Get Involved

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” – Booker T Washington

At The Parent Centre we are dedicated to helping children through positive parenting for over 38 years now. Good (caring, loving, attentive, attuned, firm) parenting is the foundation for healthy, well-functioning and non-violent children, families and society. It has been this way throughout history and is unlikely to change in the future. 

If you would like to GET INVOLVED, we are always welcoming donations in all forms.

(Please see our wishlist below to help us continue to assist and reach more Parents through our programmes.)

Our current WISHLIST:

  • MONETARY DONATIONS towards all our programmes. 
    • Data – for online parenting support to vulnerable parents  (Currently costs The Parent Centre approximately R6000 per month / R72 000 per year).
    • Airtime for telephonic or Whatsapp parenting support to vulnerable parents. This currently costs The Parent Centre approximately / R4000 per month/ R48 000 per year.
    • Gently worn Baby clothes for those caregivers in need who are part of our Parent Infant Programme
    • Laptops. We have a shortage of laptops which has become a greater necessity as a result of COVID-19 and staff having to work from home.
    • Powerpoint Projectors for our courses/workshops
    • Office fans/ Aircon units
    • Heaters
    • A Back Up Server for our data & IT
    • diaries, stationery (pens, pencils, writing pads, notebooks); 
    • bags for carrying files and laptops.

Here are 3 ways you can DONATE to The Parent Centre:

Click here to DONATE via PAYFAST

Click here to DONATE via PAYPAL

Click here to DONATE via SNAPSCAN

THANK YOU for your generous and continued support, and for believing in the organisation and the services we provide. We could not continue to affect positive change if it weren’t for you our wonderful donors, funders and supporters.

As Mother Teresa so wisely stated – “Peace starts at home…” and we are dedicated to helping shift the dynamic within the home to that of a peaceful and loving and nurturing environment which in turn will help build confident and resilient children.