Abortion law

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Legal grounds for abortion by country
  Legal on request
Legally restricted to cases of:
  Risk to woman's life, to her health*, rape*, fetal impairment*, or socioeconomic factors
  Risk to woman's life, to her health*, rape, or fetal impairment
  Risk to woman's life, to her health*, or fetal impairment
  Risk to woman's life*, to her health*, or rape
  Risk to woman's life or to her health
  Risk to woman's life
  Illegal with no exceptions
  No information
* Does not apply to some countries in that category
Note: In some countries, abortion laws are modified by other laws, regulations, legal principles or judicial decisions. This map shows their combined effect as implemented by the authorities.

Abortion laws vary considerably between countries and have changed over time. Such laws range from abortion being freely available on request, to regulation or restrictions of various kinds, to outright prohibition in all circumstances.[1]

Abortion continues to be a controversial subject in many societies on religious, moral, ethical, practical, and political grounds. Though it has been banned and otherwise limited by law in many jurisdictions, abortions continue to be common in many areas, even where they are illegal. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), abortion rates are similar in countries where the procedure is legal and in countries where it is not,[2] due to unavailability of modern contraceptives in areas where abortion is illegal.[3]

Also according to the WHO, the number of abortions worldwide is declining due to increased access to contraception.[2] Almost two-thirds of the world's women currently reside in countries where abortion may be obtained on request for a broad range of social, economic, or personal reasons.


Abortion has existed since ancient times, with natural abortifacients being found amongst a wide variety of tribal people and in most written sources. The earliest known records of abortion techniques and general reproductive regulation date as far back as 2700 BC in China and 1550 BC in Egypt.[4] Early texts contain no mention of abortion or abortion law. When it does appear, it is entailed in concerns about male property rights, preservation of social order, and the duty to produce fit citizens for the state or community. The harshest penalties were generally reserved for a woman who procured an abortion against her husband's wishes, and for slaves who produced abortion in a woman of high status. Religious texts often contained severe condemnations of abortion, recommending penance but seldom enforcing secular punishment. As a matter of common law in England and the United States, abortion was illegal anytime after quickening—when the movements of the fetus could first be felt by the woman. Under the born alive rule, the fetus was not considered a "reasonable being" in Rerum Natura; and abortion was not treated as murder in English law.

In the 20th century, many Western countries began to codify abortion laws or place further restrictions on the practice. Anti-abortion movements, also referred to as Pro-life movements, were led by a combination of groups opposed to abortion on moral grounds, and by medical professionals who were concerned about the danger presented by the procedure and the regular involvement of non-medical personnel in performing abortions. Nevertheless, it became clear that illegal abortions continued to take place in large numbers even where abortions were rigorously restricted. It was difficult to obtain sufficient evidence to prosecute the women and abortion doctors, and judges and juries were often reluctant to convict. For example, Henry Morgentaler, a Canadian pro-choice advocate, was never convicted by a jury. He was acquitted by a jury in the 1973 court case, but the acquittal was overturned by five judges on the Quebec Court of Appeal in 1974. He went to prison, appealed, and was again acquitted. In total, he served 10 months, suffering a heart attack while in solitary confinement. Many were also outraged at the invasion of privacy and the medical problems resulting from abortions taking place illegally in medically dangerous circumstances. Political movements soon coalesced around the legalization of abortion and liberalization of existing laws.

By the mid 20th century, many countries had begun to liberalize abortion laws, at least when performed to protect the woman's life and in some cases on the woman's request. Under Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet Union legalized abortions on request in 1920.[5][6][7][8][9] The Bolsheviks saw abortion as a social evil created by the capitalist system, which left women without the economic means to raise children, forcing them to perform abortions. The Soviet state initially preserved the tsarist ban on abortion, which treated the practice as premeditated murder. However, abortion had been practiced by Russian women for decades and its incidence skyrocketed further as a result of the Russian Civil War, which had left the country economically devastated and made it extremely difficult for many people to have children. The Soviet state recognized that banning abortion would not stop the practice because women would continue using the services of private abortionists. In rural areas, these were often old women who had no medical training, which made their services very dangerous to women's health. In November 1920 the Soviet regime legalized abortion in state hospitals. The state considered abortion as a temporary necessary evil, which would disappear in the future Communist society, which would be able to provide for all the children conceived.[10] In 1936, Joseph Stalin placed prohibitions on abortions, which restricted them to medically recommended cases only, in order to increase population growth after the enormous loss of life in World War I and the Russian Civil War.[11][12][13] In the 1930s, several countries (Poland, Turkey, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Mexico) legalized abortion in some special cases (pregnancy from rape, threat to mother's health, fetal malformation). In 1948 abortion was legalized in Japan, 1952 in Yugoslavia (on a limited basis), and 1955 in the Soviet Union (on demand). Some Soviet allies (Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Romania) legalized abortion in the late 1950s under pressure from the Soviets.[how?][14][better source needed]

In the United Kingdom, the Abortion Act of 1967 clarified and prescribed abortions as legal up to 28 weeks (later reduced to 24 weeks). Other countries soon followed, including Canada (1969), the United States (1973 in most states, pursuant to Roe v. Wade – the U.S. Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion nationwide), Tunisia (1973), Denmark (1973), Austria (1974), France (1975), Sweden (1975), New Zealand (1977), Italy (1978), the Netherlands (1984), and Belgium (1990). However, these countries vary greatly in the circumstances under which abortion was to be permitted. In 1975, the West German Supreme Court struck down a law legalizing abortion, holding that they contradict the constitution's human rights guarantees. In 1976, a law was adopted which enabled abortions up to 12 weeks. After Germany's reunification, despite the legal status of abortion in former East Germany, a compromise was reached which deemed most abortions up to 12 weeks legal. In jurisdictions governed under sharia law, abortion after the 120th day from conception (19 weeks from LMP) is illegal, especially for those who follow the recommendations of the Hanafi legal school, while most jurists of the Maliki legal school "believe that ensoulment occurs at the moment of conception, and they tend to forbid abortion at any point [similar to the Roman Catholic Church]. The other schools hold intermediate positions. [..] The penalty prescribed for an illegal abortion varies according to particular circumstances involved. According to sharia, it should be limited to a fine that is paid to the father or heirs of the fetus".[15] See also: Islam and abortion.

Timeline of abortion on request[edit]

The table below lists in chronological order the UN member states that have legalized abortion on request in at least some initial part of the pregnancy, or that have fully decriminalized abortion.

Notes: Where a country has legalized abortion on request, prohibited it, and legalized it again (e.g. former Soviet Union, Romania), only the later year is included. Countries that result from the merger of states where abortion on request was legal at the moment of unification show the year when it became legal across the whole national territory (e.g. Germany, Vietnam). Similarly, countries, where not all subnational jurisdictions have legalized abortion on request, are not included (e.g. leading to the exclusion of Mexico and the United Kingdom). Countries are counted even if they were not yet independent at the time. The year refers to when the relevant law or judicial decision came into force, which may be different from the year when it was approved.

