Kaspersky On The Road Again
The section on travel Eugene Kaspersky!
Drones – no more airport interruption scandals: we’re here to ground you.

Drones – no more airport interruption scandals: we’re here to ground you.

For a few weeks already, this here mysterious, shiny, clearly hi-tech, futuristo device has been complementing the minimalistic office furniture of my corner office at our HQ. It’s so shiny and fancy and slick and post-modern that whenever I get a visitor – which is not often of late due to our general WFH-policy – it’s the first thing they notice, and the first question is always, simply, obviously – ‘what is that?!’ ->


Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a camera (on a tripod), is it a gun, is it some kind of scanner? Warmer, warmer!…

But before I tell you – quick digression!…

Traditionally, once a year, we have...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Many a splash – on Kadrin and Shabash.

Many a splash – on Kadrin and Shabash.

After our night on the beach, we woke to yet another gloriously warm and sunny day – hooray! If only the river were a bit warmer too; it felt like it was around 10-12 degrees centigrade, no more. Quick dips were doable but it was a bit too cold for swimming.


We had an interesting day ahead of us. Just to the left of that mountain down there the Kadrin Rapids begin, which was to be our first bit of action of the day…

As we set off on our rafts the river seemed pretty darn perfect: fast-flowing yet safe, and not too choppy to prevent any photography of the surrounding scenery…

The above pics – the calm before the……… ->


Kaspersky On The Road Again
OpenTIP, season 2: drop by more often!

OpenTIP, season 2: drop by more often!

A year ago I addressed cybersecurity specialists to let them know about a new tool we’d developed – our Open Threat Intelligence Portal (OpenTIP). Tools for analysis of complex threats (or merely suspicious objects) – the very same ones used by our famous cyber-ninjas in GReAT – became accessible to anyone who wanted to use them. And use them lots of folks wanted – testing zillions of files every month.

But in just a year a lot has changed. Things have become much more difficult for cybersecurity experts due to practically the whole world having to work remotely because of coronavirus. Maintaining the security of corporate networks has become a...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Right, then. Time to zoom down Ilgumen.

Right, then. Time to zoom down Ilgumen.

Altai-2020 continues. Up, breakfast, decamp > river. River: Katun. Up next: its Ilgumen Rapids – here.


‘Woah. I feel the need for a row!’

Just short rapids these, but intense! They begin here:

And end just round the bend down there:

Maybe they look a bit underwhelming at first?

Then add a raft and you get a better feel for the scale! ->

Right. Our turn…

Somewhere there there’s a ‘pulsating’ thingamajig, where the water gushes upward violently, taking with it and turning upsidedown anything that might be unlucky enough to be passing through it at the wrong time. In short – we need to be careful…

And here’s the rafter’s-eye view ->

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Sitting and rowing – down the Katun we’re going.

Sitting and rowing – down the Katun we’re going.

Onward – downward – on the best bit of our Altai-2020 expedition: the rafting bit. Again – the Argut River, this time where it meets the Katun. The same Argut, btw, along the banks of which we were trekking a couple weeks ago, astonished by the river’s sheer power.


The sound of the fast flowing water is amplified by endless echoes!

Here it’s not clear which river’s flowing into which!…

The muddy waters of the Argut fairly sully the pristine turqouse ones of the Katun ->

Naughty Argut! Look at the mess you’ve made! Alas – that dirty-milkiness from the Argut continued along the Katun, with the turquiose never to fully return (. Not to...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
The Altai river-traveler museum – ver. 2020.

The Altai river-traveler museum – ver. 2020.

Continuing our Altai-2020 expedition, one afternoon we moored our rafts to visit the makeshift river-traveler museum, which organically sprang up and grew over the years in a field by the junction of the Katun and Argut rivers. It’s a three-legged contraption-construction that has all manner of odd and sod hung upon it, placed there by passing river tourists:

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Every year, new exhibits are added to the museum. Various art movements and styles are featured, but there’s a distinct preference for the post-industrialist avant-garde and general modern kunst!

The breadth of variety of the pieces on display is staggering:

Nearby, satellite art...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
11 brave women at the North Pole.

11 brave women at the North Pole.

