Website Cloning

Clone your existing WPMU DEV hosted sites, or choose from our own range of pre-made, highly optimized website clone templates.

Fully Configured Deployment Ready WP Sites in Minutes

Say good riddance to the same old, drawn out site building process. And hello to fully configured sites whipped up in a fraction of the time.

Our cloning tool allows you to create exact copies of WP sites (complete with themes, plugins, content, and settings) in minutes.

You also have the choice of two unique cloning methods, depending on what your needs are.

Clone “End-To-End” WP Sites Already Optimized By Our Expert Team!

Choose from a range of site templates created exclusively by our expert behind the scenes superheroes!

Want to create a WooCommerce site? Now it’ll take you a fraction of the time. Just click and it’s there… fully loaded with dummy content and configured to work brilliantly out of the box.

And if that’s not to your liking, we have many more to choose from! You can even make your own (more on that below), or it could be a tweak of one of our templates. Whatever works for you.

"All Inclusive” Clone Templates - No Hidden Costs or Licenses

Don’t be fooled by the “template” label…

Our clones aren’t just a pack of plugins and themes… these are fully functional, absolutely up to date, expertly made templates.

With performance, SEO and security already set up! Along with a host of amazing offshore plugins and themes such as WooCommerce, HubSpot, Astra, Elementor, and Neve.

Oh, and did we mention you’re getting all this for free?! Every feature, all inclusive - no extra costs or site licenses.

Clone Your Existing Sites and Streamline The Setup Process

As well as cloning our templates, you also have the option of cloning your existing WPMU DEV hosted sites.

Like our clones, this allows you to streamline your site building process, and reap the rewards WITHOUT having to put in the groundwork.

In a couple of clicks you can initiate the process of duplicating your site’s files and database - re-creating them in a new WordPress installation.

And just like that, you have a brand new site identical to the original - only with a new domain name.

Amp Up Your Custom Clones With Our Premium WP Tools

If you choose to clone your existing sites, be sure to utilize all of WPMU DEV’s premium plugins and tools to ensure your sites are top-notch.

Tools like our Automate, which continuously and safely makes sure your templates are updated and fully functional. Meaning once they’ve been created they’re evergreen.

Optimize every site with our award winning premium WP plugins. You can also configure security, performance, SEO, backups, and much more in our website management Hub.

Every cloned site, buzzing right out of the gate!

Every Clone Site Geographically Positioned For Peak Performance

When you clone any site with us, we also give you the option of moving its hosting location.

This allows you to choose a location as close as possible to your primary audience, and minimize distance-related performance issues.

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