Year legalised Countries Countries per year Cumulative countries
1950  North Korea[16] 1 1
1953  Hungary 1 2
1955 ( Armenia  Azerbaijan  Belarus  Estonia  Georgia  Kazakhstan  Kyrgyzstan  Latvia  Lithuania  Moldova  Russia  Tajikistan  Turkmenistan  Ukraine  Uzbekistan as part of the Soviet Union) 15 17
1965  Cuba 1 18
1973  Denmark  Tunisia[17]  United States[a] 3 21
1974  Singapore  Sweden 2 23
1975  Austria  France  Vietnam[a] 3 26
1977 ( Bosnia and Herzegovina  Croatia  Montenegro  North Macedonia  Serbia  Slovenia as part of Yugoslavia) 6 32
1978  Italy  Luxembourg 2 34
1979  China  Norway[b] 2 36
1983  Turkey 1 37
1984  Netherlands 1 38
1986  Cape Verde ( Czech Republic  Slovakia as part of Czechoslovakia)  Greece 4 42
1988  Canada 1 43
1989  Mongolia[19] 1 44
1990  Belgium  Bulgaria  Romania 3 47
1992  Germany[a] 1 48
1995  Albania  Guyana 2 50
1997  Cambodia  South Africa 2 52
2002  Nepal  Switzerland 2 54
2007  Portugal 1 55
2010  Spain 1 56
2012  São Tomé and Príncipe[20]  Uruguay 2 58
2015  Mozambique[c] 1 59
2018  Cyprus  Ireland 2 61
2019  Iceland 1 62
2020  New Zealand 1 63
2021  Argentina[d]  Australia[a][e]  South Korea  Thailand 4 67

International law[edit]

There are no international or multinational treaties that deal directly with abortion but human rights law and International criminal law touch on the issues.

The Nuremberg Military Tribunal decided the case of United States v Greifelt & others [1948] on the basis that abortion was a crime within its jurisdiction according to the law defining crimes against humanity and thus within its definition of murder and extermination.[23]

The Catholic Church remains highly influential in Latin America, and opposes the legalisation of abortion.[24] The American Convention on Human Rights, which in 2013 had 23 Latin American parties, declares human life as commencing with conception. In Latin America, abortion on request is only legal nationwide in Cuba (1965), Uruguay (2012)[25] and Argentina (2021).[22] It is also legal in Mexico City and in the Mexican states of Hidalgo, Oaxaca, and Veracruz in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.[26] Abortions are completely banned in Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic and only allowed in certain restricted circumstances in most other Latin American nations.[24]

In the 2010 case of A, B and C v Ireland, the European Court of Human Rights found that the European Convention on Human Rights did not include a right to an abortion.

In 2005, the United Nations Human Rights Committee ordered Peru to compensate a woman (known as K.L.) for denying her a medically indicated abortion; this was the first time a United Nations Committee had held any country accountable for not ensuring access to safe, legal abortion, and the first time the committee affirmed that abortion is a human right.[27] K.L. received the compensation in 2016.[27] In the 2016 case of Mellet v Ireland, the UN HRC found Ireland's abortion laws violated International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights because Irish law banned abortion in cases of fatal fetal abnormalities.

National laws[edit]

While abortions are legal at least under certain conditions in almost all countries, these conditions vary widely. According to a United Nations report with data gathered up to 2019,[28] abortion is allowed in 98% of countries in order to save a woman's life. Other commonly-accepted reasons are preserving physical (72%) or mental health (69%), in cases of rape or incest (61%), and in cases of fetal impairment (61%). Performing an abortion because of economic or social reasons is accepted in 37% of countries. Performing abortion only on the basis of a woman's request is allowed in 34% of countries, including in the United States, Canada, most European countries and China.[28]

The exact scope of each legal ground also varies. For example, the laws of some countries cite health risks and fetal impairment as general grounds for abortion and allow a broad interpretation of such terms in practice, while other countries restrict them to a specific list of medical conditions or subcategories. Many countries also specify different gestational limits for when abortion can be done under each legal ground, for example 12 weeks for abortion on request and no limit to save a woman's life.[28]

In some countries, additional procedures must be followed before the abortion can be carried out even if the basic grounds for it are met. For example, in Finland, where abortions are not granted based merely on a woman's request, approval for each abortion must be obtained from two doctors (or one in special circumstances).[29][30] The vast majority, 90% of abortions in Finland are performed for socio-economic reasons.[31] How strictly all of the procedures dictated in the legislation are followed in practice is another matter. For example, in the United Kingdom, a Care Quality Commission's report in 2012 found that several NHS clinics were circumventing the law, using forms pre-signed by one doctor, thus allowing abortions to patients who only met with one doctor.[32]

Summary tables[edit]

Green check.svg Permitted
Yes Permitted, with complex legality or practice
Maybe Varies by subdivision
No Prohibited, with complex legality or practice
Dark Red x.svg Prohibited

Independent countries[edit]

The table below summarizes the legal grounds for abortion in all United Nations member states and United Nations General Assembly observer states and some countries with limited recognition. This table is mostly based on data compiled by the United Nations up to 2019,[33] with some updates, additions and clarifications citing other sources.

Legal grounds on which abortion is permitted in independent countries[33]
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Abkhazia[34] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Afghanistan Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Albania Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Algeria Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Andorra No[f] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Angola[g] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Antigua and Barbuda Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Argentina[22] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Armenia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Australia[h][e] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Austria Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Azerbaijan Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Bahamas Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Bahrain Green check.svg No[i] No[i] No[i] No[i] No[i]
 Bangladesh Green check.svg No[j] No[j] No[j] No[j] No[j]
 Barbados Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Belarus Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Belgium Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Belize Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Benin Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Bhutan Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Bolivia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[k] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Botswana Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Brazil Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Yes[l] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Brunei Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Bulgaria Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Burkina Faso Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Burundi Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Cambodia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Cameroon Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Canada Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Cape Verde Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Central African Republic Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Chad Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Chile Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 China[m] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Colombia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Comoros Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Congo Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Costa Rica Green check.svg Green check.svg No[o] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Croatia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Cuba Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Cyprus Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Czech Republic Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Democratic Republic of the Congo Yes[p] Yes[q] Yes[q] Yes[q] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Denmark Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Djibouti Green check.svg Yes[r] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Dominica Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Dominican Republic No[s] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 East Timor[t] Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Ecuador Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[u] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Egypt Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 El Salvador Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Equatorial Guinea Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Eritrea Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Estonia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Eswatini Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Ethiopia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Fiji Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Finland[v] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 France[w] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Gabon Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Gambia Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Georgia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Germany Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Ghana Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Greece Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Grenada Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Guatemala Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Guinea Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Guinea-Bissau Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Guyana Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Haiti[x] Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Honduras[59] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Hungary Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Iceland Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 India Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Indonesia Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Iran Green check.svg Green check.svg No[y] Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Iraq Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Ireland Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Israel Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[z] Dark Red x.svg
 Italy Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Ivory Coast Green check.svg No[aa] Green check.svg No[aa] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Jamaica Yes[ab] Yes[ac] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Japan Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Jordan Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Kazakhstan Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Kenya Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Kiribati Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Kosovo[68] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Kuwait Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Kyrgyzstan Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Laos[69] Yes[ad] No[ae] No[ae] No[ae] No[ae] No[ae]
 Latvia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Lebanon Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Lesotho Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Liberia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Libya Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Liechtenstein Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Lithuania Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Luxembourg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Madagascar Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Malawi Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Malaysia Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Maldives Green check.svg Yes[r] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Mali Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Malta No[af] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Marshall Islands Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Mauritania Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Mauritius Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Mexico[74] [subdivisions] Maybe [ag] Maybe [ah] Green check.svg Maybe [ah] Maybe [ah] Maybe [ah]
 Aguascalientes Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Baja California Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Baja California Sur Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Campeche Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Chiapas Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Chihuahua Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Coahuila Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Colima Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Durango Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Guanajuato Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Guerrero Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Hidalgo[75] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Jalisco Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Mexico City Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Mexico State Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Michoacán Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Morelos Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Nayarit Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Nuevo León Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Oaxaca Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Puebla Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Querétaro Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Quintana Roo Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 San Luis Potosí Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Sinaloa Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Sonora Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Tabasco Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Tamaulipas Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Tlaxcala Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Veracruz[76] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Yucatán Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Zacatecas Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Micronesia Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Moldova Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Monaco Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Mongolia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Montenegro Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Morocco Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Mozambique Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Myanmar Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Namibia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Nauru Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
   Nepal Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Netherlands[ai] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 New Zealand[79] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Nicaragua Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Niger Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Nigeria [subdivisions] Green check.svg Maybe [aj] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Abia Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Adamawa Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Akwa Ibom Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Anambra Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Bauchi Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Bayelsa Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Benue Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Borno Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Cross River Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Delta Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Ebonyi Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Edo Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Ekiti Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Enugu Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Federal Capital Territory Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Gombe Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Imo Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Jigawa Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Kaduna Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Kano Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Katsina Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Kebbi Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Kogi Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Kwara Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Lagos Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Nasarawa Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Niger Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Ogun Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Ondo Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Osun Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Oyo Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Plateau Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Rivers Green check.svg Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Sokoto Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Taraba Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Yobe Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Zamfara Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Northern Cyprus[80] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 North Korea Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 North Macedonia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Norway[al] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Oman Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Pakistan Yes[n] Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Palau Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Palestine Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Panama Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Papua New Guinea Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Paraguay Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Peru Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Philippines Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Poland Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg No[am] No[am] Dark Red x.svg
 Portugal Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Qatar Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Romania Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Russia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Rwanda Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Saint Kitts and Nevis Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Saint Lucia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[an] Dark Red x.svg
 Samoa Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 San Marino Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 São Tomé and Príncipe Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Saudi Arabia Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Senegal Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Serbia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Seychelles Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Sierra Leone Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Singapore Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Slovakia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Slovenia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Solomon Islands Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Somalia Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 South Africa Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 South Korea Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[ao] Yes[ao]
 South Sudan Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Spain Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Sri Lanka Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Sudan Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Suriname Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Sweden Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
  Switzerland Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Syria Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Taiwan[85] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Tajikistan Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Tanzania Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Thailand[86] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Togo Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Tonga Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Trinidad and Tobago Yes[n] Yes[n] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Tunisia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Turkey Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Turkmenistan Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Tuvalu Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Uganda Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Ukraine Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 United Arab Emirates Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Yes[ap] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 United Kingdom [subdivisions] Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[aq] Green check.svg Green check.svg Maybe [ar]
 England Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[aq] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Northern Ireland[89] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Scotland Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[aq] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Wales Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[aq] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 United States[90] [subdivisions] Green check.svg Yes[as] Yes[as] Yes[as] Yes[as] Yes[as]
 Alabama Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Alaska Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Arizona Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Arkansas[91][92] Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 California Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Colorado Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Connecticut Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Delaware Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 District of Columbia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Florida Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Georgia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Hawaii Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Idaho[93] Green check.svg Yes[ak] Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Illinois Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Indiana Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Iowa Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Kansas Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Kentucky[94] Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Louisiana[95] Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Maine Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Maryland Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Massachusetts Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Michigan Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Minnesota Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Mississippi Green check.svg Yes[ak] Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Missouri[96] Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Montana Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Nebraska Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Nevada Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 New Hampshire Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 New Jersey Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 New Mexico[97] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 New York Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 North Carolina Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 North Dakota[98] Green check.svg Yes[ak] Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Ohio Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Oklahoma Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Oregon Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Pennsylvania Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Rhode Island Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 South Carolina Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 South Dakota[99] Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Tennessee[100] Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Texas[at][102] Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Utah[103] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Vermont Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Virginia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Washington Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 West Virginia Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Wisconsin Green check.svg Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak] Yes[ak]
 Wyoming Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Uruguay Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Uzbekistan Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Vanuatu Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
  Vatican City No[au] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Venezuela Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Vietnam Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Yemen Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Zambia Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[av] Dark Red x.svg
 Zimbabwe Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
Country Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request

