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Electron Documentation

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GPUFeatureStatus Object

  • 2d_canvas String - Canvas.
  • flash_3d String - Flash.
  • flash_stage3d String - Flash Stage3D.
  • flash_stage3d_baseline String - Flash Stage3D Baseline profile.
  • gpu_compositing String - Compositing.
  • multiple_raster_threads String - Multiple Raster Threads.
  • native_gpu_memory_buffers String - Native GpuMemoryBuffers.
  • rasterization String - Rasterization.
  • video_decode String - Video Decode.
  • video_encode String - Video Encode.
  • vpx_decode String - VPx Video Decode.
  • webgl String - WebGL.
  • webgl2 String - WebGL2.

Posibles valores:

  • disabled_software - Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled (yellow)
  • disabled_off - Disabled (red)
  • disabled_off_ok - Disabled (yellow)
  • unavailable_software - Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable (yellow)
  • unavailable_off - Unavailable (red)
  • unavailable_off_ok - Unavailable (yellow)
  • enabled_readback - Hardware accelerated but at reduced performance (yellow)
  • enabled_force - Hardware accelerated on all pages (green)
  • enabled - Hardware accelerated (green)
  • enabled_on - Enabled (green)
  • enabled_force_on - Force enabled (green)

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