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Tumblr Staff — Private blogging, it’s a vibe. But some innermost...

Tumblr Staff — Private blogging, it’s a vibe. But some innermost...

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Private blogging, it’s a vibe. But some innermost thoughts deserve to be just that: inner. Very, very inner. Now, imagine the perfect complementary app to this one (hellsite). With absolute encryption (for superior secrecy levels), an allowance of thirty photos per entry (for all the moments), even email and text integration (text yourself whenever you feel like it). Yeah, that’s what this is:

Day One (not a hellsite) has joined our family at Automattic. That means Day One (not a hellsite) has joined your family, Tumblr. And that means the universe is telling you to try journaling.

There’s no such thing as cringe in a private journal; it’s all just ~intimacy~. And checking in with yourself in a solo space that looks nice and feels nice. With zero chance of your secrets, the Story of You, or your WIPs reaching other readers unless, or until, you want them to. (No, really. It’s all utterly encrypted.)

Try it out, and never accidentally post something wildly personal on main again. (You’re free to keep doing it on purpose here, though.)

write it like it is like you mean it like you really really mean it here’s looking at you studyblr and you: writblr and you: tumblr humans