Black Lives Matter. Support the Equal Justice Initiative and read our statement here.

Electron Community

Resources for connecting with people working on Electron.

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Language Communities

The Electron community spans the globe, and English is not everyone's first language. Find documentation in your language, or join one of the language communities below:


electron-builder Create installers.
devtron Official DevTools extension.
electron-packager Package and distribute your app.
electron-debug Adds useful debug features.
electron-is-dev Check if Electron is running in development.
electron-localshortcut Add keyboard shortcuts locally to a window.
electron-gh-release Auto-update by releasing on GitHub.
electron-release Publish a new release of your app to GitHub.
electron-updater Auto-updater leveraging npm to deploy updates.
fix-path Fix the $PATH on macOS when run from a GUI app. Useful when spawning a child process.
auto-launch Launch apps at system startup.
nuts Releases server with auto-updater and GitHub as a backend.
electron-dl Simplified file downloads.
electron-release-server Self-hosted release server with front-end & auto-updater support.
electron-rebuild Rebuild native Node.js modules against the currently installed Electron version.
electron-compile Use ES2015, CoffeeScript, Less, Stylus in your app without a precompilation step.
electron-positioner Position windows at common spots.
electron-window-state Persist window sizes and positions.
electron-drag Improved window dragging.
debug-menu Chrome-like "inspect element" context-menu.
electron-installer-debian Create a Debian package.
electron-installer-redhat Create a Red Hat package.
electron-installer-windows Create a Windows package.
electron-sudo Subprocesses with administrative privileges.
electron-json-storage Write and read user settings.
electron-download Download the Electron release zip from GitHub.
ipc-stream Duplex stream over IPC.
is-electron-renderer Check if your code is running in `main` or `renderer`.
electron-osx-sign Code-signing for macOS apps.
electron-detach Restart an Electron app as a detached process.
ember-electron Build, test, and package Ember apps.
electrify Package Meteor apps.
spectron Test Electron apps using ChromeDriver.
babel-preset-electron Babel preset that only compiles what's necessary for a particular Electron version.
electron-is Utility functions.
electron-osx-appearance Simplified API for accessing macOS's appearance settings.
electron-store Save and load data like user preferences, app state, cache, etc.
electron-context-menu Extensible context menu.
electron-require Simplified require.
NeDB Embedded persistent or in-memory database.
electron-devtools-installer Install DevTools extensions from the Chrome Web Store.
electron-log Simple logging.
electron-redux Synchronize Redux state across windows.
electron-vibrancy Add vibrancy (blur) to windows.
electron-about-window 'About This App' window.
elemon Live-reload your app during development.
electron-is-accelerator Check if a string is a valid accelerator.
electron-pdf-window View PDF files in browser windows.
electron-router Router tidying up IPC message passing.
electron-lets-move Automatically move your app to `/Applications` on macOS.
electron-settings Reads and writes user settings to disk.
got Simplified HTTP requests.
electron-unhandled Catch unhandled errors and promise rejections.
electron-process-manager Process manager UI (like Chrome's task manager).
ipc-flux Flux-like state and action management across processes.
electron-util Useful utilities for developing apps and modules.


electron-boilerplate Boilerplate to kickstart creating an app.
generator-electron Scaffold out an app boilerplate.
electron-boilerplate Comprehensive boilerplate which even generates installers.
electron-react-boilerplate Boilerplate based on React and webpack.
descjop ClojureScript boilerplate for creating an app.
electron-quick-start Clone the repo to try a simple app.
bozon Scaffold, run, test, and package your app.
electron-vue Easily build your app with Vue and common plugins.
electron-next-skeleton Boilerplate to build your app with Next.js.
electron-sandbox Boilerplate and tutorial for creating secure apps (sandbox & communication over IPC).


Photon UI toolkit for building beautiful apps.
React PhotonKit Photon components built with React.
menubar Menubar app framework.
cookies Adds support for `document.cookie`.
window Create and manage windows.
React Desktop UI toolkit for macOS and Windows built with React.
electron-input-menu Context menu for input elements.
chrome-tabs Chrome like tabs.
titlebar Emulate the macOS window titlebar.
Brightwheel Build and manage UI components with Photon and Etch.
Xel Widget toolkit for building native-like apps.


Getting Started with Electron 1.x
Packaging and Distributing Electron Desktop Apps
Multi Window Electron Desktop Apps
The State of Electron
Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron
Building Native Desktop apps using Electron
The New Desktop: Electron, React, & Pixel-Perfect Native-Feeling Experiences
Building Desktop Apps with Node.js and Electron
Electron Fundamentals course - Pluralsight
Electron: Building Cross Platform Desktop Apps - Lynda
Automatically Build and Publish Node and Electron Applications for Linux
Build a desktop application with Electron - Egghead
Build Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron - Frontend Masters
Electron Meetup SF, November 2017

This list is generated from @sindresorhus's Awesome Electron repository.
Something missing? Make a pull request.


Bay Area Electron User Group San Francisco, California, USA
Electron Korea Seoul, South Korea
Austin ElectronJS Meetup Austin, Texas, USA
Github Electron Bamenda Bamenda, Cameroon
Pittsburgh Video Game Developers: Electron Games Topic Pittsburgh, PA, USA

To add a meetup, edit data/meetups.json and make a pull request.

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Key Action
/ Focus the search bar
Esc Focus the search bar and cleans it
Select the next search result
Select the previous search result
Enter Open the selected search result
cmdEnter Ctrl+Enter Open the selected search result in a new tab