
  1. Request: Alex King Rememberances

    Dear WordPress community, My apologies for the selfish and personal nature of this post. I hope you will forgive me given the circumstances. As most of you know, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2013. One of the things my wife and I are trying to do is put together some information…

  2. Hosted on WebFaction

    This site is now hosted on WebFaction1 (if you’re seeing this post, you’re on the new server). Hooray for DNS propogation! WebFaction was one of the hosts recommended to me. I tested it and a handful of other hosts today, going through the account creation process, the process of setting up multiple sites and databases,…

  3. Family and Friends Cancer Update Emails

    I’ve published a set of email updates I’ve been sending to my family and friends to keep them up to date on my progress since my diagnosis back in January 2013. The best way to view these is probably via this thread which presents them in a chronological timeline. I decided to publish these in…

  4. WordPress vs. a Roll-Your-Own Blog Engine

    Inspired by Brent’s consideration of an off-the-shelf blog engine, Santiago Valdarrama has written a post outlining the problems he has with off-the-shelf blog engines. What was so interesting to me about this was that a self-hosted WordPress site addresses nearly every one of his concerns. 1) You don’t have to deal with updates to the…

  5. New Server

    We’ve moved this site and Crowd Favorite to a new box. If you’re seeing this, you’re on the new box. And if you see any issues, please let me know. Thanks!

  6. Owning Your Online Identity →

    Post at the Crowd Favorite blog

    I’ve put up a post on the Crowd Favorite blog about how I use WordPress and the FavePersonal theme (free!) to own my online identity, while still participating with my friends on Facebook and Twitter.

    I love how I have (on my own site) a history of the social reactions to posts like this. Here’s a more casual example; where the social reactions really add to the overall story.

    I think owning your online identity is hugely important – don’t outsource it to some 3rd-party service. But there’s no reason not to take advantage of the benefits of those services. I want to have my cake and eat it to – and I believe I’m doing just that.

    This post is part of the project: Personal Theme. View the project timeline for more context on this post.

  7. More on The Value of Blogging

    Matt recently wrote about the value of blogging. I’d been working on some notes in this area as well, but from a different approach. The part of blogging I find particularly interesting and valuable is the format it provides to be thoughtful about things. Notice something. Think about it. Write about it. The process of…

  8. 2013 in Review

    2013 was a challenge on many fronts. There was the obvious which brought many, many ramifications with it. It was also a year filled with fun, family, and accomplishments I’m proud of. Inspired by Steve, I’m putting together my first year in review post featuring photos. It all started well with the first thorough cleaning…

  9. The Making of Rands in Repose

    I’ve put up a detailed post on the Crowd Favorite blog that outlines the approach, process and execution phases of our redesign of Rands in Repose (and conversion of the site from Moveable Type to WordPress). We’re putting a bunch of good content up on the Crowd Favorite blog these days. There are already a…

  10. HiDPI Friendly

    HiDPI Friendly

    The content images on this site are now HiDPI-friendly! We’re still considering the plugin in beta (make sure to grab the develop branch) – this site is the guinea pig. As you can see, I’m feeling pretty chuffed about it. (Photo via Frontback) This post is part of the thread: Content Presentation – an ongoing…

  11. Blog Nav Moved to Footer

    Footer Blog Nav

    I’ve moved my extended blog navigation feature to the footer of all blog pages. I didn’t hate the mega-menu treatment, but I think this is better. I also chose to remove my deprecated projects from the navigation list. This allows me to remove the topic and date archives from my sidebar as well. I’ve kept…

  12. Blog Navigation Mega Menu

    Blog nav mega menu

    I’m experimenting with a mega menu for my blog navigation. Exposing my content better is always something I’m thinking about, and this gives folks the ability to view by date, type, project, thread and category. Pretty comprehensive. The feature will definitely find a permanent home on this site, I’m just not sure where. The mega…

  13. My Content-Powered Projects Page


    As alluded to earlier, I’ve cleaned up my projects page which is now powered by a new taxonomy, custom post type and the content I’ve generated here over the last decade plus. Turns out, I’ve generated quite a few projects. I’m not completely done creating and managing the content, but I’m pretty happy with the…

  14. Reorganizing

    One thing I’ve learned by publishing on this site for the last decade: the presentation needs of your site will change as your content grows. The thing that’s been bugging me most over the last few months is how poorly my projects page reflects the projects I’m actually working on. I’ve decided to try to…

  15. 2012 in Review

    Welcome to my (semi) annual year in review post. Last year I wrote: I feel like I’m still at a mid-way point on a number of the things I’m trying to accomplish, hopefully 2012 will see continued progress. I’m pleased to say that is indeed how 2012 played out. At Crowd Favorite we took a…