This blogpost could pass as an advertisement, if it were paid for; however, it’s being published entirely voluntarily and gratis. Basically, in it, I’ll be telling you the fascinating story of 11 fearless females on an Arctic expedition up to the North Pole!…

So, what happened was that our good old friend Felicity Aston, the dauntlessly adventuresome (see why we’re good old friends?:) British explorer, whose unique Antarctic expeditions we support and sponsor from time to time (I’ve even been known to piggy-back onto one of her missions (I flew, she skied!) – to see in the New Year at the South Pole!), decided to steel herself to… try something totally...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Rushing down the Akkem Rush.

Rushing down the Akkem Rush.

At Tyungur, we were up early > breakfast > tents down > to the riverbank > into the Katun on rafts > off we pop > 25km of calm rafting until we reach today’s main attraction: several sets of rapids called the Akkemsky Proriv (in Russian), which translates as the Akkem Rush (aka the Akkem Fissure, Akkem Breach, Akkem Rupture, etc., but Rush is arguably closest to the original meaning in Russian, i.e., referring to the water itself, not the location it’s set in. Just to complicate things further, it’s also known as the Akkem Pipe – or Akkem Tube!!).


Green on green: Katun-aqua amid Altai-taiga!

Suddenly – Sauron’s eye in the sky!

Eek – it creeps nearer for a...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
A sign of a bright Altai future.

A sign of a bright Altai future.

Briefly looking back over recent blogposts, I see you’ve had plenty on Katun already, including lots and lots of photos thereof. All the same – it’s still… too little! Accordingly, here’s some more!…

We’d already rafted some 200km since we started out on the river (where the Upper Kuragan joins it). Not a great deal given that its full length is 688km – from the foot of Mount Belukha to the mighty Siberian River Ob near the city of Biysk. And most of those first 200 kilometers were calm, steady, conducive to quiet meditation, and with non-stop extraordinarily beautiful Altai scenery….

Quick digression into oddness: one thing (out of many!) I find...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Dear friends, time to Vote! We are nominated, you can make it happen!

Our amazing project From Kurils With Love were nominated and we need your votes!

Who hasn't watch this video  -follow the link

Public Service & Activism: Vote here!

Charitable Organizations & Non-Profit: Vote here!
Support From Kurils with Love here!

Defenders of Digital:
Education & Discovery: Vote here!
Find out more about Defenders of Digital here!

Kaspersky On The Road Again
This river was made for rafting, and that’s just what we did.

This river was made for rafting, and that’s just what we did.

After your aperitif, are you ready for your main dish of slow-cooked Katun, with a side dish of oh-my-gorgeous Altai scenery? Ok, then we’ll begin…

As I’ve written in this Altai-2020 series already, getting to the top of the Katun sure ain’t easy, and near the top there aren’t that many river obstacles getting in your way (too easy!); however, the early stretches are perhaps the most magnificently meditative! The odd paddle, the occasional spot of steering, a few splashes here and there, but apart from that – magical Altai vistas and Ommmmmmmmm ).

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The northern slopes of the mountains look as if they’ve had fir trees...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Zen and the Art of Partner-Contact Maintenance.

Zen and the Art of Partner-Contact Maintenance.

Just when things were starting to look up, it seems there’s a second wave of that ******* (censored) virus washing over the world. In Moscow the Mayor is gently (for now) pushing businesses to have their workers stay at home, schools are preparing for Zoombie Zoom lessons again, and our HQ is still practically empty (especially R&D). So it looks like we’ll rarely be going out, and when we do – carrying on donning the masks and gloves, maintaining the social distancing, and fist-bumping nodding our greetings, at least during the fall and the winter. Hmmm: which is best – corona during summer, or winter? That’s a tricky one. But I’d best not...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Finally: water fun – down the Katun!

Finally: water fun – down the Katun!

At last – on my Altai-2020 trip the water-based action was about to commence. Ready for some Katun white-knuckle/white-water fun?…

But first we had to get over the mountain between us and the Katun – the final hop before the water. And the best way to get over it? By hopping onto a chopper of course…


Given fine weather you can normally fly around (Altai’s highest mountain) Belukha and be mesmerized by the aerial views thereof through the helicopter’s windows. Alas, this time it wasn’t to be. Low cloud spoiled the fun: much of the mountains weren’t visible. But if you’re curious, have a look at an installment of my Altai tales from 2016.


