would be upgrading the agency package but have heard nothing else. Today I checked current pricing and a single app with varying features runs $59/monthly charged per year up to $129/monthly per year. The Agency package appears to be migrating to a Reseller package that is now priced at $199/monthly for up to 20 apps. In app purchases can be added for $20 per month per app for the Reseller package. Additionally support for the Reseller package also appears to have been reduced from the Agency package. If you added purchasing to all 20 apps and store submission costs you would be spending north of $7000 yearly. Would need to charge a significant monthly fee per app to clients to cover actual time of labor on top of base software costs. Overall what looked promising a couple of years ago seems to have elevated cost wise to a point where I couldn't see purchasing to experiment with unless I had close to 10 clients already signed up willing to pay monthly fees. To cover development time and support for the clients the budget app idea they seemed to sell a couple of years ago is becoming unlikely to achieve for small mom and pop shops. If you have the client list willing to pay the monthly to cover expenditures this could be a great reseller idea. It might make sense for a single site owner as well. I'll keep an eye on what they are offering but right now I can't validate the price expenditure for the reseller plans. Final note .. not thrilled about being left in the dark about the Agency package. Did not really utilize support while working with the plugin so cannot comment on quality.
Read all 49 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“AppPresser – Mobile App Framework” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Remove deprecated files from AppPresser 1 in /pg/*
  • Validate upload by checking if file input is empty
  • Add filter on post types when adding api fields: appp_api_fields_post_types
  • Add missing permission callbacks


  • Fix for adding comments anonymously via API
  • Refresh bug fix
  • Support login parameter


  • Add API endpoint for form submissions
  • Extend comment API response to include nested replies


  • Extend login token expiration from 7 days to 60 days. This can be modified using the jwt_auth_expire filter found here


  • Fix settings label
  • Add auth cookie on api login


  • Improve API login data response, add email


  • Remove JWT wp-config.php requirement, move to setting


  • Add theme updater
  • Fix potential bug with update transient


  • Support for AppPresser 4
  • JWT auth for WP-API
  • Bug fixes


  • Security update: Remove old code


  • Update tested up to


  • User roles


  • Add option to use an image for the media player in the app. See how to add post meta for appp_media_image in the AppPresser docs.
  • Minor bug fixes


  • properly format json login error
  • fix missing user_id and token on registration
  • filters and translations for api register
  • register action hooks
  • extend transient for software updates checks to reduce the number of server calls for plugin/theme updates


  • Cookie fix to allow login via browser preview
  • Add action before and after login


  • Reset password with API for better in-app experience
  • Use https for app store.
  • Fix PHP warnings for static functions


  • Add API login and registration for better in-app experience
  • Add CORS access rules to API responses
  • Update language template .pot file


  • Bug fix for older PHP causing syntax error


  • Add Enable CORS admin setting
  • Add myapp_disable_remote_updates hook to allow developers to turn off API calls to for styling updates which are used only during app development and modifications.
  • Extend plugin/theme license checking to two weeks


  • Simplify short reset code
  • Language POT file update
  • Minor bug fix: check curl_version exists


  • Fix missing variable errors


  • Add support for file downloads
  • Additional support for custom post types
  • Add filter hook for login details
  • Fix app theme related bugs
  • Fix EDD naming conflict


  • Fix switch theme bug when using infinite scroll on list pages


  • Support for both login_redirect and logout_redirect hooks including responding with both title and URL
  • Add CURL, Supports OpenSSL to system log
  • Add appp_x_switch_theme hooks to allow developers to add their own logic when to switch the app theme
  • Make infinite scroll to pull the number of posts which is set as default post_per_page amount
  • More content from infinite scroll posts now use templates from the app theme instead of hardcoded markup


  • Add: filter hook for login/logout strings
  • Update EDD plugin/theme updater
  • Fix: properly handle appp_login_redirect filter
  • Fix: URL updates to v3 docs
  • Fix: add success boolean in ajax login response
  • Fix: deprecate safe_mode from system info
  • Fix: update language template apppressser.pot
  • Fix: license tab missing when theme is not installed


  • Make the BuddyPress avatar available to the app if it’s set
  • Add more details to the system info


  • Fix Facebook connect removing app theme cookies
  • Update language .pot template


  • Fix PushWoosh deep linking for Android
  • Add System Info to admin settings
  • Misc. bug fixes


  • Support for WMPL translations in apps
  • Fix Android deep linking for AppPush
  • Parse URL query from infinite scroll


  • Improve infinite scroll
  • Make logout with ajax available
  • Add Avatar to ajax login response
  • Use mobile friendly password reset codes
  • Fix admin styling for checkboxes
  • Bug fixes
  • Update EDD SL


  • Bug fixes to help activating licenses


  • Add back javascript upload settings for v2
  • Remove extensions feed page


  • Big changes for AppPresser 3 AppPresser 3.0
  • Many plugin settings have been deprecated in version 3. If you are still using version 2, settings have been moved, but are still the same. You do not need to make any changes.
  • New settings for version 3: site slug and app ID
  • Integration with WP-API for AppPresser 3


  • Display a message when the getCurrentPosition timesout when getting GPS location
  • Fix notification alert for iOS


  • fix redirect on settings page


  • Fix customizer compatibility issues with WordPress 4.7
  • Add filters for custom login/logout redirects
  • Add class for links to open In-App Browser and close it on pause to force stop audio/video on Android
  • Fix custom links for PushWoosh notifications for Android
  • Fix opening external media on touch events


  • Fix bug for geolocation places
  • Add l10n variables for AppPush
  • Fix displaying HTML in customerizer
  • Fix notification variables changes from PushWoosh plugin