Autonomous jurisdictions[edit]

The table below summarizes the legal grounds for abortion in autonomous jurisdictions not included in the previous table.

Legal grounds on which abortion is permitted in other autonomous jurisdictions
Jurisdiction Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request
 Akrotiri and Dhekelia[109] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 American Samoa[110][111] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Anguilla[112] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Aruba[113] Yes[aw] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Bermuda[115] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 British Virgin Islands[116] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Cayman Islands[117] Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Cook Islands[33] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Curaçao[118] Yes[aw] No[ax] No[ax] No[ax] No[ax] No[ax]
 Falkland Islands[120] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Faroe Islands[121] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Gibraltar[122] Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[ay] Green check.svg Yes[az] Dark Red x.svg
 Greenland[121] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Guam[124] Green check.svg Yes[ba] Yes[ba] Yes[ba] Yes[ba] Yes[ba]
 Guernsey[125] [subdivisions] Yes[bb] Yes[bb] Dark Red x.svg Maybe [bc] Maybe [bc] Dark Red x.svg
 Alderney[126] Yes[bd] Yes[bd] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Guernsey Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Sark[126] Yes[bd] Yes[bd] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Hong Kong[128] Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[be] Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Isle of Man[130] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Jersey[131] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
 Macau[132] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Montserrat[133] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Niue[33] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Northern Mariana Islands[134] Yes[bf] Yes[bf] Yes[bf] Yes[bf] Yes[bf] Yes[bf]
 Pitcairn Islands[bg] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Puerto Rico[137] Green check.svg Green check.svg Yes[bh] Yes[bh] Yes[bh] Yes[bh]
 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha[bi] Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Sint Maarten[141] Yes[aw] No[bj] No[bj] No[bj] No[bj] No[bj]
 Tokelau[142] Yes[bk] Yes[bk] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 Turks and Caicos Islands[144] Yes[bd] Yes[bd] Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg Dark Red x.svg
 United States Virgin Islands[145] Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg Green check.svg
Jurisdiction Risk to life Risk to health Rape Fetal impairment Economic or social On request


Conscientious objection to abortion by doctors in Europe[146]
  Not allowed

Despite a wide variation in the restrictions under which it is permitted, abortion is legal in most European countries. The exceptions are the mini-state of Malta[148], the micro-states of Vatican City, San Marino, Liechtenstein, and Andorra, and the large state of Poland, where abortion is illegal or severely restricted.[149][150] The other state with existent, but less severe restrictions is Monaco. All the remaining states make abortion legal on request or for social and economic reasons during the first trimester. When it comes to later-term abortions, there are very few with laws as liberal as those of the United States.[151] Restrictions on abortion are most stringent in a few countries that are strongly observant of the Catholic religion.[149]

North America[edit]


Abortion in Canada is legal at all stages of pregnancy (regardless of the reason) and is publicly funded as a medical procedure under the combined effects of the federal Canada Health Act and provincial health-care systems.[152] However, access to services and resources varies by region.[153] While some non-legal barriers to access continue to exist,[152] Canada is the only nation with absolutely no legal restrictions to access abortion services.[154][155]

Formally banned in 1869, abortion would remain illegal in Canada law for the next 100 years.[156] In 1969, the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968–69 legalized some abortions, as long as a committee of doctors certified that continuing the pregnancy would likely endanger the woman's life or health.[156] In 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in R. v. Morgentaler that the existing law was unconstitutional, and struck down the 1969 Act.[157] The ruling found that criminalization of abortion and legal restrictions violated a woman’s right to “life, liberty and security of the person�? guaranteed under Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms established in 1982.[158]

United States[edit]

In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide. It established a minimal period during which abortion must be legal (with more or fewer restrictions throughout the pregnancy). This basic framework, modified in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), is still in effect today. In accordance with Planned Parenthood v. Casey, states cannot place legal restrictions posing an undue burden for "the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus."[159] Although this legal framework established by the Supreme Court is very liberal (particularly with regard to the gestational age), in practice the effective availability of abortion varies significantly from state to state.[160] On June 29, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed abortion rights after striking down a Louisiana law limiting abortion.[161]

Countries with more restrictive laws[edit]

Supporter of legalized abortion at a rally in Paraná, Argentina. Argentina had restrictive laws until 2021.

