Using the API to manage projects (beta)

You can use the GraphQL API to find information about projects and to update projects.

This article demonstrates how to use the GraphQL API to manage a project.

Note: Projects (beta) is currently in limited public beta. For more information, see GitHub Issues.

Note: To access the projects (beta) API, you must pass the following header in addition to being part of the limited beta: GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql.


In all of the following cURL examples, replace TOKEN with a token that has the read:org scope (for queries) or write:org scope (for queries and mutations). For more information about creating a token, see "Creating a personal access token."

To download or find more information about GitHub CLI, see the GitHub CLI feature page.

Before running GitHub CLI commands, you must authenticate by running gh auth login and providing an authentication token that has the read:org scope (for queries) or write:org scope (for queries and mutations). During the beta, you will not be able to authenticate using a web browser. For more information on command line authentication, see "gh auth login." For more information about creating a token, see "Creating a personal access token."

Using variables

In all of the following examples, you can use variables to simplify your scripts. Use -F to pass a variable that is a number, Boolean, or null. Use -f for other variables. For example,

gh api graphql --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' -f query='
  query($organization: String! $number: Int!){
    organization(login: $organization){
      projectNext(number: $number) {
  }' -f organization=$my_org -F number=$my_num

For more information, see "Forming calls with GraphQL."

Finding information about projects

Use queries to get data about projects. For more information, see "About queries."

Finding the node ID of a project

To update your project through the API, you will need to know the node ID of the project.

You can find the node ID of a project if you know the organization name and project number. Replace ORGANIZATION with the name of your organization. For example, octo-org. Replace NUMBER with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example, has a project number of 5.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: token TOKEN' \
  --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' \
  --data '{"query":"query{organization(login: \"ORGANIZATION\") {projectNext(number: NUMBER){id}}}"}'
gh api graphql --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' -f query='
    organization(login: "ORGANIZATION"){
      projectNext(number: NUMBER) {

You can also find the node ID of all projects in your organization. The following example will return the node ID and title of the first 20 projects in an organization. Replace ORGANIZATION with the name of your organization. For example, octo-org.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: token TOKEN' \
  --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' \
  --data '{"query":"{organization(login: \"ORGANIZATION\") {projectsNext(first: 20) {nodes {id title}}}}"}'
gh api graphql --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' -f query='
    organization(login: "ORGANIZATION") {
      projectsNext(first: 20) {
        nodes {

Finding the node ID of a field

To update the value of a field, you will need to know the node ID of the field. Additionally, for single select fields, you will need to know the ID of the options.

The following example will return the ID, name, and settings for the first 20 fields in a project. Replace PROJECT_ID with the node ID of your project.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: token TOKEN' \
  --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' \
  --data '{"query":"query{node(id: \"PROJECT_ID\") {... on ProjectNext {fields(first: 20) {nodes {id name settings}}}}}"}'
gh api graphql --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' -f query='
    node(id: "PROJECT_ID") {
      ... on ProjectNext {
        fields(first: 20) {
          nodes {

The response will look similar to the following example:

  "data": {
    "node": {
      "fields": {
        "nodes": [
            "id": "MDE2OlByb2plY3ROZXh0RmllbGQxMzE1OQ==",
            "name": "Title",
            "settings": "null"
            "id": "MDE2OlByb2plY3ROZXh0RmllbGQxMzE2MA==",
            "name": "Assignees",
            "settings": "null"
            "id": "MDE2OlByb2plY3ROZXh0RmllbGQxMzE2MQ==",
            "name": "Status",
            "settings": "{\"options\":[{\"id\":\"f75ad846\",\"name\":\"Todo\",\"name_html\":\"Todo\"},{\"id\":\"47fc9ee4\",\"name\":\"In Progress\",\"name_html\":\"In Progress\"},{\"id\":\"98236657\",\"name\":\"Done\",\"name_html\":\"Done\"}]}"

Each field has an ID. Additionally, each option in a single select field has an ID.

Finding information about items in a project

You can query the API to find information about items in your project.

The following example will return the title and ID for the first 20 items in a project. For each item, it will also return the value and name for the first 8 fields in the project. If the item is an issue or pull request, it will return the login of the first 10 assignees. Replace PROJECT_ID with the node ID of your project.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: token TOKEN' \
  --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' \
  --data '{"query":"query{node(id: \"PROJECT_ID\") {... on ProjectNext {items(first: 20) {nodes{title id fieldValues(first: 8) {nodes{value projectField{name}}} content{...on Issue {assignees(first: 10) {nodes{login}}} ...on PullRequest {assignees(first: 10) {nodes{login}}}}}}}}}"}'
gh api graphql --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' -f query='
    node(id: "PROJECT_ID") {
      ... on ProjectNext {
        items(first: 20) {
            fieldValues(first: 8) {
              ...on Issue {
                assignees(first: 10) {
              ...on PullRequest {
                assignees(first: 10) {

A project may contain items that a user does not have permission to view. In this case, the response will include redacted item.