  • Send open/close keyboard events to AppAds
  • Allow externally linked images to open in the In-App browser
  • Send open/close keyboard events to Ion and AppTheme to help fix copy/paste issues with iOS


  • Bug fixes
  • Allow translatable text
  • Show the KeyboardAccessaryBar on iOS
  • Add fb_id param for AppFBConnect
  • Add a custom callback for fb login


  • Add options to IAB
  • Optionally allow external links to not show the app theme, forces a page reload on return
  • Improve logic when using In-App browser for external URLs to decifer relative links, tel: and mail:
  • Fix click events related to the .swiper-container for AppSwiper
  • Read device id whether it is a string or object
  • Make AppAds check each OS separately for existing ad settings
  • Fix expired license message


  • Add the ability to use AdMob ads in the AppAds plugin
  • Bug fix: improve logic of comparing domains when opening the InApp browser


  • Enqueue jQuery to fix missing localized variable ajaxurl for AppTheme and Ion theme


  • Fix events triggering prior to iframe not yet ready
  • Clear iOS badges on app launch
  • Fix iOS bug for URL target for _system when target is IMG
  • Bail AdMob init when no ad codes are set in wp-admin


  • AppGeo bug fix for empty lat and long on checkin


  • Quick start admin settings
  • Verify THEME_SLUG
  • Add external-media class to open URLs using the Google Docs previewer
  • Kill videos on Android pause event


  • fix links with the ‘external’ class that have the same domain as the site to open in the InAppBrowser.


  • fix go back button for Android
  • add filter for Facebook graph fields
  • fix AppPresser_Logger error for multisite
  • remove wp_cron for AppPresser_Logger and use alternate method to turn off logging


  • Give developers the ability to uploads custom js files for the app in the WP Admin
  • Add AJAX login to #loginform modal (requires also updating AppTheme and Ion theme)
  • Add js to recognize css class ‘system’ to set a link’s target to ‘_system’ so links open in Safari or Chrome
  • Fix external links that should open in the In-App Browser
  • Other bug fixes


  • New features to enable offline app capabilities
  • Moves cordova files from the website to the device
  • Bug fixes


  • Include phonegap files for 3.7.0
  • Add 3.7.0 option to admin settings
  • Remove logging from multisite
  • Improve the logic around creating the log file
  • Add an admin nag for log file which each admin can dismiss
  • Fix log file URL
  • Verify backbutton event before calling maybeGoBack
  • Fix typos in readme files


  • Add noGoBackFlag feature to allow any app to stop the mayGoBack function (appbuddy 0.9.9 initially)
  • Fix Android back button when ‘disable dynamic page loading’ is enabled


  • bug fix: Android back button


  • Remove static homepage option from customizer
  • Add option for posts on mobile homepage
  • Standardize text-domains
  • Add logging for debugging and customer support


  • Stop youtube videos on app exit
  • Fix undefined index error
  • Add ajax functions for AppTheme


  • Support for Facebook Connect extension
  • Remove unneeded files


  • fix license activation bug


  • add back missing front page setting


  • fix broken customizer link


  • security fixes


  • Roll back script optimization to fix push notifications and other bugs


  • Fix for splashscreen hide


  • Enhancement: optimize cordova scripts to only load when needed
  • Moved app menu settings to theme customizer exclusively
  • Hide app splashscreen on load
  • Misc bug fixes


  • Fixed annoyance of settings page not returning to the tab you were on when you clicked ‘save.’
  • Enhancement: New filter, “apppresser_sanitize_setting_$key” for registering your own sanitization callback to override AppPresser’s.
  • Enhancement: New filter, “apppresser_field_override_$type” for registering your own field type view callback to override AppPresser’s.
  • Enhancement: Added CMB. Settings API will be re-worked in next versions to use CMB.


  • Bug Fix: App-theme settings were not getting displayed if the theme was not active (despite being set as the App-only theme)


  • Bug Fix: Theme_mod settings would get the non-theme_mod setting warning asterisk if no value had been saved to them yet.
  • Bug Fix: If the “Load AppPresser for Admins Only” setting was not checked, the theme customizer would try to activate the app theme from the customizer.


  • Enable theme customizer for the App-only theme while theme is not active. There is now a link to customize the theme below the select dropdown.


  • Enhancement: New filter apppresser_theme_settings_file that allows you to set the location of your theme’s AppPresser settings registration (so your settings show when the theme is not active). Will fallback to looking for appp-settings.php file in the theme root.
  • Enhancement: New filter apppresser_notifications, allows other plugins/themes to add their own notification count.


  • Enhancement/Bug Fix: Don’t delete license keys and other options if a particular plugin is deactivated at the time of saving.
  • Enhancement/Bug Fix: AppPresser “App only theme” option now works with child themes.
  • Enhancement: Add a apppresser_tab_top_$tab hook to match the apppresser_tab_bottom_$tab hook.

  • Remove “App only theme?” front-end error.


  • Extensions submenu highlighting available for AppPresser add-ons.
  • Addressed some pre-PHP 5.3 notices.
  • Bug Fix: White-screen on the front end if selecting a theme in the “App only theme?” setting that does not support AppPresser. An error will now be shown.
  • Improvement: appp_get_setting() now accepts a fallback option like get_option().


  • Bug Fix: plugins_loaded firing too early causing conflicts with other plugins.
  • Improvement: Check child theme for app-settings.php file as well as parent theme.
  • Improvement: Added method for loading AppPresser theme despite aggressively cached web hosts.


  • Bug Fix: Conflict causing other themes to appear to need an update.


  • Bug Fixes
  • Add theme updater and updater API
  • Better styling for “MP6”


  • Release into the wild!