Kaspersky On The Road Again
Moscow-to-Mars simulation – to see if you’d last the duration!

Moscow-to-Mars simulation – to see if you’d last the duration!

The other day I visited a most unusual, unique place – and just down the road too. It’s a space-travel training complex where they do simulations of long missions into space. You may have heard of a small group of volunteers who cut themselves off from the world for a long as it takes to fly to Mars and back? Well, this is the place where that happens…


…In this unassuming building:

…Namely – inside cylindrical chambers like the one in the following pic, whose size is no larger than that of a modern-day space ship. Inside everything’s set up to imitate as closely as possible a space flight: limited space, regeneration of...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
From Udomlya with Love – and Fresh Electricity.

From Udomlya with Love – and Fresh Electricity.

There’s a town in Russia that’s situated almost precisely at the mid-point between Moscow and St. Petersburg. It goes by the name of Udomlya. You’ll no doubt not have heard of it. Not many Russians have heard of it; I hadn’t heard of it either until last week when we went there! For I don’t have an encyclopedic memory, and I tend to study geography through personal field visits!

So what were we doing in this little-known town? Well, just to the north of Udomlya there’s a lake of the same name, and on one of its banks is a place to which we paid a visit: the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant.

// You think Udomlya sounds a little funny/stage in...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Ooh-la Yarlu.

Ooh-la Yarlu.

Multicolored mountains aren’t the rarest natural phenomenon in the world; however, not every mountain range can boast such a natural oddity…

The most multicolored mountainous paysages on the planet are without a doubt those in Zhangye, China. There are the yellow-red volcanic landscapes of Kambalny and Koshelov on the Kamchatka Peninsula, which are also simply marvelous sights to behold. Then there’s the multicolored Ausangate ‘rainbow’ mountain in Peru, and the Quebrada de Humahuaca in Argentina. And last but not least there’s the Yarlu valley in the Altai Mountains: also brightly colored, only in uniquely pastel hues, and also well worthy of inclusion into the list of the...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
The Amazing Technicolor Altai Mountain Passes.

The Amazing Technicolor Altai Mountain Passes.

Another day – another beach, sunlounger, pool, cocktail, cigar… Wait. No! That’s not how we do summer vacations! It was indeed another day – but it was in the Altai Mountains, which one could call the Russian ‘middle of nowhere’ (or at least one of them:). No sandy beaches or cocktails here. Still, the sun was out – and we were two thousand meters nearer to it than down on any beach. No sunloungers or cigars for us today either: we had a full day’s mountain trekking ahead of us…


Once we’d set out, the views of mountains seemingly colored in in pastel shades came into view almost immediately. Clearly, this was going to be another of those...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Altai-2020: meditative-mountain-passive.

Altai-2020: meditative-mountain-passive.

Another day, another Altai!…

We were met upon waking on the ninth day of our expedition by a warm sun, as if hinting that the rainy days of our trip were behind us (which turned out to be false). Ahead of us this day – a steady stroll to the musical accompaniment of trickling streams and singing birds. There was a touch of rain ‘insignificant precipitation’ (– D.Y., our main guide, from the tour agency Altai-Geed), but only for a short while later in the day. But early morning, the main thing was that the wind was plentiful enough to blow away the mist, setting up the day to be perfect for walking…


The views – oh my gorges!

No glaciers just yet,...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Crazy bridge over very troubled water.

Crazy bridge over very troubled water.

The bridgetheme has cropped up a few times already in this here Altai-2020 series, but now – finally – the time has come to meet the maddest bridge of them all. But would it still be even there, we thought, waking one morning. Maybe it had been washed away by the fast flow of the Iedygem river?…


Yep – as you can see: still there. Good job; otherwise we’d have had to circle back a real long way and cross a different bridge. Below, the river as high and agitated as ever…

The first to cross a bridge by tradition on our expedition was Andrey, our video-photo-drone expert-operator:

Just in case, let me repeat: some of the photos in this...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Fun and games, laughing and joshing – half-way up an Altai mountain!

