
Your hugs make us happy!

I am blown away by your virtually instant response and resolution above and beyond my expectations.

Lawrence C.

I don't ask for help very often and when I do the WordPress staff have always responded quickly and efficiently.

Paulette F.

When I first thought about creating a blog I had significant doubts that I could do it. I don't even know how to use a mobile phone. But I've managed to create four blogs and my confidence has zoomed. WordPress has been such a joy to use.

Mark A.

I'm so so impressed with how quickly I got an answer from support. I was expecting to wait days. Literally within minutes I had an answer. From a free service no less. Wonderful response time and customer service.

Chantelle G

Thank you so much for your kind help. This is the first pleasant tech support experience I have ever had with a blog service and I am so grateful.

Melina W.

Yay! Fixed! Thanks for sticking with this. Can I send you some kind of award? I can't remember the last time I got such an attentive response from a web service.

Michael V.

I also like the thought that you are our Happiness Gardener. We plant thoughts — nourish thoughts — watch them blossom and produce fruit — and get to rest after the harvest to enjoy it all.

That work takes care and expertise as we seek to produce what is pleasant, downright good, beneficial, and beautiful.

Thank you and all of WordPress for all that you do. Here's wishing you a great day!


I'd just emailed you folks about 5 minutes ago and you came back with the solution already? Man, i ought to learn something from you guys. You guys ROCK, are the best in the world for sure. This is world-class customer service by all means.

Sunil N.

Thank you so much. You are the BEST techy-guy I've ever worked with and because I am technologically-challenged, I've worked with many! If anything comes up I will be sure to contact you.

Karen T.

YOU GUYS ARE GOOD! In recent months you have made several improvements that make our WordPress experience more enjoyable. The latest is the cleaner layout of the "Subscription Management" page. You are like Keebler elves sitting in the tree thinking, "How can we make a better cookie?"

John R.

Thanks very much for all your help and perseverance with this issue. It's good to see that real customer service is still alive and well, and for free, no less. You folks are great, and provide a great product.

Anthony S.

Thanks for your excellent customer support; Happiness Engineers are
deserving of their name!

Adam O.

I wish you could be my teacher in person. However, the information you gave me is useful and I will continue learning as I go and send my questions to you if I'm struggling. It's great knowing you're out there.

Suellen S.

You guys at WordPress are great! Keep up the good work, I tell all my friends about you.

Zoraida M.

Thanks for the prompt response! I see why WordPress is so well-regarded now.

Emil R.

The get started link is great so far, a lot of my questions that were overwhelming me answered. Am very impressed so far-looking forward to experiencing more of what WordPress has to offer 🙂

Louvelle M.

I just wanted to send a note to all the WordPress staff to say THANK YOU! I am a total newbie at blogging, but WordPress is so easy to use that it's made things a breeze for me to start up my blog and to keep at it. You folks all ROCK!! Thank you so much for your work on WordPress! Happy Monday!
Oh also, the customizable features are AWESOME!

Dodie G

Thanks so much for the WordPress product. Help is truly help. Features are truly features.

There's just so much to love about it. Thanks a bunch y'all! (I'm a Texan).

Jenn R.

Thank you so very much for your help 🙂 You fixed it exactly how I wanted it to look! Much appreciated, and thanks again for the extremely prompt service!!

Liesl S.

Thanks for such a nice and speedy reply. Many businesses that I pay a lot of money for do not treat me as well. Thanks again!

Debby S.

Thank you for being such a great blogging platform, and for making my blogging easy, efficient, and look great.

Johann R.

Thanks very much for the quick response. I'm thrilled with the speed at which you guys are able to help. Job well done, buddy.

Graeme C.

Thank you for sending a prompt response and for been a great help to me (and to many others as well). Thank you once again and have a great day.

Caroline M.

I never used WP Support before and was positively surprised. Such a professional and fast response is rare these days – thanks to Rachel and the whole team..!


All thanks go to They provide an excellent service for my blog. The best thing about it all is that they do it for free!


I’m writing to praise support team member Jen H. for her invaluable help with the recent guided transition of my website from to a self-hosted entity. Jen was always courteous and quick to respond to my questions and concerns, and her responses were always informative and helpful. She deserves to be commended for her role in what was to a relative newcomer like me, a daunting prospect, and I can overstate neither my gratitude nor her skill at answering multi-part questions and guiding me toward solutions. She always communicated with me at my level of understanding, and at a pace that allowed me to follow her words without ever feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information I was receiving. She alleviated all my concerns and when possible, simply took care of certain changes herself, revealing her knack for anticipating customer needs that the customer isn’t even aware of yet.

Anthony B.

I spent hours trying to figure out how to get started with my first blog, and actually spent hours putting it off because I was intimidated. All of a sudden one day Velda from support showed up in a live chat, and in less than an hour I was cruisin on my site with at least enough confidence to move onto the next level.. many thanks !!!!

Tom C

I am a techno-idiot and have managed to set up 4 site/blogs, trained a group to take over one of them and actively administrate the remaining 3. And the reason I can is that it is so intuitive and so well-supported by folks like yourself. Thanks for being there!

Anita S.

I really appreciate the prompt response. Keep up the amazing work, the word is truly mightier…

Jennifer G.

