Canceling an invitation to become an outside collaborator in your organization

You can cancel all invitations for a person to become an outside collaborator on repositories owned by your organization.

Organization owners can cancel an invitation to become an outside collaborator in the organization.

You can view a list of all people with pending invitations to become an outside collaborator on any repository owned by your organization.

For each pending collaborator, you can cancel all invitations to join organization repositories at the same time.

  1. In the top right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo, then click Your organizations. Your organizations in the profile menu

  2. Click the name of your organization. Organization name in list of organizations

  3. Under your organization name, click People.

    The People tab

  4. Under the "People" tab, click Outside collaborators. Button to select outside collaborators for an organization

  5. Click X pending collaborators. "Pending collaborators" button

  6. To the right of the person you want to cancel invitations for, click Cancel invitations. "Cancel invitation" button

  7. Click Cancel invitations for pending collaborators. Button to confirm cancellation

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