Support » Plugin: BuddyPress Docs » Minor edits showing on Feed

  • Resolved levycarneiro



    We have a site with the BuddyBoss platform plugin + theme, and we also use BuddyPress Docs.

    A user has noticed that when she makes minor edits to a Doc, this edit shows on the Group’s Feed.

    Is there a way to solve this? Perhaps having a “minor edit” checkbox for when the user doesn’t want the edit to show to everyone?


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  • Plugin Author David Cavins


    It would be possible to find a local developer to help you with that custom code. They can add new form elements using something like bp_docs_closing_meta_box hook and disable the activity item by doing something like

    add_action( 'bp_docs_doc_saved', 'dc_maybe_do_not_create_activity_item', 8 );
    function dc_maybe_do_not_create_activity_item() {
    	// Watch for your custom form element
    	$condition_is_set = $_REQUEST['make_no_activity_item'] ?? false;
    	if ( $condition_is_set ) {
    		remove_action( 'bp_docs_doc_saved', 'bp_docs_post_activity' );
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