Build and tweak sites faster with configs.

No more manual, site-by-site plugin adjustments, instantly apply your preferred plugin settings to unlimited sites in a click.

  • One-Click Apply To All Sites
  • Use Our Default Configs
  • Action From WP & The Hub
  • Create Your Own Configs
  • Easy Quick Site Setup
  • Create Unlimited Configs

How do configs work?

Think saving your video game progress, but for WordPress plugins.


Tweak once. Apply to all.

No more one-site-at-a-time plugin tweaking. With configs it’s as easy as doing it once, then applying to all your sites.


Adjust any config-supported plugin or tool to suit your preference.


Save your plugin settings as a new config in WordPress or The Hub.


Apply your custom config (or a default config) to all your sites in a click.


Repeat the process whenever a new plugin feature is added.

Create custom configs.

Set up any of our config-supported plugins and tools with your preferred settings and save as your own unique config.

We also offer unlimited configs, so you can customize to your heart’s content.

Use our default configs.

Prefer to skip configuration? Our default configs are optimized for best performance and a great foundation to build from.

Apply to all sites instantly.

Save a ton of time by instantly applying default or custom configs to all your sites in a couple of clicks.

Quick config site setup.

Take configs to the next level.

Once you’ve created multiple plugin configs our quick start module makes it easy to apply them all at once.

Supported config plugins.

Meet our premium config-supported WordPress plugins and tools.

Hummingbird Pro

Page Speed Optimizer

The complete WordPress optimization suite with everything you need to boost your page speed.

Create Hummingbird configs with settings like:

RSS Caching
Gravatar Caching
Remove Emoji JS & CSS Files
Disable WooCommerce Cart Fragments
Page Caching
Remove Asset Query Strings
Database Cleanups
Lazy Loading Comments
Learn more about Hummingbird

Smush Pro

Image Optimization

Optimize unlimited images with the most popular image-optimizer for WordPress.

Create Smush configs with settings like:

Bulk Smush
2x Image Compression
PNG to JPEG Conversion
45-Point CDN
Automatic Compression
Image Resizing
Lazy Load
Local WebP
Learn more about Smush

Defender Pro


Enjoy easy-to-implement and hardened WordPress security with Defender.

Create Defender configs with settings like:

Security Recommendations
Audit Logs
Two-Factor Authentication
Security Headers
Malware Scanning
Mask Login Area
Blocklist Monitor
Learn more about Defender



Track your site's uptime and performance, receive instant downtime alerts, and get back online ASAP.

Create Monitor configs with settings like:

Downtime, Uptime, and Performance Alerts
Email Threshold (instant, or after 5, 10, 30 mins)
Alert Email Recipient

PRO TIP: Create multiple uptime configs with different thresholds and recipients based on site priority.

E.g. for high priority sites, send instant downtime alerts to your most experienced developers.

Learn more about Monitor

SmartCrawl Pro


SmartCrawl handles everything SEO so you can focus on what you do best.

Create SmartCrawl configs with settings like:

SEO Health Test
Titles & Meta
Robots.txt Editor
Scheduled Performance Reports
Schema Markup
Page/Readability Analysis
URL Redirection
Learn more about SmartCrawl
See what we have planned for down the road

We are working hard to get all of our premium plugins updated and optimized for use with Configs.

View Roadmap

Need more info?

Check out our blog and config documentation for step-by-step guides and tips.

From The Blog: Tweak and Build WordPress Sites Faster Than Ever With One-Click Configs Read More
Documentation: Learn everything there is to know about plugin configs in our detailed docs. Read More
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