Albert Fox CahnCompte certifié


founder; fellow at , , & ;. 100+ bylines in NY Times, Guardian, Wired, etc. Prior: & . He/him

Brooklyn, NY
Inscrit en août 2008


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    9 janv.

    My latest: after the attack, new is a mistake. “For the police charged with protecting our Capitol, the concern is not that they had too little power, it is that they lacked the willpower to use it against white conservatives.”

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  2. il y a 9 heures

    (5) After Covid and all the horrors of the Trump administration, part of me feels like I’m witnessing the final hour of American global power. And maybe that’s a good thing. One thing I’m certain of: none of this is any comfort for those struggling to survive tonight in Kabul.

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  3. il y a 9 heures

    (4) And in the years followed, even as I worked as an activist against the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, there was a part of me that clung to a lingering belief that we had the power to do good for the world in the face of crisis. Tonight, more and more, I think I was wrong.

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  4. il y a 10 heures

    (3) I grew up in America that I knew it was deeply flawed, erected on a foundation of racism and genocide. But at the same time, I found such a sense of safety in our awesome power, the belief that no county could rival us. But that sense of safety crumbled along with the towers.

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  5. il y a 10 heures

    (2) Like lots of New Yorkers, wounds that I thought were closed are now reopened and raw. I’ve been stuck in a cycle of painful flashbacks to days I wish I could forget, but always will remember. The same sense of powerlessness i first felt then, permeates the news today.

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  6. il y a 10 heures

    (1) It feels wrong to say much on Afghanistan apart from sympathies for the Afghan people. While it’ll be ages before I have any idea what this means for US policy, i do know it’s traumatic as hell to watch, albeit an infinitesimal fraction of what those on the ground endured.

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  7. il y a 14 heures

    If like me, the images from Afghanistan are filling you with horror and despair, please take a moment to help the amazing people at . They have been on the front lines of the fight for refugee protection and relocation for years.

  8. il y a 19 heures
  9. a retweeté
    16 août

    “Until the moment Cuomo leaves, the Assembly that has so-long delayed accountability must finally, and forcefully, act.”

  10. a retweeté
    il y a 23 heures
  11. a retweeté
    16 août

    “There are lots of political reasons why officials might want to avoid impeachment, but Heastie’s surprising justification is largely a Constitutional one — and he’s completely wrong.”

  12. il y a 24 heures

    For everyone today who is grieving the events in Afghanistan, you have my deepest sympathies. Hot takes are easy, but true loss is harder, much harder. All these decades of strife and death cannot be consolidated into a single tweet, no matter how much some pundits try.

  13. a retweeté
    16 août

    “Under our Constitution: “The assembly shall have the power of impeachment by a vote of a majority of all the members elected thereto.” That’s not an excerpt, that’s the whole of what our Constitution says about impeachment of any official.”

  14. a retweeté
    16 août
  15. Supprimer
  16. 16 août

    I expanded on my red line from yesterday to explain why the New York State Assembly not only has the power to impeach, but it remains a urgent necessity that it do so:

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  17. a retweeté
    15 août

    My response to Speaker ’s decision to end the impeachment investigation:

  18. 15 août

    My expectations for Texas’s government are so low that it’s hard for them to fall short, but they managed this time. The Texas Supreme Court is going to get a lot of people killed.

  19. 15 août

    Awkward photo, but happy memory. 3 Years ago I knew that Tish was the best person to be our next AG, but i had no idea she would play such a crucial role in taking down Cuomo.

  20. 15 août

    Trying so hard to put a positive spin on my existential crisis.

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  21. 15 août

    Delta Variant Fall Contingency Planning

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