not even a static site?! what is this PHP nonsense?
PHP is what we will all eventually arrive at in other languages
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i still dont get the disgust around wordpress
My thought here is that WordPress was the first thing many devs built with, and they struggled and built some awful stuff. So they look back at that and pin it on the technology, and not themsevles. Certainlly easy to make a mess, but it's a great platform imo
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An ode to old stable and usable technology platforms that run the Internet I say kudos to the team that has delivered this
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WordPress is fast by default. It's poorly programmed plugins and themes that sit on top of WordPress that make it slow.
This is true. WordPress needs to be locked down, too. Plugins and themes can introduce additional serious security flaws and everything needs to get thoroughly vetted before use.
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@wesbos Interestingly I am getting a different scope than you. What page were you testing? -
the url in the tweet. Not the first time I've seen different results on two scans though
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There is a saying in Venezuela: “is not the arrow is the archer”
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