Downgrading a sponsorship

You can downgrade your sponsorship to a lower tier or cancel your sponsorship.

Note: Sponsoring on behalf of an organization is currently in beta and subject to change.

About sponsorship downgrades

When you downgrade or cancel a sponsorship, the change will become effective on your next billing date. There are no refunds for payments for GitHub Sponsors.

Downgrading a sponsorship

  1. On GitHub, navigate to the sponsored account's profile.
  2. Navigate to your sponsorship dashboard for the account.
    • If you're sponsoring a user account, under the user's name, click Sponsoring. Sponsoring button
    • If you're sponsoring an organization, to the right of the organization's name, click Sponsoring. Sponsoring button
  3. Optionally, to manage a sponsorship on behalf of an organization, on the right side of the page, use the Sponsoring as drop-down menu, and click the organization. Drop-down menu to choose the account you're sponsoring as
  4. On the right side of the page, under "Select a tier", review the sponsorship tiers available. If more than one type of tier is available "Monthly" tiers are shown, click One-time to show the tiers for one-time payments. Show "One-time" tiers
  5. To the right of the tier you want, click Select. If want to select a custom amount, enter the sponsorship amount before clicking "Select." Select a tier box
  6. Click Update sponsorship. Update sponsorship button

Canceling a sponsorship

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings. Settings icon in the user bar
  2. In your user settings sidebar, click Billing & plans. Billing & plans settings
  3. Optionally, to manage your sponsorship on behalf of an organization, in the upper-left corner, use the Personal settings drop-down menu, and click the organization. Drop-down menu to switch accounts for settings
  4. Under "GitHub Sponsors", to the right of the sponsored open source contributor, click next to your sponsored amount, then click Cancel sponsorship. Cancel sponsorship button
  5. Review the information about canceling your sponsorship, then click OK. Cancellation confirmation box

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