According to a report by Women on Waves, approximately 25% of the world's population lives in countries with "highly restrictive abortion laws"—that is, laws which either completely ban abortion, or allow it only to save the mother's life. This category includes several countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, the Asia-Pacific region, as well as Malta in Europe.[148][162] The Centre For Reproductive Rights report that 'The inability to access safe and legal abortion care impacts 700 million women of reproductive age' [163]

Latin America is the region with the most restrictive abortion laws. Fewer than 3%[needs update] of the women in this region live in countries with liberal abortion laws—that is, where abortion is permitted either without restriction as to reason or on socioeconomic grounds.[164] Some of the countries of Central America, notably El Salvador, have also come to international attention due to very forceful enforcement of the laws, including the incarceration of a gang-rape victim for homicide when she gave birth to a stillborn son and was accused of attempting an illegal abortion.[165][166][167]

Beginning of pregnancy controversy[edit]

Controversy over the beginning of pregnancy occurs in different contexts, particularly in a legal context, and is particularly discussed within the abortion debate from the point of measuring the gestational age of the pregnancy. Pregnancy can be measured from a number of convenient points, including the day of last menstruation, ovulation, fertilization, implantation and chemical detection. A common medical way to calculate gestational age is to measure pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual cycle.[173] However, not all legal systems use this measure for the purpose of abortion law; for example countries such as Belgium, France, Luxembourg use the term "pregnancy" in the abortion law to refer to the time elapsed from the sexual act that led to conception, which is presumed to be 2 weeks after the end of the last menstrual period.[175]

Exceptions in abortion law[edit]

Exceptions in abortion laws occur either in countries where abortion is as a general rule illegal or in countries that have abortion on request with gestational limits (for example if a country allows abortion on request until 12 weeks, it may create exceptions to this general gestation limit for later abortions in specific circumstances).[176]

There are a few exceptions commonly found in abortion laws. Legal domains which do not have abortion on demand will often allow it when the health of the mother is at stake. "Health of the mother" may mean something different in different areas: for example, prior to December 2018, the Republic of Ireland allowed abortion only to save the mother's life, whereas abortion opponents in the United States argue health exceptions are used so broadly as to render a ban essentially meaningless.[177]

Laws allowing abortion in cases of rape or incest often differ. For example, before Roe v. Wade, thirteen US states allowed abortion in the case of either rape or incest, but only Mississippi permitted abortion of pregnancies due to rape, and no state permitted it for just incest.[178]

Many[vague] countries allow for abortion only through the first or second trimester, and some may allow abortion in cases of fetal defects, e.g., Down syndrome or where the pregnancy is the result of a sexual crime.

Other related laws[edit]

Laws in some countries with liberal abortion laws protect access to abortion services. Such legislation often seeks to guard abortion clinics against obstruction, vandalism, picketing, and other actions, or to protect patients and employees of such facilities from threats and harassment. Other laws create a perimeter around a facility, known variously as a "buffer zone", "bubble zone", or "access zone", where demonstrations opposing abortion are not permitted. Protests and other displays are restricted to a certain distance from the building, which varies depending on the law. Similar zones have also been created to protect the homes of abortion providers and clinic staff. Bubble zone laws are divided into "fixed" and "floating" categories. Fixed bubble zone laws apply to the static area around the facility itself, and floating laws to objects in transit, such as people or cars.[179] Because of conflicts between anti-abortion activists on one side and women seeking abortion and medical staff who provides abortion on the other side, some laws are quite strict: in South Africa for instance, any person who prevents the lawful termination of a pregnancy or obstructs access to a facility for the termination of a pregnancy faces up to 10 years in prison (section 10.1 (c) of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act[180]).

On 3 November 2020, an association of 20 Kenyan charities urged the government of Kenya to withdraw from the Geneva Consensus Declaration (GCD), a US-led international accord that sought to limit access to abortion for girls and women around the world. GCD was signed by 33 nations, on 22 October 2020.[181]

Judicial decisions[edit]

Jurisdiction Year Description Abortion access affirmed or expanded?
 Canada 1879 Abortion trial of Emily Stowe
 United Kingdom 1938 R v Bourne: Abortion in case of risk to physical and mental health included in risk to life. Decision also implemented by some British territories and their successors. Partially
 Canada 1952 Azoulay v R
 Australia 1969 R v Davidson (Menhennitt ruling) [1969] VicRp 85, VR 667, Supreme Court (Vic, Australia) Partially
 United States 1973 Roe v. Wade: Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand in the entire country. Yes
 United States 1973 Doe v. Bolton: Supreme Court stated that a woman may obtain an abortion after viability, if necessary to protect her health. Yes
 Germany 1975 German Federal Constitutional Court abortion decision Law restricted
 Canada 1976 Morgentaler v R Restrictions upheld
 Puerto Rico 1980 Pueblo v. Duarte: Application of Roe v. Wade (United States) to Puerto Rico.[137] Yes
 United States 1981 H. L. v. Matheson Restrictions upheld
 United States 1983 City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health Yes
 Canada 1988 R v Morgentaler Yes
 Canada 1989 Borowski v Canada (AG)
 United States 1989 Webster v. Reproductive Health Services Restrictions upheld
 Canada 1989 Tremblay v Daigle Yes
 United States 1990 Hodgson v. Minnesota Partially
 Ireland 1992 Attorney General v. X: Irish Supreme Court established the right of Irish women to an abortion if a pregnant woman's life was at risk because of pregnancy, including the risk of suicide. Partially
 United States 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey Yes
 United States 1993 Bray v. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic
 Canada 1993 R v Morgentaler Yes
 Poland 1997 Abortion for economic or social reasons ruled unconstitutional.[82] Law restricted
 South Africa 1998 Christian Lawyers Association v Minister of Health: Law allowing abortion on demand was ruled constitutional. Legalization upheld
 United States 2000 Stenberg v. Carhart: Supreme Court struck down Nebraska's partial-birth abortion ban. Yes
 Australia 2006 R v Sood (No 3) [2006] NSWSC 762, Supreme Court (NSW, Australia)
 United States 2006 Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of New England
 United States 2006 Gonzales v. Carhart: Supreme Court upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 Restrictions upheld
 Colombia 2006 Constitutional Court allowed abortion in case of rape, danger to woman's health and fetal deformation.[182] Partially
 Slovakia 2007 Constitutional Court ruled law allowing abortion on demand constitutional.[183] Legalization upheld
 Council of Europe 2009 A, B and C v Ireland: The court rejected the argument that article 8 conferred a right to abortion, but found that Ireland had violated the European Convention on Human Rights by failing to provide an accessible and effective procedure by which a woman can have established whether she qualifies for a legal abortion. Partially
   Nepal 2009 Lakshmi v. Government of Nepal: Supreme Court upheld and expanded legal abortion.[184] Yes
 Brazil 2012 ADPF 54: Abortion allowed in case of anencephaly. Partially
 Dominican Republic 2015 Constitutional Court ruled law allowing abortion in certain cases unconstitutional.[185] Law restricted
 United States 2016 Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt Yes
 Chile 2017 Constitutional Court ruled law allowing abortion in certain cases constitutional.[186] Partially
 Croatia 2017 Constitutional Court ruled law allowing abortion on demand constitutional.[187] Legalization upheld
 United Kingdom 2018 Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission v Department of Justice
 South Korea 2019 Abortion allowed on request. Decision took effect in 2021.[83] Yes
 Kenya 2019 Abortion allowed in case of rape.[188] Partially
 Poland 2020 Constitutional Court ruled abortion in case of fetal deformity unconstitutional. Decision was implemented on 27 January 2021. Law restricted
 Colombia 2020 Constitutional Court ruled law allowing abortion in certain cases constitutional rejecting both total ban and legalization.[189] Law upheld
 Ecuador 2021 Abortion allowed in case of rape.[55] Partially