  "node": {
  "title": "You can't see this item",

Updating projects

Use mutations to update projects. For more information, see "About mutations."

Note: You cannot add and update an item in the same call. You must use addProjectNextItem to add the item and then use updateProjectNextItemField to update the item.

Adding an item to a project

The following example will add an issue or pull request to your project. Replace PROJECT_ID with the node ID of your project. Replace CONTENT_ID with the node ID of the issue or pull request that you want to add.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: token TOKEN' \
  --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' \
  --data '{"query":"mutation {addProjectNextItem(input: {projectId: \"PROJECT_ID\" contentId: \"CONTENT_ID\"}) {projectNextItem {id}}}"}'
gh api graphql --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' -f query='
  mutation {
    addProjectNextItem(input: {projectId: "PROJECT_ID" contentId: "CONTENT_ID"}) {
      projectNextItem {

The response will contain the node ID of the newly created item.

  "data": {
    "addProjectNextItem": {
      "projectNextItem": {
        "id": "MDE1OlByb2plY3ROZXh0SXRlbTM0MjEz"

If you try add an item that already exists, the existing item ID is returned instead.

Updating a custom, non-single select field

The following example will update a date field. Replace PROJECT_ID with the node ID of your project. Replace ITEM_ID with the node ID of the item you want to update. Replace FIELD_ID with the ID of the field that you want to update.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: token TOKEN' \
  --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' \
  --data '{"query":"mutation {updateProjectNextItemField(input: {projectId: \"PROJECT_ID\" itemId: \"ITEM_ID\" fieldId: \"FIELD_ID\" value: \"2021-5-11\"}) {projectNextItem {id}}}"}'
gh api graphql --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' -f query='
  mutation {
      input: {
        projectId: "PROJECT_ID"
        itemId: "ITEM_ID"
        fieldId: "FIELD_ID"
        value: "2021-5-11"
    ) {
      projectNextItem {

Note: You cannot use updateProjectNextItemField to change Assignees, Labels, Milestone, or Repository because these fields are properties of pull requests and issues, not of project items. Instead, you must use the addAssigneesToAssignable, removeAssigneesFromAssignable, addLabelsToLabelable, removeLabelsFromLabelable, updateIssue, updatePullRequest, or transferIssue mutations.

Updating a single-select field

The following example will update a date field.

  • PROJECT_ID - Replace this with the node ID of your project.
  • ITEM_ID - Replace this with the node ID of the item you want to update.
  • FIELD_ID - Replace this with the ID of the field that you want to update.
  • OPTION_ID - Replace this with the ID of the desired value.
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: token TOKEN' \
  --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' \
  --data '{"query":"mutation {updateProjectNextItemField(input: {projectId: \"PROJECT_ID\" itemId: \"ITEM_ID\" fieldId: \"FIELD_ID\" value: \"OPTION_ID\"}) {projectNextItem {id}}}"}'
gh api graphql --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' -f query='
  mutation {
      input: {
        projectId: "PROJECT_ID"
        itemId: "ITEM_ID"
        fieldId: "FIELD_ID"
        value: "OPTION_ID"
    ) {
      projectNextItem {

Deleting an item from a project

The following example will delete an item from a project. Replace PROJECT_ID with the node ID of your project. Replace ITEM_ID with the node ID of the item you want to delete.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: token TOKEN' \
  --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' \
  --data '{"query":"mutation {deleteProjectNextItem(input: {projectId: \"PROJECT_ID\" itemId: \"ITEM_ID\"}) {deletedItemId}}"}'
gh api graphql --header 'GraphQL-Features: projects_next_graphql' -f query='
  mutation {
      input: {
        projectId: "PROJECT_ID"
        itemId: "ITEM_ID"
    ) {





closed (Boolean!)true if the project is closed.
closedAt (DateTime!)Identifies the date and time when the object was closed.
createdAt (DateTime!)Identifies the date and time when the object was created.
creator (Actor)The actor who originally created the project.
databaseId (Int)Identifies the primary key from the database.
description (String)The project's description.
fields ([ProjectNextField]!)List of fields in the project.

after (String): Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
before (String): Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
first (Int): Returns the first n elements from the list.
last (Int): Returns the last n elements from the list.
items ([ProjectNextItem])List of items in the project.

after (String): Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
before (String): Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
first (Int): Returns the first n elements from the list.
last (Int): Returns the last n elements from the list.
number (Int!)The project's number.
owner (ProjectNextOwner!)The project's owner. Currently limited to organizations.
title (String!)The project's name.
updatedAt (DateTime!)Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.
viewerCanUpdate (Boolean!)Check if the current viewer can update this object.


