White Label WPMU DEV Plugins

Replace our heroes, documentation and links with your own branding.

Become Your Own Hero

We love our heroes here at WPMU DEV (in case you couldn’t guess) but not everyone feels the same way.... which is cool :) So, the WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin allows you to easily replace every single hero in all of our plugins with your own logo.

Plus you can hide the plugin from other users, so it’s all about you.

Customize Documentation,
Tutorials & Footer Links

Every WPMU DEV plugin comes with links to our documentation, a raft of dedicated tutorials on our blog and a bunch of helpful links in the footer. Using the WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin you can either hide or customize these links using your own brand.

This way you can make sure that your clients don’t accidentally end up on WPMU DEV, and instead come to you for assistance.

Customize Plugin Names & More

If you’d like to take it to the next level you can use our Branda Pro plugin to completely white label not only WordPress but also further customize WPMU DEV plugins.

You can change any text you like in the plugins, the plugin names themselves, the admin menu and, well, everything else to do with WordPress.

You Can Also White Label WPMU DEV Itself!

Did you know that you can also run The Hub at your own site, with your own branding for your own clients?

Check out The Hub Client to find out more.

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