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d Year when all subnational jurisdictions legalized abortion on request.
  2. ^ The law legalising abortion on request was approved in 1978 and came into force in 1979.[18]
  3. ^ The law legalising abortion on request was approved in 2014 and came into force in 2015.[21]
  4. ^ The law legalising abortion on request was approved in 2020 and came into force in 2021.[22]
  5. ^ a b In South Australia, a bill legalizing abortion on request has been passed and received royal assent but still awaits a proclamation to establish the commencement date.[41][42][43] All other states and territories of Australia had previously legalized abortion on request.[44]
  6. ^ The UN source says that this ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is accepted as a general legal principle. However, other sources say that abortion is not legally allowed under any circumstance in Andorra.[35]
  7. ^ The UN source incorrectly shows Angola as allowing abortion on request, citing a penal code draft from 2014 that did not become law.[36] The version of the penal code enacted in 2020 and entered into force in 2021 allows abortion only in certain circumstances.[37]
  8. ^ Including external territories, which apply the laws of other states and territories of Australia.[38][39][40]
  9. ^ a b c d e The UN source marks it as a legal ground because the Penal Code explicitly prohibits abortion only if performed without the consent of the woman and of a medical practitioner.[45] However, the decree regulating medical practice prohibits abortion unless the pregnancy threatens the woman's life.[46]
  10. ^ a b c d e The UN source does not explicitly mark this legal ground for abortion but says that "menstrual regulation is available on request".
  11. ^ This ground is established by a regulation implementing a judicial decision, although it is not mentioned in the decision itself or in the law.[47]
  12. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is established by judicial decision only in the case of anencephaly.
  13. ^ Mainland China.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is accepted as a general legal principle.
  15. ^ A judicial pardon may be granted to the woman for an abortion on this ground.
  16. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is accepted as a general legal principle, allowed by regulation and established by treaty.[48][49]
  17. ^ a b c This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is established by treaty, whose application is requested by the Constitutional Court.[48][50]
  18. ^ a b The UN source says that abortion is permitted for therapeutic purposes but is unclear whether it means only to save the woman's life or also to preserve her health.
  19. ^ The UN source says that this ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is accepted as a general legal principle. However, other sources say that abortion is not legally allowed under any circumstance in the Dominican Republic.[51]
  20. ^ The UN source shows East Timor as allowing abortion also in case of risk to the woman's health or fetal impairment, citing the penal code enacted in March 2009 and entered into force in June 2009.[52][53] However, the penal code was amended in July 2009 to restrict abortion only to save the woman's life.[54][53]
  21. ^ This ground is explicitly mentioned in the law only in case of rape of a woman with a mental disability, but it is also established by judicial decision in case of rape of any woman.[55]
  22. ^ Including the Ã…land Islands.[56]
  23. ^ Including Overseas France.[57]
  24. ^ A new penal code, published by presidential decree in July 2020, would allow abortion on request in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The code is set to take effect in July 2022 unless modified by the parliament to be elected in September 2021.[58]
  25. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law,[60] but it may be included in other legal grounds if the pregnancy causes unbearable hardship, such as significant harm to mental health or risk of suicide.[61][better source needed]
  26. ^ The UN source does not explicitly mark it a social legal ground but says that abortion is permitted "if the woman is under marriage age or over the age of 40", or if "the pregnancy is the result of extramarital relations".
  27. ^ a b The UN source marks it as a legal ground but it is only established by treaty, not by law and not implemented as of 2020.[62][63]
  28. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is accepted as a general legal principle and established by judicial decision.[64][65][66][67]
  29. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is established by judicial decision.[64][65][66][67]
  30. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is accepted as a general legal principle.[70]
  31. ^ a b c d e The UN source marks it as a legal ground but it is only cited in guidelines for health workers, not by law.[71]
  32. ^ Law prohibits abortion without exceptions. In practice only indirect abortion is allowed under the principle of double effect.[72][73]
  33. ^ Except in Guanajuato and Querétaro.
  34. ^ a b c d In some states and Mexico City.
  35. ^ Including the Caribbean Netherlands.[77][78]
  36. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is established by judicial decision in the southern states.
  37. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is established by judicial decision.
  38. ^ Including Svalbard.[81]
  39. ^ a b This ground is mentioned in the law but it was invalidated by a judicial decision.[82]
  40. ^ The UN source does not explicitly mark it a social legal ground but says that the ground for risk to health includes "the pregnant woman's actual or reasonably foreseeable environment".
  41. ^ a b This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is established by judicial decision.[83][84]
  42. ^ Lethal anomalies only.[87]
  43. ^ a b c d In Great Britain, this ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is considered to be included in the ground for preserving physical or mental health.[88]
  44. ^ Only in Northern Ireland.[89]
  45. ^ a b c d e In some states, this ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is established by judicial decision.
  46. ^ Around 30 cities in Texas passed ordinances banning abortion except when woman's life is in danger. In at least one city (Lubbock) ordinance went into effect forcing local abortion clinic to stop performing them.[101]
  47. ^ The law of Vatican City is primarily based on the canon law of the Catholic Church and applies the Italian penal code in force in 1929 with local modifications.[104] Both sources of law prohibit abortion without explicitly mentioning any exception.[105][106] The penal code lists the general principle of necessity to save one's life, which removes punishment for any crime,[106] but the Church's official interpretation of canon 1398 is more restrictive, allowing in such cases only indirect abortion under the principle of double effect.[107][108]
  48. ^ The UN source does not explicitly mark it a social legal ground but says that abortion is permitted for risk to health of existing children of the woman.
  49. ^ a b c This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is accepted as a general legal principle.[114]
  50. ^ a b c d e Although illegal, the government does not prosecute abortions performed under rules similar to other countries, including on request.[119]
  51. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is considered to be included in the ground for preserving physical or mental health.[122][123]
  52. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it says that "account may be taken of the pregnant woman's actual or reasonably foreseeable environment."[122]
  53. ^ a b c d e Although the law permits abortions on request, no medical providers in the territory perform them except to save the woman's life.[111]
  54. ^ a b In Alderney and Sark, this ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law.[126] A judicial decision on an identical law in the parent country clarified that the law always implicitly allowed abortion at least to save the woman's life, and the decision allowed it also to preserve her health.[127] It is unclear whether Alderney and Sark apply only the original legal principle or also the judicial decision.
  55. ^ a b Except in Alderney and Sark.[126]
  56. ^ a b c d e f This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law. A judicial decision on an identical law in the parent country clarified that the law always implicitly allowed abortion at least to save the woman's life, and the decision allowed it also to preserve her health.[127] It is unclear whether the territory applies only the original legal principle or also the judicial decision.
  57. ^ This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law, but it is included by regulation in the ground for preserving physical or mental health.[128][129]
  58. ^ a b c d e f The territory's constitution prohibits abortion "except as provided by law", and the territory has no law about the subject. However, according to an opinion issued by the territory's attorney general, U.S. judicial decisions on abortion apply to the territory, thus allowing abortion on request.[134] Yet, in practice, authorized medical providers in the territory perform abortions only to save the woman's life and possibly in case of rape.[135][111]
  59. ^ Applies English law in force in 2010 unless locally modified.[136]
  60. ^ a b c d This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law but it is established by judicial decision.[138]
  61. ^ Applies English law in force on 1 January 2006 unless locally modified, in each part of the territory.[139] Tristan da Cunha explicitly applies the abortion law of the United Kingdom with minor modifications.[140]
  62. ^ a b c d e Although illegal, the government does not prosecute abortions performed under rules similar to other countries, including on request.[114]
  63. ^ a b This ground is not explicitly mentioned in the law. The judicial handbook says that abortion is permitted for medical reasons but is unclear whether it means only to save the woman's life or also to preserve her health.[143]