The connection type for ProjectNext.

edges ([ProjectNextEdge])A list of edges.
nodes ([ProjectNext])A list of nodes.
pageInfo (PageInfo!)Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount (Int!)Identifies the total count of items in the connection.


cursor (String!)A cursor for use in pagination.
node (ProjectCard)The item at the end of the edge.


A field inside a project.

createdAt (DateTime!)Identifies the date and time when the object was created.
name (String!)The project field's name.
project (ProjectNext!)The project that contains this field.
settings (String)String representation of project field settings.
updatedAt (DateTime!)Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.


The connection type for ProjectNextField.

edges ([ProjectNextFieldEdge])A list of edges.
nodes ([ProjectNextField])A list of nodes.
pageInfo (PageInfo!)Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount (Int!)Identifies the total count of items in the connection.


cursor (String!)A cursor for use in pagination.
node (ProjectCard)The item at the end of the edge.


An item in a ProjectNext.

content (ProjectNextItemContent)The content of the referenced issue or pull request.
createdAt (DateTime!)Identifies the date and time when the object was created.
creator (Actor)The actor who created this item.
databaseId (Int)Identifies the primary key from the database.
fieldValues ([ProjectNextItemFieldValue]!)List of field values for the item.

after (String): Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
before (String): Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
first (Int): Returns the first n elements from the list.
last (Int): Returns the last n elements from the list.
project (ProjectNext!)The project that contains this item.
title (String!)Title of the item.
updatedAt (DateTime!)Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.


Content associated with a ProjectNextItem.


  • issue - Reference to an issue
  • pull request - Reference to a pull request.


The connection type for ProjectNextItem.

edges ([ProjectNextItemEdge])A list of edges.
nodes ([ProjectNextItem])A list of nodes.
pageInfo (PageInfo!)Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount (Int!)Identifies the total count of items in the connection.


cursor (String!)A cursor for use in pagination.
node (ProjectCard)The item at the end of the edge.


A value of a field in an item in a ProjectNext.

createdAt (DateTime!)Identifies the date and time when the object was created.
creator (Actor)The actor who created this item.
databaseId (Int)Identifies the primary key from the database.
projectField (ProjectNextField!)The project field that contains this value.
projectItem (ProjectNextItem!)The project item that contains this value.
updatedAt (DateTime!)Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.
valueValue of the field.


The connection type for ProjectNextItemFieldValue.

edges ([ProjectNextItemFieldValueEdge])A list of edges.
nodes ([ProjectNextItemFieldValue])A list of nodes.
pageInfo (PageInfo!)Information to aid in pagination.
totalCount (Int!)Identifies the total count of items in the connection.


An edge in a connection.

cursor (String!)A cursor for use in pagination.
node (ProjectCard)The item at the end of the edge.



Represents an owner of a project.

Implemented by

  • Organization


projectNext (ProjectNext)Find project by number.

number (Int!): The project number to find.
projectsNext (ProjectNextConnection!)A list of project next items under the owner.

after (String): Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
before (String): Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
first (Int): Returns the first n elements from the list.
last (Int): Returns the last n elements from the list.



Adds an existing item (Issue or PullRequest) to a project.

Input fields

  • input(AddProjectNextItemInput!)

Return fields

clientMutationId (String)A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectNextItem (ProjectNextItem)The item added to the project.


Updates a field of an item from a project.

Input fields

  • input(UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput!)

Return fields

clientMutationId (String)A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
projectNextItem (ProjectNextItem)The item added to the project.


Deletes an item from a project.

Input fields

  • input(DeleteProjectNextItemInput!)

Return fields

clientMutationId (String)A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
deletedItemId (ID)The ID of the deleted item.

Input Objects


Autogenerated input type of AddProjectNextItem.

Input fields

clientMutationId (String)A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
contentId (ID!)The ID of the item (Issue or PullRequest) to add.
projectId (ID!)The ID of the Project to add the item to.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateProjectNextItemField.

Input fields

clientMutationId (String)A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
fieldId (ID!)The ID of the field to be updated. Currently supports custom fields and status.
itemId (ID!)The ID of the item to be updated.
projectId (ID!)The ID of the Project.
value (String!)The value which will be set on the field.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteProjectNextItem.

Input fields

clientMutationId (String)A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
itemId (ID!)The ID of the item to be removed.
projectId (ID!)The ID of the Project from which the item should be removed.

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