I can see now why everyone raves about your customer service. When fixing my mistake you were fast, courteous, and professional and didn't make me feel like an idiot, even though the mistake I made was quite idiotic!

I can't say it enough: Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Due to age and circumstances my ability to write to my blog page became a problem. It was the intervention at the right time of Jen H, Happiness Engineer who provided enormous help and encouragement. With sensitivity, technological skill, and humane patience I was guided toward a path that I am now able to travel, always with the knowledge that should I need any more help, it is always available. For all of the above I am sincerely grateful.


Thank you for getting back to me so promptly, and so politely, for that matter.

Edward B.

I was impressed at how fast a real human being contacted me and got down to fixing the problem. I rarely get such great help after filling out an online support from, and knowing that the problem I faced was in good hands brought me peace of mind through the whole process.

Oscar G.

You are all such wonderful helpers! Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate your fast customer service! 🙂

Veronica K.

You guys rock. Your rapid response and customer service generously given to a newbie like me have made me a loyal customer.

Totoro C.

Not only is WordPress the best site to blog, its support team abso-effing-lutely rocks!

Anand D.

Many, many, many thanks for the incredible work you all do there! You guys make us all look so fantastic and it never ceases to amaze me how you all continue to evolve.

Gail M.

After this great customer service I am very impressed and will definitely continue to use and promote WordPress to others.

Lauren C.

You've revolutionized how I do WordPress!

I. Woo

Thanks for making blogging so easy. I've learned a lot from your service so far and will continue to learn as I go. Keep up the GREAT work!

Bill S.

We're so pleased with how hard you and everyone worked on this issue … never giving up. It's MUCH appreciated. Somebody send me a survey so I can "sing your praises."

Susan L.

I must say that your user support is really first class. Thank you for all of your wonderful help.

John D.

Your staff has been great in answering my questions. I love the sense of community from the support forums.

Sergio O.

I am impressed by the quick response. I'm a huge WordPress fan and this only helps!

Keith M.

Yoav did a splendid job helping me with setting up my site as my official website. He was patient, understanding, and responded in more than timely manner.

I've had similar situations of trying to deal with technical support and no one has ever been as accomodating as

Shaheen M.

Thank you SO MUCH for making it easy to size images by offering a few already set size options and leaving a custom option just in case. You have shaved off so much time for me!!

Morgan M.

I have never ever gotten quicker, smarter, more generous, more diligent help from ANYONE online.

Michael S.

Having this blog over the past two weeks, since my accident, has made a huge difference to my world. Being able to be in touch with people is priceless, but not having to tell loads of lovely people the same thing every has been amazingly valuable in allowing me to get some peace too! I can't believe it's free.


We have just started using to deliver news via our site on behalf of other ex-forces organizations, charities, and campaign groups. WordPress is fantastic, free, easy to use, and perfect for what we need.

We had one slight problem and used the 'contact support' link for help. The technician replied within five minutes and even apologized for the delay. Delay? The problem was solved simply within ten minutes. In our opinion WordPress should be running public transport services, the national infrastructure, and writing books about time travel.

NESA is the best place to get 24/7 to get your site for perfection. I love the speed of support they provide, and appreciate their willingness and eagerness to help everyone out. compares to other website creators, and I could give you all of my gifts to you guys! Thanks so much!


You literally are the best IT Support team in the world. Nobody even comes close to you!! I want to bake y'all a cake!!

Nabeki G.

Thanks WordPress team for being there to help me whenever I need it. Thanks to you, my months of blogging have been enjoyable AND profitable.

Eva J

Thanks for making it so easy to use for my blogs. I love
blogging and I spend a lot of time on my blogs which have helped me to get
professional and personal opportunities that I wouldn’t have otherwise had.
Your happiness engineers are great at answering questions promptly and
completely. Keep up the good work!

Shelly N.

What was especially kind is that Bryan V. saw or intuited how close I was to getting it. Rather than explaining it to me — because explanations of that sort often leave me more puzzled — Bryan V. leapt in and generously fixed what I didn't understand. That's worth its weight in chocolate or other desirable substances!

Michael S.

WordPress has the one of the best support crews I have come across, all very friendly and efficient. It was seamless, and the communication was second to none, very straightforward and accurate yet very friendly and light hearted, not formal and corporate at all, much prefer that vibe! 🙂 Thanks again to Nicole and Asher for chipping in and for the team as a whole to create this well oiled friendly machine!

Lewis S.

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your help. Without your help I would not be able to solve this problem, attract more customers to my blog and therefore website, or generally do a lot.

Amy R.

You are utterly and completely and totally AWESOME! Thank you so much. Your advice and demonstration were very very very very helpful!

Loren F.

Boy you folks are quick! I am really enjoying working with WordPress. WordPress makes it simple, and it's a pleasure. I'm having so much fun!


My entire life has been invested in the written word, printing and publishing. WordPress is the best resource I have ever used.

Guy H.

I'm just sitting here thinking about how much I like blogging, and how much I love WordPress. You guys are great. The year end stats were fab. You make me all happy and warm and fuzzy. Usually computer stuff makes me crazy, but, even though I'm still learning, WordPress has been remarkably fun!

Lynne W.