
  • Member Since: July 9th, 2021
  • Website:
  • Employer: Gelato
  • Find me on:
  • Committed [2723127] to Plugins SVN:
    Update readme

  • Committed [2682352] to Plugins SVN:
    Release version 1.0.3

  • Committed [2671873] to Plugins SVN:
    Release version 1.0.2

  • Committed [2659375] to Plugins SVN:
    Added changelog description

  • Committed [2659371] to Plugins SVN:
    tagging version 1.0.1

  • Committed [2659370] to Plugins SVN:
    Improvements for shipping rates and translations and fixed small issues

  • Wrote a comment on the post PTE request for Gelato, on the site Translate WordPress:
    Thank you for valuable information. Let us get back.

  • Wrote a comment on the post PTE request for Gelato, on the site Translate WordPress:
    @jbruijs Thank you so much for your quick reply. Let us update and get back…

  • Wrote a new post, PTE request for Gelato, on the site Translate WordPress:
    I am the plugin author for Gelato. We have translations by our internal translators. Please…

  • Committed [2582488] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding first version of the plugin

  • Committed [2582457] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding first version of the plugin

  • Committed [2582410] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding first version of the plugin

  • Committed [2582407] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding first version of the plugin

  • Committed [2582400] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding first version of the plugin

Français (French (France)) Translation Contributor - #fr_FR

Gelato Integration for WooCommerce