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VIP-CLI is your tool for interacting with and managing your VIP applications.

Getting started

First, install the package:

npm install -g @automattic/vip

Then, launch the command and follow the prompts:


If you need more information, check out our VIP CLI documentation.


By default, we record information about the usage of this tool using an in-house analytics sytem. If you would prefer to opt-out of this data collection, you can do so via the DO_NOT_TRACK environment variable. You may either export it in your shell configuration or specify it on the command line (e.g. DO_NOT_TRACK=1 vip app list).


2.0.12 (13 August 2021)

  • Using new VIP Docker images for dev-env #818
  • Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 #819
  • Increasing dev-env PMA upload limit to 4G #822
  • PIE-2890 Fixes issue where user is unable to login after logout #823

2.0.11 (5 August 2021)

  • Handle parameter validation in a consistent way #795
  • Fix error blocking data sync on CLI sites #810
  • Update DB Engine check to reduce false positives #811
  • Retrieve the status and steps regardless of the site type. #812
  • Dev-Env: Handle relative file paths #802
  • Dev-Env: Make dev-env start more resilient #804
  • Dev-Env: Validate Path to a component #803
  • Dev-Env: Handle multisite = false correctly #809
  • Dev-Env: Adds a check for an orphaned proxy container #814
  • FORNO-759: Add logged in user details to all Tracks events #801
  • FORNO-779: Throttle request to Parker when fetching media import status #808

2.0.10 (21 June 2021)

  • Adds Media Import Abort subcommand
  • Disables enterprise search by default
  • Handles numbered slugs correctly
  • Unifies print table on start command with other commands
  • Drops the isVip requirement for dev-env
  • Fixes intermittent fatal error caused due to analytics tracking
  • Misc dependency updates

2.0.9 (3 June 2021)

  • Enable SQL import for all site types
  • Bug fix for analytics errors causing some commands to fail
  • Add the full changelog to the readme
  • Improved error output by adding debug info and consistent output/error codes
  • Misc dependency updates

2.0.8 (27 May 2021)

  • [Beta] Media Import: Enable media imports for production WordPress applications
  • SQL Import: Enable SQL Import for launched sites
  • SQL Import: Enable SQL Import for multisite networks
  • SQL Import: Additional input file validation

2.0.7 (6 May 2021)

  • SQL Import: Add additional multisite validations
  • Update to 4.0.1
  • Misc. dependency updates

2.0.6 (15 Apr 2021)

  • SQL Import: Add additional checks for site type

2.0.5 (8 Mar 2021)

  • Fix a bug when comparing env data to selected environment #697

2.0.4 (3 Mar 2021)

  • Bump from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 (Fixes WP-CLI in node 15+) #679
  • Additional SQL import file static validations #669

2.0.3 (19 Feb 2021)

  • Improved SQL import validation around the use of TRIGGER

2.0.2 (15 Feb 2021)

  • Improved handling of debug output during search & replace
  • Updated the vip-search-replace package to ^1.0.13

2.0.1 (11 Feb 2021)

  • SQL Import: Improved reporting of server-side failures
  • SQL Import: Add ability to skip local validation
  • Updated the vip-search-replace package to v1.0.12
  • SQL Import: Fix and test for multi-site tables that have more than one digit

2.0.0 (2 Feb 2021)

  • Drops support for Node 8
  • Added Security Policy
  • Added SQL file import feature for new sites
  • Added SQL search and replace feature

1.12.1 (8 Sep 2020)

  • Updated list of accepted special characters for media files for imports

1.12.0 (21 Aug 2020)

  • Added multisite support for media files validation
  • Added Tracks for SQL and media file validation events

1.11.2 (17 Aug 2020)

  • Added support for multiple nested folders for the media file validation command

1.11.1 (17 Aug 2020)

  • Added fix to process the import validation subcommands

1.11.0 (17 Aug 2020)

  • Added vip import validate sql and vip import validate files commands to run static validation checks for SQL and media files for imports

1.10.0 (12 Jun 2020)

  • Added support for specifying a SOCKS proxy through the environment variable VIP_PROXY

1.9.0 (30 Mar 2020)

  • Added support for opting out of usage tracking via DO_NOT_TRACK environment variable #547
  • Fix interactive commands not working correctly #478
  • Show usage information when an unsupported command is entered #527
  • Dependency & dev dependency upgrades

1.8.0 (25 Sep 2019)

  • Fixes around cancelling commands via Ctrl-C
  • Gracefully handle remote command cancellation
  • Enhance Rollbar logging for additional use cases

1.7.0 (15 Aug 15 2019)

  • Resume long-running WP-CLI commands in case of network interruptions

1.6.2 (25 Jul 2019)

  • Corrected some install issues with the 1.6.0/1.6.1 releases.

1.6.1 (25 Jul 2019)

  • Intermittent release to test some issues with v1.6.0

1.6.0 (25 Jul 2019)

  • We added ability to cancel running commands.
  • We fixed an issue with trailing characters such as line breaks affecting use of command output by scripts.
  • Various dependancy updates.

1.5.0 (15 Jul 2019)

  • Added --yes flag for WP-CLI commands to skip confirmation on production environments.
  • We fixed the character limit errors raised when running long WP-CLI commands.
  • We've added Rollbar to allow us to monitor and address errors
  • We updated third party dependencies to newer, more secure versions.

1.4.1 (29 Apr 2019)

  • No functional changes, 1.4.0 was already taken on NPM :)

1.4.0 (29 Apr 2019)

  • Added "environment alias" support (vip @my-site.env sync)
  • Added support for WP-CLI commands
  • Misc. dependency updates

1.3.0 (1 Feb 2019)

  • We now display information header for every vip app --app execution (#223).
  • We fixed the logout bug asking the user to login before being able to logout (#222) and we also display a message when a user logout (#221).
  • We replaced inquirer with enquirer (#229).
  • We fixed a bug where we didn't check if we can sync to an environment before accessing some information about it (#230).
  • We fixed an EPIPE bug when hitting q in app list command (#225).
  • We updated third party dependencies to newer, more secure versions.

1.2.1 (5 Dec 2018)

  • The 1.2.0 version was containing a bug and we published a patch to fix it. Please use this version instead.

1.2.0 (5 Dec 2018)

  • We now display a preview of the sync feature with the backup time and the search/replace taking place in your database.
  • We now display your mapped domain instead of the placeholder domain in vip app and vip app list.
  • We now display a better message when an app does not have any non-production environments.
  • We fixed a bug where the help menu was not showing until you're logged in.
  • We updated third party dependencies to newer, more secure versions.

1.1.1 (1 Nov 2018)

  • Updates dependencies to fix a bug introduced by sub-dependencies.

1.1.0 (12 Jul 2018)

  • We now correctly report errors when vip sync fails. Previously, this would incorrectly report that a sync was run previously.
  • We fixed permissions issues for some users with admin access for repos. They were unable to properly view and access applications.
  • We now display more applications in vip app list (up to 100!) and have made it easier to browse through a large list thanks to ($PAGER|less) support. Previously you would only see the first 10 applications in your account.

1.0.0 (2 Jul 2018)

The first release!

  • vip app list: view a list of all your applications.
  • vip app: view details about one of your applications.
  • vip sync: trigger a data sync to synchronize data from your production environment to non-production environments.