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Get started
Get started
Learn how to start building, shipping, and maintaining software with GitHub. Explore our products, sign up for an account, and connect with the world's largest development community.
Produtos do GitHub→
Uma visão geral dos produtos e planos de preços de GitHub.
Criar um repositório→
Para colocar seu projeto no GitHub, você precisará criar um repositório no qual ele residirá.
Getting started with your GitHub account→
With a user account on GitHub, you can import or create repositories, collaborate with others, and connect with the GitHub community.
Getting started with GitHub Team→
With GitHub Team groups of people can collaborate across many projects at the same time in an organization account.
Getting started with GitHub Enterprise Cloud→
Get started with setting up and managing your GitHub Enterprise Cloud organization or enterprise account.
All Get started docs
Getting started with Git
- Setting your username in Git
- Caching your GitHub credentials in Git
- Why is Git always asking for my password?
- Updating credentials from the macOS Keychain
- Git workflows
- About remote repositories
- Managing remote repositories
- Associating text editors with Git
- Configuring Git to handle line endings
- Ignoring files
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