Opting into or out of the GitHub Archive Program for your public repository

You can manage whether GitHub includes your public repository in the GitHub Archive Program to help ensure the long-term preservation of the world's open source software.

People with admin permissions to a public repository can opt into or out of the GitHub Archive Program.

By default, all public repositories are included in the GitHub Archive Program, a partnership between GitHub and organizations such as Software Heritage Foundation and Internet Archive to ensure the long-term preservation of the world's open source software. For more information, see "About archiving content and data on GitHub."

If you opt out of the GitHub Archive Program for a repository, the repository will be excluded from any long-term archives that GitHub may create in the future. We will also send a request to each of our partner organizations to remove the repository from their data.

  1. On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. Under your repository name, click Settings. Repository settings button
  3. Under "Features", select or unselect Preserve this repository. Checkbox for allowing GitHub to include your code in the GitHub Archive Program

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