  1. ^ Population Division, United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2001). Abortion Policies: A Global Review. United Nations Publications. pp. 46, 126. ISBN 978-92-1-151361-5.
  2. ^ a b "Abortion Rates Similar In Countries That Legalize, Prohibit Procedure, Study Says". I.C.M.A. Archived from the original on 2014-03-23. Retrieved 2014-03-23.
  3. ^ Singh, Susheela et al. Adding it Up: The Costs and Benefits of Investing in Family Planning and Newborn Health, pages 17, 19, and 27 (New York: Guttmacher Institute and United Nations Population Fund 2009): "Some 215 million women in the developing world as a whole have an unmet need for modern contraceptives[...] If the 215 million women with unmet need used modern family planning methods....[that] would result in about 22 million fewer unplanned births; 25 million fewer abortions; and seven million fewer miscarriages....If women's contraceptive needs were addressed (and assuming no changes in abortion laws)...the number of unsafe abortions would decline by 73% from 20 million to 5.5 million." A few of the findings in that report were subsequently changed, and are available at: "Facts on Investing in Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn Health Archived March 24, 2012, at the Wayback Machine" (Guttmacher Institute 2010).
  4. ^ Joffe, Carole (2009), "Abortion and Medicine: A Sociopolitical History", Management of Unintended and Abnormal Pregnancy, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 1–9, doi:10.1002/9781444313031.ch1, ISBN 978-1444313031, S2CID 43673269
  5. ^ "Women's & LGBT Liberation In Revolutionary Russia". 16 January 2016. Retrieved 12 January 2017.
  6. ^ "The Communist Women's Movement". isreview.org. Retrieved 2017-01-13.
  7. ^ Smith, Sharon (2015). Women and Socialism: Essays on Women's Liberation. Haymarket Books. pp. 12, 199. ISBN 978-1608461806.
  8. ^ "Abstract – Abortion in Russia". South African Medical Journal. 1935.
  9. ^ "Women's liberation and socialism". Retrieved 2017-01-13.
  10. ^ Overy, Richard (2004). Women, the State and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social Life, 1917-1936. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521458160.
  11. ^ Overy, Richard (2004). The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia. W. W. Norton Company, Inc. ISBN 978-0141912240.
  12. ^ Heer, David (1965). "Abortion, Contraception, and Population Policy in the Soviet Union". Demography. 2: 531–39. doi:10.2307/2060137. JSTOR 2060137. S2CID 46960030.
  13. ^ Alexandre Avdeev, Alain Blum, and Irina Troitskaya. "The History of Abortion Statistics in Russia and the USSR from 1900 to 1991." Population (English Edition) 7, (1995), 42.
  14. ^ M., Akrivopoulou, Christina (2015). Protecting the Genetic Self from Biometric Threats: Autonomy, Identity, and Genetic Privacy: Autonomy, Identity, and Genetic Privacy. IGI Global. p. 160. ISBN 978-1-4666-8154-5.
  15. ^ Campo, Juan Eduardo (2009). Encyclopedia of Islam. Infobase Publishing. p. 7. ISBN 978-1-4381-2696-8.
  16. ^ "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". UN. Archived from the original on 2011-05-14.
  17. ^ "The Right to Abortion in Tunisia after the Revolution in 2011". Health and Human Rights Journal. 9 December 2019.
  18. ^ Law on interruption of pregnancy (abortion law), Lovdata. "amendment law of 16 June 1978 no. 66 from 1 January 1979 according to resolution of 1 December 1978" (in Norwegian)
  19. ^ "Abortion law in Mongolia". Women on Waves.
  20. ^ "World Abortion Map – Liberalization of Abortion Laws since ICPD" (PDF). Center for Reproductive Rights.
  21. ^ Law of revision of the Penal Code, Gazette of the Republic of Mozambique, 31 December 2014. "The present law enters into force one hundred and eighty days after its publication." (in Portuguese)
  22. ^ a b c Law 27.610, Access to voluntary interruption of pregnancy, Ministry of Health of Argentina, 15 January 2021 (in Spanish).
  23. ^ Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals – Selected and prepared by the United Nations War Crimes Commission https://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/Law-Reports_Vol-13.pdf}
  24. ^ a b Argentina abortion: Senate approves legalisation in historic decision, BBC News, 30 December 2020.
  25. ^ "En Uruguay, le Parlement vote la d̩p̩nalisation de l'avortement". Le Monde.fr. 17 October 2012 Рvia Le Monde.
  26. ^ The Congress of Hidalgo approves the legal interruption of pregnancy, Expansión, 30 June 2021 (in Spanish).
  27. ^ a b "United Nations Committee Affirms Abortion as a Human Right". The Huffington Post. 25 January 2016.
  28. ^ a b c World Population Policies 2017: Abortion Laws and Policies, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2020.
  29. ^ "Abortion Act 1967". Legislation.gov.uk. Retrieved 17 July 2012.
  30. ^ "Laki raskauden keskeyttämisestä 24.3.1970/239". Finlex. Retrieved 17 July 2012.
  31. ^ Tiitinen, Aila. "Raskauden keskeytys". Terveyskirjasto. Duodecim. Retrieved 10 August 2018.
  32. ^ "Findings of termination of pregnancy inspections published". Care Quality Commission. Archived from the original on 2012-07-17. Retrieved 17 July 2012.
  33. ^ a b c d Table 2: Countries by legal grounds for abortion (recoded), United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019). World Population Policies 2017: Abortion laws and policies.
  34. ^ Medical Experts Decry Abkhazia's "Rash" Abortion Ban, Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 8 March 2016.
  35. ^ Bernhard, Meg (2019-10-22). "Andorra's abortion rights revolution". POLITICO. Retrieved 2021-04-25.
  36. ^ Penal code draft, Global Abortion Policies Database, World Health Organization (in Portuguese).
  37. ^ Law that approves the Angolan Penal Code, Journal of the Republic of Angola, 11 November 2020 (in Portuguese).
  38. ^ Christmas Island Act 1958, Federal Register of Legislation.
  39. ^ Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955, Federal Register of Legislation.
  40. ^ Norfolk Island Act 1979, Federal Register of Legislation.
  41. ^ Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2021, South Australian Legislation.
  42. ^ South Australian Government Gazette No. 16, Government of South Australia, 11 March 2021.
  43. ^ Proclamations and notices made by the Governor of South Australia, Government of South Australia, 2021.
  44. ^ Australian abortion law and practice, Children by Choice, 17 June 2020.
  45. ^ Bahrain Penal Code, 1976, Global Abortion Policies Database, World Health Organization.
  46. ^ Legislative decree no. 7 for 1989 on the practice of human medicine and dentistry, Ministry of Health of Bahrain, Global Abortion Policies Database, World Health Organization.
  47. ^ Technical procedure for the provision of health services in the framework of the Plurinational Constitutional Sentence 0206/2014, Ministry of Health of Bolivia, 2015. (in Spanish)
  48. ^ a b Is the abortion of a rape victim permitted in Congolese law?, Leganews.cd, 29 October 2019. (in French)
  49. ^ Ordinance 70-158 of 30 April 1970 determining the rules of medical deontology, Leganet.cd. (in French)
  50. ^ Memorandum no. 04/SPCSM/CFLS/EER/2018 of 6 April 2018 regarding the execution of the provisions of article 14 of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, Official Journal of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 5 June 2008. (in French)
  51. ^ The total criminalization of abortion in the Dominican Republic, Human Rights Watch, 19 November 2018.
