
NC3 Vulnerabilities Risk Nuclear War In Asia, APLN Study Finds

“There is a reason, however, that David slung his stone into the forehead of Goliath rather than his musculature. Without a head connected to a body, a nuclear force is useless,” the new study by the Asia-Pacific Leadership Network states.

Beyond Iran, the US and Israel Must Work Together to Counter China

America should help Israel develop mechanisms for reviewing both inbound investments and outbound commerce to counter Chinese influence, argue three experts from JINSA.

Afghanistan Is Not Done With Us; Four Long-Term Dangers Await

  The message was clear, from the mouths of military officials, the State Department and President Joe Biden himself: Aug. 30 marked the official end of the US war in Afghanistan. But, as Mark Cancian writes below, just because the US has decided it is done with Afghanistan does not mean Afghanistan is done with…

Global Chinese Influence Campaign Sought To Spark Protests In US: Mandiant Report

“This direct call for physical mobilization is a significant development compared to prior activity, potentially indicative of an emerging intent to motivate real-world activity outside of China’s territories,” Mandiant researchers noted.

DoD Forms New Task Force To Shore Up Supply Chain

“A comprehensive strategic approach will take time, dedicated attention, and resources,” DoD official Gregory Kausner said.

US, India To Co-Develop Military Drones

“The DTTI has struggled to maintain momentum in recent years, but this new project may signal a renewed mutual interest in substantial progress for capability benefits,” says Chris Bassler of CSBA.

Joint US-Australian Hypersonic Cruise Missile Moves Ahead

SCIFiRE is aimed at maturing an air-breathing hypersonic conventional cruise missile launched from either a fighter or a bomber.

STRATCOM Commander Warns Of China-Russia Coordination; Report Details AI Collaboration

“Our findings expose gaps between Chinese and Russian aspirations and the reality on the ground, bringing greater accuracy and nuance to current assessments of Sino-Russian cooperation,” on AI, notes a new report by the Center for Security and Emerging Technology.

China’s New Data Security Law Will Provide It Early Notice Of Exploitable Zero Days

The law’s vulnerability disclosure provisions will give the Chinese government a head start on remediating — and potentially exploiting — zero-day vulnerabilities, possibly to include those discovered in tech used by the Defense Department, Intelligence Community, and across the US public and private sectors more broadly.

Russia, KSA Strengthen Military Ties In Signal To Washington; UAVs, Helos Potentially On Table

If Saudi Arabia want to send a signal to Washington without really endangering the American-Saudi security relationship, they’ll limit their arms deals with Russia to smaller – or even token – orders of relatively benign equipment.

Smith Says Afghanistan Withdrawal Won’t Change Russia, China’s Calculus

A top House lawmaker says Russia and China are not likely to be more aggressive to neighboring countries as a result of the US withdrawing from Afghanistan.

Israel, US Look To Tighten Intel Sharing Post-Afghanistan

Intel sharing was a major discussion during PM Bennett’s visit to Washington last week, as was increasing funding for F-15s and Iron Dome interceptors.

After Two Decades, US Ends Combat Mission In Afghanistan

WASHINGTON: After two decades, thousands of dead and millions of lives impacted, the US has ended its formal combat mission in Afghanistan. The last C-17 exited Hamid Karzai International Airport at 3:29 PM eastern time – just before the calendar flipped to Aug 31 Kabul time, the deadline for America’s withdrawal. Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the…

In Afghanistan, Contractors Were Unsung Heroes Of US Efforts

As the US spends its final hours in Afghanistan, Mark Cancian of CSIS notes that more contractors have died (8,000) than US service members (7,000) in post 9/11 operations.