Astra WordPress Theme


👑 Astra is the Most Popular WordPress Theme of All Time 👑 Follow for - - Website Tips - Online Marketing - WordPress Updates 🧵 New Thread Every Friday 👇

Vrijeme pridruživanja: ožujak 2018.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    prije 22 sata

    Is Astra 3.7 fascinating enough to make you change your current WordPress theme? Do you want to start using Astra now? 😉 Before changing your theme abruptly, consider these things 🍭 Stay tuned on this thread 🧵👇

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  2. prije 8 sati

    Most of the WordPress users we know are non-programmers, but the contribution from programmers has been huge 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

  3. prije 11 sati

    Video is on the rise and isn’t even close to its peak 🚀🚀 We often recommend WordPress users to integrate video into their websites and blog posts but not upload it directly 😅 Instead, use these hosting services ▶

  4. prije 14 sati

    Some of the best video content hosting platforms 👇 - - - - - - Find out more ▶

  5. prije 17 sati

    Learning of the day! ❤️ Share your queries and thoughts on the video 😀 Add License Information to Images in WordPress - New Schema Pro Feature | Image License Schema 👇

  6. prije 20 sati

    Which WordPress plugin do you use for SEO? 🚀

  7. prije 22 sata

    Check other Threads and Follow to optimize your WordPress efforts. Expect daily tweets about - WordPress - SEO - Content & Marketing - Online Business Tips

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  8. prije 22 sata

    That's it 😇 The actual process of changing WordPress themes only takes a few clicks. But you’ll want to pay attention to a few additional areas to make sure your switch is successful and all of your content comes along for the ride.

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  9. prije 22 sata

    5️⃣ Any Custom CSS that needs to stay with your new theme? Most of your custom CSS changes will probably be unique to your current theme, so you won’t need to migrate them. But we recommend gathering all of the custom CSS that you want to move before you change your theme.

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  10. prije 22 sata

    4️⃣ Any Code Snippets in your theme’s functions.php file? Some code snippets might be specific to your current theme, while others might also apply to the new theme. Check if you want to use those codes on new themes. Try to save those code snippets before changing your theme.

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  11. prije 22 sata

    3️⃣ Are your theme’s widget styles an important part of your design? If you rely on widgets for key content, you’ll need to remember that each theme styles widgets in different ways, and your site’s widgets won’t look the same when you change themes. Pay special attention here.

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  12. prije 22 sata

    2️⃣ If you use a theme with a built-in content editor then it might be tricky. Like Divi or Avada. Use some tool to export. If you use regular page builders like Gutenberg, Elementor, Brizy, Beaver Builder, or others then it is good to go.

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  13. prije 22 sata

    1️⃣ Before you change your theme, try to think if you’re relying on any features from your theme. Some common examples > - Shortcodes - Widgets - Blocks - Review boxes - Schema markup - Content builders - Menu items - Other theme-specific features Consider these changes

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  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    15. ruj

    Astra is one of the most lightweight themes you can choose from on . Still, achieving a 90+ mobile Insights is a challenge! Take inspiration from , a business owner who managed to speed up his site built with Astra.👇

  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    16. ruj

    Theme for your blog💎 is one of the big factors that decides if your blog is successful or not✅ I had simple genesis theme before and changed to Astra last year and my site speed, authority and other factors improved suddenly. Make sure you choose…

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    17. ruj
  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    17. ruj

    New Global Options – Astra Theme for WordPress |

  18. 17. ruj

    Check out the latest update 🙂👇 Quick and Easy Fixes for DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN Errors in Chrome

  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    17. ruj

    What is your favorite thing about WordPress? 🤓

  20. 17. ruj

    What is your favorite thing about WordPress? 🤓


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