The Wayback Machine -

What are the rules for the GitHub Support Community?

The GitHub Support Community abides by a Code of Conduct which has rules and guidelines for forum behavior. In addition, the GitHub Terms of Service also apply to the GitHub Support Community.

Where can I provide product feedback for GitHub?

If you want to submit a feature request or feedback about GitHub, we encourage you to share it with our GitHub Product team using our contact form.

Where can I provide feedback about the GitHub Support Community?

To make suggestions about the GitHub Support Community itself, please use our community feedback form.

How can I contact the forum moderators?

If you want to reach out to the community forum moderators with a question or comment on a topic, you may also use the Something Else flag.

  • To do so, Navigate or Scroll to the end of the topic or post.
  • Click on the 3 dots ... directly under the topic or post. The 3 dots ... will be between the Pencil icon and the Reply button.
  • Then click on the Flag icon (located between the Hyperlink icon and the Pencil icon).
  • In the pop-up window that appears, Select Something Else and type your comment or question.
  • Click on the green Message button in the bottom left corner of the pop-up to send your message.