  52. ^ Penal code of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, Global Abortion Policies Database, World Health Organization.
  53. ^ a b Penal Code, Court of Appeals of East Timor, March 2010 (in Portuguese).
  54. ^ Attitudes towards the legal context of unsafe abortion in Timor-Leste, Suzanne Belton, Andrea Whittaker, Zulmira Fonseca, Tanya Wells-Brown, and Patricia Pais, Reproductive Health Matters 17(34):55-64, November 2009.
  55. ^ a b Ecuador abortion: Terminations in cases of rape decriminalised, BBC News, 29 April 2021.
  56. ^ Act on the autonomy of Ã…land, Finlex, May 2014.
  57. ^ Law no. 2001-588 of 4 July 2011 regarding voluntary interruption of pregnancy and contraception, Légifrance. (in French)
  58. ^ Toward a decriminalisation of abortion in Haiti, Le Figaro, 16 July 2020 (in French).
  59. ^ Honduras ratifies a reform that prohibits abortion and same-sex marriage, El Periódico Extremadura, 29 January 2021 (in Spanish).
  60. ^ Abortion in Iranian Legal System, Mahmoud Abbasi, Ehsan Shamsi Gooshki, and Neda Allahbedashti, Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, vol. 13, no. 1, February 2014.
  61. ^ Abortion, in case of disgrace and unbearable hardship, Islam Quest, 17 Farvardin 1394 (6 April 2015) (in Persian).
  62. ^ Ivory Coast: advocacy for medical abortions as in the case of rapes, Abidjan.net, 19 July 2020. (in French)
  63. ^ Law no. 2019-574 carrying the Penal Code, Official Journal of the Republic of Ivory Coast, 10 July 2019. (in French)
  64. ^ a b Offences Against the Person Act, Ministry of Justice of Jamaica, 7 April 2014.
  65. ^ a b Abortion Policy Review Advisory Group Final Report, Ministry of Health of Jamaica, 19 February 2007.
  66. ^ a b Abortion 'right'?, The Gleaner, 25 August 2013.
  67. ^ a b Abortion attitudes, training, and experience among medical students in Jamaica, West Indies, Glenmarie Matthews, Jessica Atrio, Horace Fletcher, Nathalie Medley, Leo Walker, and Nerys Benfield, Contraceptive and Reproductive Medicine, 1 May 2020.
  68. ^ Abortion in Kosovo, an almost impossible mission, Kosovox, 1 July 2017. (in French)
  69. ^ Lao People's Democratic Republic, United Nations, 2002.
  70. ^ Penal Code, Lao Official Gazette, 17 May 2017. (in Lao)
  71. ^ Situation of abortion in the Lao People's Democratic Republic, World Health Organization, 2017.
  72. ^ Malta does allow for abortions in case of life or death situations, The Malta Independent, 5 May 2013.
  73. ^ Abortions carried out in certain circumstances in Malta, The Malta Independent, 16 December 2018.
  74. ^ Aborto legal, Andar. (in Spanish)
  75. ^ Decree number 728, Official Journal of the State of Hidalgo, 6 July 2021 (in Spanish).
  76. ^ Decree number 857, Official Gazette of the State of Veracruz, 20 July 2021 (in Spanish).
  77. ^ Abortion permit for hospital in Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean Legal Portal, 16 June 2012.
  78. ^ Termination of pregnancy law, Government of the Netherlands, 19 March 2020. (in Dutch)
  79. ^ Abortion legislation: information for health practitioners, Ministry of Health of New Zealand, 26 June 2020.
  80. ^ "The Right to Abortion in north Cyprus: Social-cultural, religious and legal aspects".
  81. ^ Regulation on interruption of pregnancy (abortion regulation), Lovdata, 10 May 2013. (in Norwegian)
  82. ^ a b Law of 7 January 1993 on family planning, protection of the human fetus and conditions of admissibility of interruption of pregnancy, Internet System of Legal Acts, Sejm of the Republic of Poland (in Polish).
  83. ^ a b South Korean court strikes down decades-old abortion ban, National Public Radio, 12 April 2019.
  84. ^ From Poland to South Korea: 9 abortion rights hotspots in 2021, Thomson Reuters, 31 December 2020.
  85. ^ Genetic Health Act, Laws and Regulations Database of the Republic of China, 8 July 2009.
  86. ^ Act, Amendment of the Criminal Code (No. 28), Royal Government Gazette of Thailand, 6 February 2021 (in Thai).
  87. ^ Women's reproductive and sexual healthcare, Government of the United Arab Emirates, 11 July 2021.
  88. ^ Rape and abortion, EFC.
  89. ^ a b Abortion in Northern Ireland: recent changes to the legal framework, House of Commons Library, 26 June 2020.
  90. ^ Abortion policy in the absence of Roe, Guttmacher Institute, 1 July 2021.
  91. ^ SB149, Arkansas General Assembly, 2019.
  92. ^ SB6, Arkansas General Assembly, 2021.
  93. ^ S1385, Idaho Legislature, 2020.
  94. ^ HB148, Kentucky General Assembly, 2019.
  95. ^ Human Life Protection Act, RS 40:1061, Louisiana State Legislature.
  96. ^ HB126, Missouri General Assembly, 2019.
  97. ^ Gov. Lujan Grisham signs Senate Bill 10, repealing 1969 abortion ban, KOB, 26 February 2021.
  98. ^ HB 1466, North Dakota Legislative Assembly, 2007.
  99. ^ Chapter 187, South Dakota Legislature, 2005.
  100. ^ SB1257, Tennessee General Assembly, 2019.
  101. ^ Texas City Cleared To Become Anti-Abortion ‘Sanctuary City’ As Federal Judge Dismisses Planned Parenthood Challenge
  102. ^ 87(R) SB 8, Texas Legislature, 2021. "The legislature finds that the State of Texas never repealed, either expressly or by implication, the state statutes enacted before the ruling in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), that prohibit and criminalize abortion unless the mother's life is in danger."
  103. ^ SB174, Utah State Legislature, 2020.
  104. ^ Law on the sources of law, Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Supplement for the laws and provisions of Vatican City State, 1 October 2008. (in Italian)
  105. ^ Title VI. Delicts against human life and freedom, Code of Canon Law, Holy See.
  106. ^ a b Penal code for the Kingdom of Italy, 1889, University of Brescia College of Law. (in Italian)
  107. ^ Abortion and the Catholic Church, Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia, American Life League.
  108. ^ Under Vatican ruling, abortion triggers automatic excommunication, National Catholic Reporter, 17 January 2003.
  109. ^ Abortion Ordinance, Sovereign Base Areas Gazette, 21 October 1974.
  110. ^ 46.3903 Authorized abortions, Annotated Code of American Samoa, American Samoa Bar Association.
  111. ^ a b c Abortions are legal in Guam, but doctors won't perform them, Associated Press, 7 June 2019. "The other U.S. territories in the Pacific – American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands – both prohibit abortions except in very limited circumstances."
  112. ^ Criminal Code of Anguilla, Government of Anguilla, 15 December 2014.
  113. ^ Criminal Code of Aruba, Government of Aruba, 3 July 2020. (in Dutch)
  114. ^ a b Safe illegal abortion: an inter-island study in the northeast Caribbean, Gail Pheterson and Yamila Azize, c. 2005.
  115. ^ Criminal Code Act 1907, Bermuda Laws Online, 30 August 2020.
  116. ^ Criminal Code of the Virgin Islands, Government of the British Virgin Islands, 1997.
  117. ^ Penal Code, Government of the Cayman Islands, 2019.
  118. ^ Criminal Code, Government of Curaçao, 2019. (in Dutch)
  119. ^ Much-needed abortion law is missing, Antilliaans Dagblad, 17 February 2015. (in Dutch)
  120. ^ Crimes Ordinance 2014, Falkland Islands Government, 2019.
  121. ^ a b Why 'restrictive' abortion laws still exist in the Faroe Islands, Nordpolitik, 23 November 2019.
  122. ^ a b c Crimes (Amendment) Act 2019, Government of Gibraltar.
  123. ^ Gibraltar votes 'yes' to easing abortion laws, The Guardian, 25 June 2021.
