Community Networks and Local Access Monthly Newsletter - Number 39 26 August 2021 By APCNews

Welcome to the 39th monthly round-up of developments impacting your local access networks.

Community-led approaches to connectivity: How CITAD is bridging the digital divide in northern Nigeria 26 August 2021 By Centre for Information Technology and Development

Internet connectivity is becoming part and parcel of humans’ lives all over the globe, but the story in underdeveloped countries is different and not encouraging. With persistent engagement and advocacy visits by CITAD, progress on setting up community networks in Nigeria has been made.

How do we build a caste-sensitive internet? Reflections on decolonising the internet from an anti-caste perspective 25 August 2021 By APCNews

How do we build a caste-sensitive internet? The third session of the Challenge lecture series explored strategies and reflections on the challenges and opportunities to create an online experience that is truly freeing and inclusive to everyone, regardless of caste.

Open letter to TECNO Mobile

Open letter

Open letter to TECNO Mobile

APC and several APC member organisations in Africa form part of a coalition of 11 civil society organisations that have called on TECNO to make serious changes to its practices to protect users' privacy and security.

Open letter calling on Apple to abandon its plans to build surveillance capabilities into its products

Open letter

Open letter calling on Apple to abandon its plans to build surveillance capabilities into its products

APC joined with an international coalition of over 90 civil society organisations in an open letter to Apple, calling on the company to abandon its recently announced plans to build surveillance capabilities into iPhones, iPads and other Apple products. 

#HoldTheLine Coalition welcomes dismissal of cyber-libel charge against Maria Ressa and calls for remaining charges to be dropped


#HoldTheLine Coalition welcomes dismissal of cyber-libel charge against Maria Ressa and calls for remaining charges to be dropped

APC and the more than 80 other organisations that comprise the Coalition welcome the dismissal of a cyber-libel charge against Rappler CEO and founder Maria Ressa in the Philippines – the second spurious charge against Ressa to be dropped in just two months.

After the Storm: How to restore policy dialogue and supportive discourse against gender-based violence online in Bulgaria


After the Storm: How to restore policy dialogue and supportive discourse against gender-based violence online in Bulgaria

The aim of the project is to support state institutions and civil society organisations involved in overcoming gender-based violence on the internet, in identifying the right communication tone and methods to improve its effectiveness.

Joint non-governmental stakeholders statement: Ensuring an IGF 2021 hybrid format that strengthens inclusiveness and balanced participation around the globe

Joint statement

Joint non-governmental stakeholders statement: Ensuring an IGF 2021 hybrid format that strengthens inclusiveness and balanced participation around the globe

Civil society organisations encourage IGF organisers to continue to privilege the remote modality of meeting until the pandemic is under control in all parts of the world, and clear and inclusive rules and practices are adopted concerning vaccination and travel restrictions.

Amplified Abuse: Report on Online Violence Against Women in the 2021 Uganda General Election


Amplified Abuse: Report on Online Violence Against Women in the 2021 Uganda General Election

The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of online violence against women in politics in Uganda and determine how it might impact their use of digital solutions and social media platforms for expression and participation in the elections.

Joint open letter by civil society organisations and independent experts calling on states to implement an immediate moratorium on the sale, transfer and use of surveillance technology

Open letter

Joint open letter by civil society organisations and independent experts calling on states to implement an immediate moratorium on the sale, transfer and use of surveillance technology

Dozens of civil society organisations and independent experts joined forces to express their alarm at the media revelations that NSO Group’s spyware has been used to facilitate human rights violations around the world on a massive scale and to call on states to take immediate measures.

Mapping and Analysis of Privacy Laws and Policies in Africa: Summary Report


Mapping and Analysis of Privacy Laws and Policies in Africa: Summary Report

While privacy has become ever more crucial in a world where digital technologies are key to livelihoods and the promotion of other rights, there are insufficient protections for the right to privacy in many African countries, and some have steadily taken measures to undermine this right.

Seeding change: KICTANet proposes a gender lens to promote community-centric approaches during and beyond the pandemic Kenya 26 August 2021 APCNews

How are APC members improving their communities’ lives? In this column we’re highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC subgranting. KICTANet works towards network building to bring diverse voices and pieces of evidence to the spotlight and build enabling regulation for ICTs in Kenya.

AFRINIC situation: Case narration and the way forward 25 August 2021 Sami Salih

At the moment, AFRINIC’s existence is at risk. The organisation is legally and financially targeted and there are repeated calls in the AFRINIC community to migrate the registry service to operate from outside the region.

Seeding change: Feminist Tech Exchange explores digital safety through a feminist framework 20 August 2021 APCNews

How are APC members improving their communities’ lives? In this column we’re highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC subgranting. APC's Feminist Tech Exchange explores digital safety through a feminist framework that is collective, responsive and flexible.


In this weekly column, longstanding associate of APC David Souter looks at different aspects of the digital society. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs.

How are APC members improving their communities' lives? In this section we're highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC sub-granting.

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