Fun and games, laughing and joshing – half-way up an Altai mountain!


Finally, we pulled off getting into a nice straight line for a proper, full-posse, Altai summer trekking photo! Phew! (No, I don’t know why it took so long for it to happen:).


And here’s an action shot – us doing the Altai trekking thing, on a beautiful sunny day, trekking sticks in hand, heading to our next river, mountain or mountain pass! ->

Ahhh. So nice to walk in these here wilds under such clear blue skies amid such lush landscapes all around!

Of course, it might not have been so enjoyable had we not been accompanied by such obliging (also surprisingly jumpy) horses to carry most of our heavy kit....

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Altai crazy water – you could watch it forever.

Altai crazy water – you could watch it forever.

Altai cragginess – done. Next up – Altai H2Oness!…

First up – another crazy bridge (this one over an Argut tributary)! ->


Or is it those rapids that are crazy? )

Yep – fairly crazy. But understandably crazy, since it had rained non-stop for the previous two weeks.

We approach the Argut river itself…

Apparently, behind that there boulder begin among the most difficult rapids of the whole of the Argut (besides the Karagemsky Pass). They’re called the ‘Porog Sapozhnika’, which translates as the ‘Bootmaker’s Rapids’! Why they’re called that I don’t know. Sounds like cobblers to me ).

OK, let’s have a look at what’s behind the...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Bradley33644: Thank you for info!
Ransomware: no more jokes.

Ransomware: no more jokes.

First: brief backgrounder…

On September 10, the ransomware-malware DoppelPaymer encrypted 30 servers of a hospital in the German city of Dusseldorf, due to which throughput of sick patients fell dramatically. A week ago, due to this fall, the hospital wasn’t able to accept a patient who was in need of an urgent operation, and had to send her to a hospital in a neighboring city. She died on the way. It was the first known case of loss of human life as a result of a ransomware attack.

A very sad case indeed – especially when you look closer: there was the fatal ‘accident’ itself (presuming the attackers didn’t foresee a fatality caused by their ghastly actions);...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Five days hiking; the Altai rocky scenery – striking.

Five days hiking; the Altai rocky scenery – striking.

Herewith, a continuation of my Altai-2020 tales!…

After spending the night in the tiny hamlet of Arkyt, we were up early next morning, loaded most of our stuff onto uncomplaining horses, put bare essentials (mostly photo-video kit, + warm and waterproof clothing) into backpacks for our own backs, and off we set – for five (!) days of trekking in the Altai wilderness up to Akkem Lake. As the crow flies, it’s a mere 35 kilometers; however, given the specifics of the lie of the land here, the actual distance you cover is around 85km! But it feels even longer than that – say, 100km: there are that many bends and twists and ups and downs,...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Cyber-pandemic: the hunt for a vaccine.

Cyber-pandemic: the hunt for a vaccine.

Hot off the presses folks – coming up in a matter of minutes (!) – the next in the Hacker:HUNTER series of online documentaries on cybercrime! And timely it is: it’s about how, during the pandemic, hackers have been exploiting the situation to steal ever more data and money more than before. And they’ve been exploiting the fact that most folks have been working from home too. But wait – they go even lower…

Since the pandemic really kicked in, cybercriminals have been hacking and causing all sorts of trouble for medical institutions and research centers. Some cyber-scum having been searching for get-rich-quick schemes (and often finding them), while...

Kaspersky On The Road Again
Altai-2020: along the Argut, via the Karagem.

Altai-2020: along the Argut, via the Karagem.

On today’s agenda on our ‘In for a Ruble, in for a Penny – Altai-2020‘ expedition: further edging ever closer to the main course – white-water rafting. The final stretch of the drive, and then finally switching from 4×4 to 2×2 (trekking-booted feet). Then we got onto two ‘loaves of bread‘ to raft down the Argut.


These pics, in case you’re wondering, are of the ‘road’, not a path! Accordingly, since it’s so hairy and rubbly, at times we were let out to proceed on foot for a bit: the vehicles would have an easier – safer – time navigating it then…

We, of course, were only too happy to go al fresco: just look at these phenomenal vistas! ->

Kaspersky On The Road Again