  124. ^ Offenses against the family, Compiler of Laws of Guam, 2018.
  125. ^ Abortion (Guernsey) Law, 1997, Guernsey Legal Resources.
  126. ^ a b c d Law on abortion, Guernsey Legal Resources, 1910. (in French)
  127. ^ a b Rex v. Bourne, Central Criminal Court of England and Wales, 18–19 July 1938.
  128. ^ a b Unplanned pregnancy, Family Planning Association of Hong Kong.
  129. ^ Termination of pregnancy regulations, Hong Kong e-Legislation, 15 February 2017.
  130. ^ Island's progressive abortion reforms in operation from today, Isle of Man Government, 24 May 2019.
  131. ^ Termination of Pregnancy (Jersey) Law 1997, Jersey Legal Information Board, 2019.
  132. ^ Decree-Law no. 59/95/M, Official Press of Macau, 2004. (in Portuguese)
  133. ^ "Penal Code" (PDF). Government of Montserrat. 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 December 2018.
  134. ^ a b Attorney General Opinion, Commonwealth Law Revision Commission, 10 March 1995.
  135. ^ Health clinics performing abortions?, Saipan Tribune, 25 May 2000.
  136. ^ Pitcairn laws, Government of the Pitcairn Islands.
  137. ^ a b Penal Code of Puerto Rico of 2012, with amendments up to 4 August 2020, Government of Puerto Rico. (in Spanish)
  138. ^ El Pueblo de Puerto Rico v. Pablo Duarte Mendoza, Decisiones de Puerto Rico, 17 April 1980. (in Spanish)
  139. ^ General Introduction to Legislation, Saint Helena Government.
  140. ^ Abortion Act (UK) (Tristan da Cunha) Ordinance, 1967, Saint Helena Government, 2017.
  141. ^ Criminal Code, Government of Sint Maarten, 2013. (in Dutch)
  142. ^ Crimes, Procedure and Evidence Rules 2003, Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, 2016.
  143. ^ Handbook for the Law Commissioners of Tokelau, Government of Tokelau, August 2008.
  144. ^ Offences Against the Person Ordinance, Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands, 31 March 2018.
  145. ^ Abortion, 2019 US Virgin Islands Code, Title 14 § 151.
  146. ^ Network, European Data Journalism. "Even where abortion is legal, access is not granted".
  147. ^ "Malta now only EU country without life-saving abortion law". The Malta Independent. July 14, 2013.
  148. ^ a b In Malta abortions are de facto allowed to save the mother's life through observance of the principle of double effect.[147]
  149. ^ a b Ostergren, Robert C.; Le Bossé, Mathias (7 March 2011). The Europeans: A Geography of People, Culture, and Environment. Guilford Press. p. 203. ISBN 978-1-59385-384-6. Retrieved 30 December 2011.
  150. ^ Kelly, Jon (2016-04-08). "Why are Northern Ireland's abortion laws different to the rest of the UK?". BBC News.
  151. ^ Jenkins, Philip (11 May 2007). God's continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe's religious crisis. Oxford University Press. p. 91. ISBN 978-0-19-531395-6. Retrieved 30 December 2011.
  152. ^ a b J. Cherie Strachan; Lori M. Poloni-Staudinger; Shannon Jenkins; Candice D. Ortbals (2019). Why Don't Women Rule the World?: Understanding Women's Civic and Political Choices. SAGE Publications. p. 115. ISBN 978-1-5443-1727-4.
  153. ^ Neil F. Sharpe; Ronald F. Carter (January 30, 2006). Genetic testing: care, consent, and liability. John Wiley and Sons. p. 206. ISBN 978-0-471-64987-8. Retrieved November 28, 2011.
  154. ^ Sally Sheldon; Kaye Wellings (March 2020). Decriminalising Abortion in the UK: What Would It Mean?. Policy Press. pp. 104–105. ISBN 978-1-4473-5401-7.
  155. ^ Christine Ammer; JoAnn E. Manson (February 2009). The Encyclopedia of Women's Health. Infobase Publishing. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-8160-7407-5. Retrieved November 28, 2011.
  156. ^ a b Victoria Bromley (2012). Feminisms Matter: Debates, Theories, Activism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 26–32. ISBN 978-1-4426-0502-2.
  157. ^ Radha Jhappan (2002). Women's Legal Strategies in Canada. University of Toronto Press. pp. 335–. ISBN 978-0-8020-7667-0.
  158. ^ Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo (2018). The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2017. Oxford University Press. p. 248. ISBN 978-0-19-092384-6.
  159. ^ Casey, 505 U.S. at 877.
  160. ^ Alesha Doan (2007). Opposition and Intimidation: The Abortion Wars and Strategies of Political Harassment. University of Michigan Press. p. 57. ISBN 9780472069750.
  161. ^ Liptak, Adam (June 29, 2002). "Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Law, With Roberts the Deciding Vote". The New York times.
  162. ^ Worrell, Marc. "Abortion Laws Worldwide". Women on Waves.
  163. ^ "The World's Abortion Laws | Center for Reproductive Rights". reproductiverights.org. Retrieved 2020-01-07.
  164. ^ "Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean". 10 May 2016.
  165. ^ Reuters (2019-09-06). "El Salvador will seek third trial of woman accused of 'murdering' stillborn". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2020-01-07.
  166. ^ "El Salvador: Rape survivor sentenced to 30 years in jail under extreme anti-abortion law". www.amnesty.org.
  167. ^ "Jailed for a miscarriage". BBC News.
  168. ^ "How Doctors Date Pregnancies, Explained". Rewire.
  169. ^ Choices, NHS (18 October 2017). "Abortion". www.nhs.uk.
  170. ^ "Pregnancy—first day of the last menstrual period". meteor.aihw.gov.au.
  171. ^ "Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) Pregnancy Calculator". reference.medscape.com.
  172. ^ "gestational age".
  173. ^ Some examples of gestational age calculated from the first day of the last menstrual cycle:[168][169][170][171]}[172]
  174. ^ "Loi du 17 décembre 2014 portant modification 1) du Code pénal et 2) de la loi du 15 novembre 1978 relative à l'information sexuelle, à la prévention de l'avortement clandestin et à la réglementation de l'interruption volontaire de grossesse". legilux.public.lu.
  175. ^ For example Luxembourg abortion law states: "Avant la fin de la 12e semaine de grossesse ou avant la fin de la 14e semaine d'aménorrhée[...]" which translates to "Before the end of the 12th week of pregnancy or before the end of the 14th week of amenorrhea".[174]
  176. ^ helsedepartementet, Sosial–og (18 May 2000). "About the Abortion Act". Government.no.
  177. ^ "'Health' of the Mother". Newsweek. October 15, 2008.
  178. ^ "States probe limits of abortion policy". Stateline. June 22, 2006.
  179. ^ Center for Reproductive Rights. (n.d.). Picketing and Harassment. Retrieved December 14, 2006. Archived November 30, 2006, at the Wayback Machine
  180. ^ "Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996 [No. 92 of 1996] – G 17602". www.saflii.org.
  181. ^ Bhalla, Nita (3 November 2020). "Kenyan charities urge government to quit U.S.-led anti-abortion pact". Reuters. Retrieved 3 November 2020.
  182. ^ Sentencia C-355/06 (Constitutional Court 10 May 2006).
  183. ^ Adriana Lama�?ková: Women’s Rights in the Abortion Decision of the Slovak Constitutional Court, 2014
  184. ^ Nepal Supreme Court: Abortion Is a Right, 3 January 2011
  185. ^ Dominican Republic Constitutional Court Repeals Abortion Law, 12 April 2015
  186. ^ "El Tribunal Constitucional de Chile da luz verde a la despenalización del aborto en tres causales en histórica decisión". BBC Mundo. 2017-08-21. Retrieved 2017-08-21.
  187. ^ "Ne prihvaćaju se prijedlozi za ocjenu ustavnosti TZV. Zakona o poba�?aju".
  188. ^ High Court Rules Abortion Remains Illegal In Kenya, 13 June 2019
  189. ^ Colombia's Constitutional Court rules against legalizing abortion in first 16 weeks of pregnancy, 3 March 2020

External links[edit]