Automate - The Ultimate Update Machine

Enjoy safe, scheduled, backed up, secure, and automatically-accessed updates with Automate.

  • Automatic or manual
  • Visual change alerts
  • Update in bulk
  • Back up before updates
  • Schedule to suit
  • Client reports

Worried About Updates Breaking Your Sites?

Automate's Safe Update feature has you covered with automatic backups, uptime checks, and visual change alerts.

Back up A site backup is created, which you can easily revert back to if needed via The Hub’s Backups tab.
Pre-Update Screenshot A screenshot is taken of your homepage, or another page of your choice (select up to five).
Update Begins Automate updates the plugins and themes you’ve selected, along with WordPress Core.
Uptime/Error Check A check is run to ensure your site is up and error-free with the help of our uptime service.
Post-Update Screenshot Automate takes a new screenshot of your selected web pages and compares it with the original.
Email Report You’ll receive an email with uptime and error checks, and screenshots with % differences highlighted.

Save Yourself Hours Of Tedious WordPress Updates

Introducing the easiest way to automatically update WP core, plugins, and themes - while ensuring your sites don’t break in the process.

With Automate you’ll save hours with automatic bulk updates. You’ll also never get caught off guard by an update again with instant “Safe Update” alerts.

Take Full Control

By default, Automate checks for updates every three hours, but if preferred, you can schedule updates when it suits you.

You can also turn automatic updates off for themes or plugins you don’t trust - or when delaying updates feels more appropriate. Simply toggle the update button when you’re ready and Automate will take care of the rest.

Protect Your Sites At All Times

Safe Update Scan

Automate’s Safe Update scan immediately alerts you if a site is down - showing you before / after screenshots of up to five selected pages.

Instant Safe Update Alerts

Instantly receive an email notification if a Safe Update scan detects site changes equal to, or more than a % value of your choice.

Back Up Before Every Update

Updates won’t proceed until each backup is successful. You can restore backups via The Hub (along with Snapshot & hosting backups).

Keep On Top Of Your Updates

Receive Detailed Summaries and Reports

Automate makes it easy to keep up with bulk automatic updates thanks to detailed email reports.

You can customize how often you receive these reports (e.g. Every update, weekly, monthly) and adjust the email recipient to suit.

Track Every Update and Change (Activity Log)

Automate’s activity log is your ticket to seeing everything going on with your site(s) at a glance.

From your last Safe Update scan (complete with screenshots), to changelogs and details about your latest plugin, theme, and core updates. You can also allow clients to access logs if necessary.

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