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Serverless computing technologies

golodnyj Curator


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You don't know Redis

Website developmentNoSQLReactJSServerless

Originally posted on DEV.to

In my previous post, I touched on the point that Redis is more than just an in-memory cache.

Most people do not even consider Redis as a primary database. There are a lot of use cases where Redis is a perfect choice for non-cache related tasks.

In this article, I will demonstrate how I built a fully functional Q&A board for asking and upvoting the most interesting questions. Redis will be used as a primary database.

I will use Gatsby (React), Netlify serverless functions and Upstash Serverless Redis.

Upstash has been a good choice so far and I decided to try it out in a more serious project. I love everything serverless and how it makes things simpler for me.

Serverless will be a great choice for most tasks however you need to know the pros and cons of the tech you are using. I encourage you to learn more about serverless to get the most out of it.

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