METABUIDL Hackathon: $1,000,000 in Prizes

NEAR Grants

The NEAR Grants Program (NGP), directed by the NEAR Foundation, provides funding and resources to expand the NEAR ecosystem.

The program supports projects that share NEAR’s mission: to accelerate the world’s transition to open technologies by growing and enabling a community of developers and creators.

In the first half of 2021, the NEAR Grants Pilot Program will award $1 million (USD equivalent) in grants funding and resources to promising teams whose work will foster and expand NEAR’s technology and community.

NEAR Foundation Grants Streams

Choose the path that fits your project and apply below.

Open Source & Public Goods

For teams developing open source components, whether standalone or as part of a project.

Apply for Open Source Grant


For entrepreneurs looking to bootstrap a Dapp into the NEAR ecosystem.

Apply for Startup Grant

Education Initiatives

Help teach other developers how to build on NEAR: Create tutorials, write documentation, make videos, build workshops, empower builders.

Apply for Education Grant


These are specific initiatives and projects we’re looking for applicants to build.

Apply to Build

Grants Process

Here’s how the NEAR Grants Program process works, from application to finish line.

Step 1: Choose a Category

If your project fits into one of these 4 grant streams and aligns with the NEAR mission, you’re a candidate for the NEAR Grants Program. To understand some successful applications so far, check out the Pilot Program grant recipients.

Step 2: Submit your Grant Application

Make sure you thoroughly complete the application form and clearly state how your project will contribute to the NEAR ecosystem. If you’re applying for a Request-for-Grant, please clearly indicate that on your application form.

Step 3: Evaluation & Approval

The NEAR Grants Committee will review your application within two weeks. If your proposal meets the program criteria, you will be invited to an interview with two committee members.

Step 4: Acceptance or Denial Notification

All applicants will be notified whether their application has been accepted or denied. If your application is accepted, at this point, you will go through the agreement formation process.

Step 5: Onboarding

Once all your paperwork is complete, your team will onboard to the NEAR Grants Program. We’ll set you up with clear timelines, accountability metrics, and reporting expectations and will be here to support you every step of the way.

Step 6: Launch Your Project

When your timeline is complete and your project ready to ship, we’ll support your launch and help share your work with the NEAR ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens once my application is submitted?

Once your team has applied, you will receive a confirmation email and can view your application’s status within Submittable.

How long is the process once we’ve applied?

Typically the entire application process will take about six weeks.

What does the application process look like?

The Grants Committee goes through four internal rounds of approvals. Applicants move through the following evaluation stages:

  • Initial Screen
  • Technical Review
  • Interview
  • Committee Review & Decision

I have more questions. How can I get in touch?

You can reach out at [email protected] and we’ll help you out!

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