Black Lives Matter. Support the Equal Justice Initiative and read our statement here.

Electron Governance

The Electron governance system is comprised of Working Groups that oversee different aspects of the Electron ecosystem, and an Administrative working group that functions to resolve conflicts between them.

Working Groups


Oversees the projects that make Electron app development easier.


Grows the Electron community


Oversees all release branches, and tooling to support releases.


Oversees public API design based on project principles.


Oversees upgrades of upstream dependencies; specifically Chromium and Node.

Community & Safety

Oversees removal/bans from community.


Proactively ensures the Security of Electron as a project, responds to incoming incidents, and oversees rollout of fixes.


The Administrative Working Group oversees the entire governance and project.


  • A maintainer is anyone who plays an active role in governance.
  • A collaborator is active in the community, but not in governance.
  • A participant is anyone who is a maintainer or collaborator.
  • A working group is a group of maintainers that is formed to take responsibility for certain aspects of the Electron project. Normally these groups will meet regularly but in some cases will only meet as required to fulfill their responsibilities.
  • A chair leads a working group.


All Working Groups have these core responsibilities:

  • They shall decide for themselves, and publicly post, their rules, e.g. how decisions are made, when meetings are held, and who may attend.
  • They shall select a chair to represent the group.
  • They shall keep meeting notes, including agenda items, discussion points, and outcomes for everyone to review.
  • They shall be collaborative and work in good faith with other Working Groups.

See charter for more information.

Código de Conduta

The Electron organization and all repos therein adhere to the following Code of Conduct.


Electron is licensed with the MIT License.


Check out the Governance Repository to find more information about the governance structure.

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