Breaking Defense


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  1. Duela 5 ordu

    "[W]e will be not only just testing the missile, but we’ll also be testing all the infrastructure we’re designing. We’ll be testing all of the new command control associated with that, that new infrastructure, we’ll be testing the cyber hardness..."

  2. Duela 5 ordu

    Barkan says a recent joint exercise between and the US played out how quickly the US could respond if an Iranian ballistic missile was launched at Israel and intercepted by the country’s missile defenses.

  3. (e)k Bertxiotua
    ira. 18

    When it comes to tracking objects - and adversaries - in space, says it needs one thing more than most anything else: data, data data. (via )

  4. Duela 6 ordu

    Brig. Gen. Nir Barkan, Israeli Air Force Chief of the Air Staff and the number two officer for the IAF, was tight-lipped about the country's reported armed program. Full exclusive Q&A with Breaking Defense here:

  5. Duela 7 ordu

    Speaking of allies, Harrigian also said that he had spoken with the French air chief Philippe Lavigne over the last week, since the high-profile political fight broke out between the US and France in the wake of the new AUKUS agreement... (via )

  6. Duela 7 ordu

    GBSD: First Missile Test Flight 2023, Initial Production 2026

  7. Duela 7 ordu

    Top Israeli air force officer: “Recent joint ballistic missiles defense exercises of the US and Israeli air forces may, under certain circumstances, become an operational reality part of the regional plan to defend Israel from ballistic threats."

  8. Duela 8 ordu

    “The E-7 is a good platform. It’s flown by the Royal Australian Air Force, and the Royal Air Force is getting ready to procure some as well.” - Chief of Staff CQ Brown (via )

  9. Duela 8 ordu

    .'s role in DARPA’s CRANE program builds upon its demonstrator aircraft that was the first in aviation history to maneuver in flight using only active flow control technologies.

  10. Duela 9 ordu

    In an exclusive intv, a top Israeli official in the nation's F-35 program told Breaking Defense Israel’s air force has asked US to allow greater access to core avionics, with the goal of installing new Israeli-developed systems onto the stealth fighter.

  11. Duela 9 ordu

    “[The electromagnetic spectrum is] like the oxygen that surrounds us right now. You don’t have a choice. You are in it,” Brig. Gen. Tad Clark said. (via )

  12. Duela 10 ordu

    Air Force Needs ‘Zealots For The Electromagnetic Spectrum’: General

  13. Duela 10 ordu

    Darlene Costello, the service’s acting head of acquisitions, told reporters at that the "source selection team is completing their work,” and that while the expectation is an award announcement by Sept. 30, it’s possible it could come “faster.”

  14. Duela 10 ordu

    AFA: The head of US Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa (USAFE) would not rule out a future change in basing in Europe, but pledged that allies and partners on the continent would be well informed of any process before changes would be made.

  15. Duela 11 ordu

    Are Changes Coming To US Air Force Basing In Europe?

  16. Duela 11 ordu

    .'s Mark Lewis: The 1965 edition of the World Book Encyclopedia that I grew up with promised that the United States would land astronauts on Mars by 1986 using nuclear thermal rockets. As is apparent, we’re not quite there yet. BUT...

  17. Duela 11 ordu

    The other news Wilsbach made was about ’s coming purchase of Russia’s S-400, considered by many to be the world’s best air defense system — but one which may come with major political headaches for any US partner or ally who considers it.

  18. Duela 12 ordu

    ICYMI: Israel’s air force has asked the US to allow greater access to the core avionics of the F-35 joint strike fighters, with the goal of installing new Israeli-developed systems onto the stealth fighter, according to a top Israeli officer.

  19. Duela 12 ordu

    “Doug is a logical pick with a wealth of experience in acquisition and technology issues,” said 's Bill Greenwalt, former deputy undersecretary of defense for industrial policy under President George W. Bush. (via )

  20. Duela 12 ordu

    Air Force Expects To Award B-52 Engine Contract This Month


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